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Everything posted by Banedon

  1. I was talking to another player who has been here since the beginning, we got into this discussion and I wanted to put my thoughts down here. The pk server was great for the first 6 months because it was a pk server and people played it as that, However I playing a pker got the same issue. once you hit that lvl (cap) or close to it the pk is no longer fun. From the PK stand point of view. the limit was great. to begin with but than you realize. wait the highest mob trainable (farmable) is the feros. after that it just cost to much to train or farm. THis limits a large portion of the game to the pker. Now the mixer he has no caps and with 0 cool down and no such thing as same ip address changes, figures I will just create harv alts, and mixer alts and I can lvl pretty fast. so the server turned from a pk server to a mixer server with hardly any pk. I tried to roll play with probably one of the best pkers I saw show up, Even called him radu because he was that good at working the game mechanics. The issue has become the pk server is not a pk server it is a mixer server. Ask any of the capped chars. Capped char vs capped char pk fights don't happen because it is a waste. That was not the intent. Now I have heard if u raise the cap or release the cap it will not have a positive affect. I say this the server is not growing it is time to try something new. Release the server of all restrictions. Allow for puchase carebear accounts. Yes it is going to be used by some pkers to have a harver that can't be killed. So be it. does it matter. break down: So break down standard character as it is exception 100a/d and main server pk rules. PK char is the special char that has the bonus of no fight book no fight cap. The carebear character, is a character that can't be pk'd anywhere and is not allowed to engage in fight with anything, he is on permanant peace day. If they want creature bits for summonging pay for another account or buy them. I will explain it out when I am not drinking, and can make more sense. but everyone who plays daily on the pk server now are mixers, even if they were pkers. They became mixers. I don't want to here I like it the way it was from people who don't play pk but play main, or when the server grows I will play, the server will never grow with that attitude. Man up if you like the current rules start playing again, or quit saying u like the way the rules are. NOW I got stronger than I want. BUT DARN IT I want this server to work. ONLY WAY IT WILL WORK IS IF YOU COME BACK AND PLAY or ADMIT THE RULES U DECIDED ON AS PLAYERS although good in intent DID NOT WORK. ****** IF they did the server would be growing. not down to about 10 dedicated players.
  2. starting players view of the pk server

    Anything is worth a try over what we have now. There is no player base any more, other than the few dedicated players. However if you throw the cool down in basically you have limited it completely than to desert chims as the highest animal that can be killed, and with so few of players have removed doing any of the instances.
  3. Please ideas are welcome this is just an idea for how to possibly increase the player base on pk server, and to bring back some of the old players. THese are just ideas. these ideas also allow a player to pay and decide if they want to upgrade later (imho). I will try to explain why the poll here. currently you pay 5 usd for pk server and are capped at 100a/d so nobody can really get ahead, you pay additional 50usd for special character. I don't know if it is cost affective for programming for the below. you pay an additional set USD to have no a/d cap.( this would allow all instances to be played if enough characters come over) you could pay additional fee to be a non pk race, maybe a new race that can't be pk'd but is capped a/d to either the standard 100, or lower allowing those who wish to just be suppliers. This will allow for the following. 1. all instances can be played currently the advanced is the highest instance. 2. people who don't want pk but want the benefits of pk server could have them by paying a small fee more. 3. the pk cap depending on how cost effective the programming is could be an incrimental increast like sets of 20 ie 120,140,160 paid in an amount set by the owner Radu. 4. I am not a programmer so I don't know how easy this is to do. I just want to get both the pk player idead and those that may be wanting to join pk if this is added. Please put if you currently have a pk account or do not,
  4. ideas on changes to draw more people

    the issue is not how to get people to return that quit it is to get new people who are willing to play, the issue is this we pay to play, unlike the free people. But yet we don't have some of the benefits of the free people. OK I would say this cap needs to be moved to lets say 120, Why so we have a chance to fight the pro instance, WHy should we have to be capped to the bottom lvl of the pro instance when we pay, Becuase those who sat down with radu and came up with the rules for the pk server don't play anymore. And don't say you do, BKC and my self are the only ones playing that started day 1 on pk server, and I just came back a month ago. So if the rules that you set were so good, than why are you not playing anymore, I quit for a year because the pk got so boring because of plvling.
  5. STAR

    Rooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr LW here We do honorable pk, However there are times when nobody is safe this is the PK server. 1. Honorable pk means we do not go out of our way to kill harvers, Unless they are known alts of a pker. 2. We have days where all rules are gone, on those days just like an invasion a warning is given. This can be 1 player or the whole guild that has a blood lust. 3. Most of all is to have fun and not create strife in guild, strife outside of guild is going to happen on a pk server. Favorite quotes from other players. "noob killer" "wannabee pker" "come to main I will pk u there" OH and my all time favorite. "I am pr0 on main I will take over the server in a week" 1 week later they are never back. Our Motto for the days when we are less than honorable and is to be considered a warning. "As the Blood Moon Rises, So does the Blood Lust in the Souls of our Members."
  6. I have been thinking of alot of ideas alot of it started with Entropies poll. 1. Enriched Earth Essie Just like other essies. 1a Sword of Earth special affects bonus damage only when used in caves. 1b Armor of the earth special affects bonus defense to heat and gold. Protection against falling walls. 2. Enriched Air Essie 2a. Weapon of the Air. Faster +2 speed bonus to attack 2b. Armor of the Air. Defense bonus +2 3. Enriched Spirit Essie 3a. Sword of the spirit bonus on attacks against dead beings. 3b. Armor of the spirit bonus defense against dead beings. 4. Enriched Matter Essence 4a.? 4b.? 5. Enriched Energy essence 5a. Energy sword. mana burns in attack % chance 5b. Energy armor. +? protection against energy attacks Now I have alot more just starting with the swords and armor. I also like making these swords/ armor and having a 50/50 chance of making the opposite. IE energy sword when used mana burns yourself if you make a possessed sword. you would not realize this until it is used for the first time. The same could be true with armor. There could be one of these for each essence.
  7. Community Rules of PKSERVER

    Rule 1. None Shall PK during Invasions, (MrHIde Invasions) ORiginal rule 2 removed as per community consensus Rule 2. None shall use Excessive vulgarity in channel 1. If you are asked to stop the vulgarity by anyone consider it a community warning. Rule 3. Scamming shall not be done. All rules will carry a community sentencing handed down by a judge based on the severity. If a judge is affected by the breakage of a rule another judge must handle the case. IF a judge is found to have infracted in a rule HE shall be judged by another judge accordingly and will lose his status as a community judge.
  8. Funny spots

    Welcome to the thor tree. Notice it has arms and a pick axe. It also has a beer gut.
  9. Basis of government body.

    Readded after cooling down for a second. basically all I think would be needed is a community rules section already done. a community based punishment for breaking the rules the sheriffs should not be the people to make the punishment since the community will have done this and the rules will just need a punishment to go with it. and Maybe 2 elected sheriffs. now this limits the amount of politics in it. It also allows for some roleplay. does that make more sense.
  10. Basis of government body.

    I give up
  11. A PK community meeting

    LMAO that is funn as heck and true. JK
  12. PK server List of Criminals

    I don't want to deal with the outside PK server politics anymore. you know what I really don't care at all anymore. So I guess you guys who don't play on the PK SERVER win.
  13. PK server List of Criminals

    I like this thread, it backtracks more than a runaway prisoner in the bayou. Now you're saying you're role playing being the top 3 players and their friend? Whatever happened to "if you trade with the ebul one you will be summarily judged and deemed worthy of being PKd the shit out of" or whatever the line was? if I just say I am not willing to RP being a peon you leave me alone and the community (ie you 4 guys) just let me harvest cotton in peace? this is probably one of the best responses to this thread heard yet. you know the punishment for trading with a person after being banned for trade has not been decided and it it would happen it would be a community decision as to how to handle it. Yes from the outside looking in. It looks like I handed down judgement. without consult of the community at large. You may also say it looks like I self appointed these 3 other people. You would be correct we did not hold elections. However it was only done at the time being because of the 3 of us are the top fighters and in a game such as this the only people who can enforce rules are those who fight hard. Now I specifically appointed BKC56 for several reasons. 1. reason one he is a supplier not a pker. 2. he has played since the beginning. 3. He is probably the most fair of everyone. 4. He has no specific ties to anyone and spam is allies with most. But since I see your point I will put down and here all the bashing on it as well a rough draft of a governing body and a possible nominations and elections section. Yaser, handy, and myself do not need to hold positions we can be enforcers of the community body.
  14. PK server List of Criminals

    LOL you know what I think SOme of you missed the fact that this is another ROLE PLAYING ASPECT to the PK server. We do alot of that on the pk server. If you read about the events that we have on the PK server they all have roleplay with them. If you don't like roleplaying that is fine to, you don't need to participate in the role play aspect. Considering their are role players on main too and ones that don't. I don't see the roleplayers bashed because they role play. you had a outlaws forum on main server well except for some most are outlaws by main server standard here. So yes we added another element of role play and I am glad to see that some people really like that fact and have joined because of the role play aspect that we have added. But hey it is not for everyone. If everyone liked EL their would be no other games online.
  15. PK server List of Criminals

    LOL you know why he put that siggy up there because that is what I was called by the none pk playing people. He did it just as I did poking fun as to what I was called on here. I have killed probably the most amount of people on the pk server but nobody gets upset, why because it is the risk of the pk server and because I have my own rules of how I play. THese are my personal rules these are not community rules. AGAIN THESE ARE ONLY THE RULES I PLAY BY. 1. WHEN I pk a person i give them 1 game day w/o worry of getting pk'd by me. Unless it has been dictated by the community to help a troublemaker. 2. I do not curse and swear and go on tyrants. 3. I myself have gone over the top in global chat and have been asked to calm it down and I do. 4. When I pk a noob, just because I found them out and about, and did not have the on my kill list I offer them back their gear. I only do this the first time. since it is basically a senseless killing they had no way of protecting themselves. if they don't want their gear back I give it to another noob or even the ants. 5. adhere to any community rules set. I have strict rules for myself in game so that I don't go over the top and chase the new players away. just because it is a pk server and is a lawless server does not mean that we all have to act a certain way. As many people that hated the way HOtzenplotz Played, I enjoyed his style of play. It gave me the thrill of constantly looking over my shoulder. gettin pk'd and then coming back with fight gear and trying to win. I never did beat him but I tried. MP was the master of the server HE knows what he is doing. We miss him too. Most of the pkers from the beginning were respected pkers with a few that acted a few cards short of a full deck. I am not the nazi dictator nor a king of the server that those 3 of you who don't play on the pk server think I am. If you get an account and come to the pk server you can ask anyone pm anyone heck even forum pm anyone and you will see. YOU KNOW THERE IS ONLY 1 KING and that is RADU.
  16. PK server List of Criminals

    LMAO piggy ty I needed the big laugh. I will huff and puff and blow your house in.
  17. PK server List of Criminals

    Eternity everyone has heard that so much. I won't play because this or I won't play becasue that. I'm not playing until he changes this back. I'm not playing until this happens. YOu would not believe the amount of the posts on main server or here all with the same broken record. YOu never were going to play or you would have. To use this is the reason I am not playing is just your way of thinking you can make people bend to your way. HMMM isn't that exactly what you are trying to say I am doing. Well I guess if you look back through. Everyone who plays on the PK server is pro this and everyone who doesn't play on the pk server is against this. LOL this is just so funny
  18. PK server List of Criminals

    I'm supply plenty of ideas, go back and read my post if you must. I'll spell it out for you: We don't make them pay GC on the main server. We let the players decide if they want to personally punish the person or not, and we sure as hell don't punish people for trading with an outlaw. I also understand that but you can't compare main to PK. why there are no Game rules other than using macros. our amount of pk maps is almost exact opposite as mains. their are not enough people on here yet that can keep a person constantly in the underworld maybe in the future when there are 100+ people playing on the pk server that would be capable. However usually when a person is found guilty of a crime they pay a penalty and they do time in however you want to call it. also look at main when a game rule is broken alot of time it leads to payment in gc to radu and or loss of exp. you don't have that here.
  19. PK server List of Criminals

    Wait.. What? You're taking what I said entirely out of context, and twisting it to fit your argument. I never said nor implied that you should have no rules at all. What I SAID is that you shouldn't have this group of players that think they're freaking kings enforce whatever rules they see fit, and then place bullshit punishments for doing whatt he sevrer was intended for: PKING. Don't you remember the name of your own damn server? Maybe you should think this through, and think for the better of the server, rather than placing yourself in a position of power. I can almost guarantee that this stupid idea will put many people off the server. How are community rules enforced on the main server? Did you ever think about doing ti that way? We don't make people do retarded punishments like banning them from being traded with and threatening people who trade with them, if they kill a pvper. We ostracize them, and put them on our PK lists. that doesn't have anything to do with what I was saying, anyways. You've all established that the PK server is a nice place to play now (As in, no constant swearing/flaming/racism/etc), and it was working fine apparently, until one incident of someone pking people in a invasion. Well, PK him back! Don't make up bullshit punishments. And yes, I'm repeating myself, because I feel this needs emphasis. I understand your argument here and concur. this is actually the first person and only person who has broken our rules. this is the 2nd time. 1st time he said he did not know the rule. HE was told the rule and nothing more. 2nd time he said he never changed the password from when he purchased the char and the original owner must have done it. OK very light sentence to pay the people that he broke the rule a monetary amount of gc. no way of enforcing this other than to constantly pk herass that person for a week. we would rather not do that. I don't understand you are creating a big issue of this but you are not supplying any ideas of what to do as a community to fix these issues. Yes most people look to the 4 of us in the community now for disputes. mainly as has been said we are just and we are strong fighters. THe only thing we can do is not trade them and pk them any chance we can the rest is up to the person who has been found guilty. BTW I talked with the community and with The offender before handing down my judgement on the issue at hand. I took into account what he had said and his past history.
  20. PK server List of Criminals

    OK eternity. Lets use your example WE don't have any community rules you do what ever you please. Been there done that lost 30+players to that in the first month of the game. OK new player comes in lvl's and you can lvl fast in the game if you want to. waits for invasions so he can go kill people that are in a short area. He goes and kills them and does that over and over and over now all the lower level players quit. Leaving with only about 5 players. I don't see how it benefits anyone. so lets see if we go by your idea only 2 people may play. IT already happened. now we came up with some community rules and got ok for Invasions, we made a community rule for invasions. the invasions were bringing in more and more people. The new players liked the invasions as well as the old players because it was a safe time during the invasions. where everyone could have fun even the non PK players who play on the servers. We got ants on the server some people help the ants some people kill them. WE have already learned that complete anarchy did not work. so we took the next step 4 community rules. this is why I am saying if you acutaly new what happened from the beginning you would understand more. there are very few of us left that played from the beginning. some of the reasons were once alot of the people who loved pk but hated the constant, swearing and name calling left, than those who were doing it left becasue now they had hardly anyone to pk. i IN the beginning. It was like giving a 5th a list of racist comments and swear words and telling him to go out in the center of town and use everyone over and over and over. Lone
  21. PK server List of Criminals

    I'm curious as to what "power" you feel is in the hands of the "small elite"? The power to PK? Well they have that anyway (well, other than me). The power to impose trade sanctions? That only works if the rest of the community agrees with the crime/punishment (it's trivial to get around trade bans if you feel the person doesn't deserve it). The power to post their names on a forum? Most people couldn't care less about that (some even take honor in being posted to an "outlaws" type forum). It's just not clear to me what this horrible power hungry elite is suppose to have. YOu are correct you have a right but to presume based on forum post not based on the community as to how things are being handled as strong as you did was out of control. 1 you knew not all the details befor you arbitrarely posted so strongly. if you want to know the details. here it is in a nutshell 1.we keep most if not 95% internal to the server and do not post on here for this very reason. 2. all the rules I posted were ones that we all agree upon in game. I did not just make them up. 3. the person who broke the rule on pking lesser players during a major invasion did it once before and said he did notknow. so no community punishment was given. 4. This time it was done again. he said the old owner still had the account and he knew nothing of what happened until afterwords. MY initial response was a slap on the wrist, he said he changed his password so that it would not happen again. 5. the community felt this was not enough. and requested I give a harsher punishment. 2k gc is not much to someone of his lvl. where is that 2k supposed to go? to the people that he infringed on the community rules to. I am not actively wanting to punish a player with trade sanctions or anything of the such but a person can hide within game and come out and kill all the Lower level and new players when an invasion is going on, and we can't do anything about it, since we are tied up with trying to keep ourselves alive with our lvl mob. So you can say WELL LVL YOUR A/D to protect yourself. well great so they goto the next lvl during invasions and a person or player does the same. If we don't nip this as a community even more players will be lost to it. so together as a community we came up with these rules. and it fell upon the top fighters to basically show our swords as a way of making it happen. and unfortunately in EL that is the only way on the server that it can be done. If you have another way that would work and not require more than self Moderation I will be the first to welcome and accept it. LOnewolfe
  22. PK server List of Criminals

    Again from a non participant perspective. It usually has something to do where the people stand in the power base. Probably those the benefit from the power base will call it tight self moderated community and not an oligarchy. You don't normally see tyrants and their benefited followers calling themselves 'power hungry elitists'. Just a real life example because I lack a better comparison [ Please forgive any mixed feeling about this comparison. There is no way to compare this without going so far back in history no one will even 'get it'] The nazis to the rest of the world are\was 'bloody thirsty power hungry murders hell bent on world domination', and to their own party 'bringing back the glory to Germany, and restoring the health, economy, and strength to the German people" I would make a contemporary comparison, but it would only degrade into a political argument. Hmm...Perhaps a pk server account would be a good way to study a micro oligarchy (at least for me). Robotbob I was not going to post but you bring up some good pts. However I must think of a couple things here that maybe you have misunderstood do to 2 people who don't play perception. only 1 rule does benefit the top 3 fighters and that is the language. and if you saw by the rule I put down it was not that people could not swear or even act arrogant as you may say but if it starts to get offensive and people say something it is time to stop. NOw how do the other rules benefit the top 3. considering 2 of the 3 are from the same guild and the 3rd is guildless. SO lets look at it. the community rules based on pk during invasion is specifically geared to the lower lvl players so those that are stronger than them just don't go in and kill them. Yes 1 on 1 and even 1 on 2. i can win but I can be beat by using the game mechanics. I actually care more about the community than I do about my play. the reason for the different lvl's of invasions monsters is to help new people who are playing, by giving them something to do instead of invasions only for the top players. SO if you understand this than you would understand that if we just pk all the lesser players during an invasion they will either quit playing or quit partaking in the events. AS A COMMUNITY WE DON"T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN. The reason why this originally was posted was to pass on the word about punishment. originally it was being done internally but I kept getting pm's do you know what x did during yesterday's invasion. Why do you think the community came to me. not because I am a dictator but because I am respected, I am a powerful fighter in game, and I am fair. In fact probably too Easy. Most of the community did not think my way of taking care of the situation was strong enough.
  23. PK server List of Criminals

    HMM lets see I am done posting. PERiod I am not doing another thread. I am totally sick already, the same as Radu gets, at how many trolls who don't even play on the PK server just bash anything like they PLay on it. DUDE if you not going to play on the PK SERVER than quit trying to bash those who are trying to make something out of it. RADU NOW I truly understand why you get so upset with certain people. THE ONLY TIME THEY POST IS TO BASH SOMEONE OR SOMETHING. and constantly say well I will come back if you do this. THEY NEVER DO. IT REALLY DISGUSTS ME HOW YOU ACTED ON THIS. IT would be different if you still played on the PK SERVER. Those who know not should learn before opening ones mouth. RULE 1 has brought some people back and gaining new people that play alot. An invasion would not be so great if all the high lvl's ran around pking the lower lvl's the goal is to give them a chance to lvl without worry of PK. Rule 2 is really just a sub charter of rule 1 Rule 3 if it would have been there in the beginning would have kept probably 10-20 people from quitting. RUle 4 Is there because it is even too outlawish for me to scam someone. ARE any of these against game rules no. IN fact probably those who wanted a PK SERVER did not want rules like this. HOWEVER NONE OF THEM HAVE PLAYED SINCE THE FIRST MONTH. SO YES I kinda took charge after most people quit playing with the help of alot of people especially handyman, yaser, and BKC to strive to make the PK SERVER GROW> I REALLY think SOME OF YOU WANT IT TO FAIL that is why you have to start a flame on something that you know nothing of. I'm DONE I'm PIssed and I am just going to play EL on the PK Server and will do what the community who plays ask not what you PEOPLE WHO THINK YOUR OPINION IS GOD WHO DON't EVEN PLAY ON IT. PS. YOU DON"T LIKE THE RULES COME KILL ME AND SET you own isn't that simple. I Proved it would not be hard to kill me if you know what you are doing.
  24. PK server List of Criminals

    Basically it is the code of the lawless on the PK server. We have no real way of enforcing anything but we can make it harder for those who wish to break said rules. IE and for the most part the rules were unwritten just like the code of the wild West. However i had to write them down. And yes the only way and I have said it before to enforce those rules is to be the strongest. Yes 3 out of the 4 of us are the strongest players who still play. BKC is not a fighter but a lover and has alot of wisdom. The other thing is everyone that "I" have set out as a judge are ones who have been FAIR and JUST on this server and have been here since the beginning and have stuck with it when alot left. WE are trying to build the community. WE are trying to make IT a fun PK SERVER, WE are trying to grow it for our sake as WELL as RADU. SOme may not like the rules and that is fine. THey may break the rules and that is fine to. We will hand down our judgement and it can either be accepted or not. If it is not accepted the community who agrees to these rules will not deal with those people. We may have to take turns posting to help the lesser fighters from being pk'd on the invasion maps if people use invasions to attack people they no are not as good of fighters. Lonewolfe.
  25. PK server List of Criminals

    god? erm u died on pk server among other players. ....so i / we made our self teh god? i dont like to be called god, so u can call me king if you want And I did until someone comes along and can kill us or is more popular.