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Everything posted by zsert

  1. "greton": in eternal lands

    hi this is my second story bout a character! hope u likey "Boom" the earth shook fiercely and rocked the small village located on isle prima. Trees were falling rocks were rolling the villagers screamed in fear. When the great earthquake finally stopped, there was but only one casualty. It was a female elf, she was one day short from giving birth. As the villagers investigated her body they realized the baby was still alive. It amazed everyone on isle prima, the rock had smashed his moms belly area; close to where he was. The villagers quickly found a new home for this little bundle of joy, the family who took him in were the gretons. They had named the boy Raymond. Now growing up was not easy for raymond, all the other children knew about how he almost died except for him. So when they wrestled they would always go easy on him, because they thought if they got rough they might accidentally kill him. "c'mon try harder then that robert" yelled raymond, who was on top holding down a little boy. The little boy was named robert, he was pretty short and he was stron, he had brown hair, bright blue eyes, and he was smart. "nah raymond i'm afraid i might get hurt" lied robert. "oh fine i know how paranoid you are about you and your bones" raymond said snotty as he walked away. Now raymond was kind of a brat in this age but he soon found out about the truth. "what??!! i'm adopted and you never told me!!" yelled raymond scared and shocked. His parents were good folk and didnt want to scar to him. But raymond overheard their conversation, his parents of course were elven and they were tall and beautiful people. They had blonde hair and his mom had blue eyes while his dad had green eyes, his dad was muscular and his mom agile. "we didnt want to hurt you raymond. we thought all for the best" Raymond was fed up with his parents and charged out of the house. "i'm never coming HOME!!" cried raymond; as his parents sighed. It was about time raymond left home, at his age he would have left a year ago since raymond is 14 now. Raymond started at a run into the forest with nothing but some leather armor and a small dagger. He quickly ran deep into the forest, where everything looked the same and there was no telling which way he'd been going. Raymond soon became scared, as he saw no way out of this maze of a forest. Night was beginning to fall so he decided to go and set up camp under a giant tree. Whether he had known someone was living there he might have not gone to that exact tree. to be cont. note from author* this story is gonna be like in episodes kk bye
  2. In a small island of isle prima a small elven boy was concieved by 2 female elves. Such a wonder not even the smartest of the wizards could figure it out. Maybe a sign from a unknown god not wanting to be revealed? Such a great god, some thought. Many believed that this was a greater god coming down from the heavens looking for followers. And many elves, dwarfs, and humans abandoned their gods to serve this mighty god. But thus as they left their beliefs and became traitorous this holy god did not descend from the heavens as some prophesized. This boy that was concieved of two females did not look like a normal boy. this boy had eyes of those from a girl. His mothers thought "such a beautiful boy" and became entranced in his eyes. People from all over the world came to see this little boy and they all fell in love with him, they served him day and night and killed bunnies for him. Thus the world plunged into darkness. There was hope because a small band of warriors had the sight of aluwen who was the only person god thing that did not become entranced by this boy. The band broke in and with one swipe sliced the boy in half. "This is the end of the great darkness....." said aluwen as she spied at the house."This is only the beginning, the murder of this boy is the beginning of the end" said a mysterious voice. to be continued...
  3. AoE Recruiting

    Hey can i join ur guild?? hehe hey I LOVE fareightnhieght 9/11 i dont know how to spell tht
  4. life by zsert

    I remember it like it was yesterday, the sun shinning bright on me. i had been born on isla prima at the beam. my childhood was very boring so i'm gonna skip that part if its alright with you. so then i had turned 16 and i was a tall young man, i had brown hair and i was an elf. i remember i was wearing a black shirt and a white bottom, and i thought i looked deadly hadsome. so i set off on my journey to valley of the dwarfs, i had heard there was a special person who could hold everyones items and for some reason he never leaves that area. well i never questioned that strange fella i just asked him to hold my stuff. so i was on the boat to..., i think it was deep coral?? or dep coal?? no wait i remember it was white stone village...no wait i think it was a city, yeah i remember now it was a city. hey sorry if i cant remember things but this was in my young age, now i'm just a old elf who is mortal. so i arrived there, and i remember fondly a man just like me was at the docks looking for a guide to valley of the dwarfs. so i said "follow me" and i quickly asked his name. his name was menton, and i had asked him it was a funny name. he had told me "oh my parents are elfs but they live in a place called dwarf town.. its a long story" and he didnt tell me that story until later in our journey. so we walked to the next boat and they told us it wasnt a free ride, unlike the ride i had just gotten. so we looked at each other and we thought how are we gonna go if we dont have money. i sure wasnt looking towards being a butler, which was all they had at that city; since there were barely any new job openings. so we looked at the boat and we thought since it's so big we could just sneak on and catch a ride. and it was doable. more later bye
  5. Mynadar?

    lol dwarfs r funny really short...i'm a tall elf though, and i make cookies fer keebler LMAO!! hahaha :shock: uh oh
  6. my story of isla prima

    uuhh.. it lacks detail..and it rushes kinda cuz all of a sudden theres grass grwoing n stuff and no detail?? but i agree ur story is ok but it's like a paragraph if not less.. i'm afraid i'm gonna have to give it a 3 outta 10
  7. quest idea

    here goes nothing so theres this group called the twinlands k? n they capture portlands king and they're hanging him over a pit of hot lava. they demand that you must summon 1 deer 1 rabbit 1 wolf 1 gargoyle and 1 fox in half a day. then when the player summons it, it triggers a even where they say haha no we wont let him go so then you gotta go and find this band of npcs hiding out in the cave and they come and get slaughtered and then they say only one hting could kill us..and they give u a hint..but the thing is u cant wield the thing so u gotta find a person. so when ur done ur reward is 5 pickpoints 5000 exp.
  8. poll do u like my stories?

    hey thi sis just a p oll
  9. raides (monthly town raid)

    no what are u talking about elves dont ahve superhuman strength they gots agility and hopss man dwarfs get tired too i mean really watch lord of the rings tht lil dwarf gets tired. but does legolas?? nnoooo so who has the stamina now?? booya!!
  10. "greton": in eternal lands

    :shock: cont. As hosk and raymond walk down towards isle prima's dock they stop for a minute and hosk picks up a rabbit fur that was laying on the ground. "what is that?" asked raymond, as they walked further."oh my lad, it's a rabbit fur. Hunters they come they kill they leave and waste, so i like to pick em bak up.""oh" replies raymond. They get to the docks and each purchase a ticket and board the huge ship. The ship was brown and the length was about 500 feet. It was one of the biggest ships at the docks, the biggest one was like a huge floating island. Raymond and hosk find their rooms onboard."hey hosk i'm gonna go and catch the fresh air" "oh ok you go n do that but when they depart ya gotta come in, i'm a business man n all and i take these ships all teh time; n when they depart man the ship shakes vigoursly." warned hosk. So raymond goes out and comes back in, and their ship travels fast. In no time at all they're at white stone. "hurry lad, we cant miss the teleport to irvendale" "i thought this was the great city you were talking about" "oh non-sense were going to a place where no one but gnomes know about, it's called irvendale the teleport is just up ahead" "i dont even see...." before raymond could even finish they get swept up high into the sky, and no one seems to even notice that they are flying without any kind of contraption what so ever. and in no time at all they are in irvendale. "chirp chirp" hosk turns towards raymond and ask "lad i heard a chirp from your pocket? do you have a fairy of some sort?" "yeah" raymond replied while taking me out. "aaahhh" i said "oh my lad, this is a very rare male grenton" "thats my last name" said raymond "wat? it is? wow then your part of the legendary greton family who produce the greton fairies. When did you recieve this fairy?" "hey i can hear you ok" i said Hosk just kept on looking at me without saying a word, his mouth is open and he is barely drooling. "hey hey keep your drool to yourself i said" "oh yes lil one" replied hosk. and with that i had swept back down into raymonds bag. "he doesnt like bein outside in the open, he only stays in there or my pocket. He doesnt do anything much, i'm the only he talks to" said raymond. with the discovery of this new little fairy who knows what can happen in next times episode of "greton"
  11. "greton": in eternal lands

    cont. When he saw the white flash by he knew it must have been the fluffy white rabbit so he followed the trail of foot prints. As he went he we led to a dark cave, he laid down to scout the cave for any bears or goblins. All he saw was a fluffy white rabbit. "wait!"cried a voice urgently."do not go into the evil fluffy white rabbits lair" "what do you mean look at it, it's just a small fluffy and cute rabbit" "oh no, many a times that rabbit has taken a mans life" raymond thinking the man is crazy; and goes in with his dagger drawn. the white rabbits jumps towards him and catches his face clawing it. "aaaaahhhhh" raymond cried, as the rabbit cut his ears. "ara dul cam jul" spoke the man softly and the rabbit fell off of raymonds face and was blown into fire."i told you that rabbit was evil, but you did distract it long enough for me to kill that hellspawn, and for that i thank you. Here a token of my apprectiation" and with that word the man held out a long iron sword and chainmail."thank you mister" spoke raymond softly,"i-i-i" but the man was gone, he had vanished."oh LAD!" shouted a person. Then the gnome came running with a giant axe. "oh i heard you scream i thought he had you for real" the gnome says while looking at the dead evil rabbit."many a days has that rabbit given me many hard times" "hey how did you get that sword? i didnt see you with it and it's too big for your bag." raymond started to speak but was intrrupted by the gnome. "well lad never mind that, my name is hosk; dont tell me yours i already know raymond". "but how did you know my name?" asked raymond."hahah, it was on your bag and i swear it's on every piece of clothing your wearing too." " so now that you have a sword do you want to learn the art of fighting?" asked the gnome "sure" replied raymond "oh i cant teach you but lets go and head over to grahms village there a good friend of mine can teach you." "oh really? whats his name" "er its a she, and her name is reven. theres a person with a name close to that named raven if that is what your talkin about" "oh", and they go back to hosk's house to pack. "well we better get going" shouts hosk towards raymond, who is inside the house. Raymond comes running out and the two start a walk to the port where they can get a ride to mainland. to be cont. post up your comments plz
  12. "greton": in eternal lands

    note from the author* im bored so i'm starting on it again So raymond had set up camp got his little fire going and ate supper. His supper was a old elven soup, the color was brown and the texture was rough. His soup was called a klarhklai, it consisted of brown bark and some minerals straight from the ground. To a human the taste would have been unbearable to eat. So he finally went to bed under the tree. It had been no longer then thirty minutes later that he heard a crack. He was half awake when he rose his head to survery his surroundings. And he turned around and when he looked in back of him, he was eye to eye with a small gnome. The gnome was short and had a red hat on, he was wearing a suit and looked like he was a business man."vatt are you doing in my hoouse" grumbled the small stocky gnome. "and vatt are you doing in my yaard","oh me? i didnt think anyone lived here. The place looked uninhabited so i thought it was ok to sleep on this fair and soft ground." "bahh" the gnome grumbled "ook you can stay on me yardd, if you get rid of the fluffy and whiiite rabbit" "why do u want this rabbit dead?" asked raymond "do you want to sleep here toniight or whaat?" "yeah yeah i will kill it tomarrow" So raymond got back down and slept on the dwarfs yard. As the beautiful sun rose so did the gnome still fresh in his mind about the promise the boy made. "hey you, it's time to go rabbit hunting for you","yeah?? i'm going." and raymond started at a stumble with his dagger in search of the white fluffy rabbit. he was walking and walking when he saw something white flash by. to be cont.
  13. Legend: Ghost Story - Evil in the Forests...

    it's a pretty good story but eh.. LMAO JKJKJKJKJ i'm just kidding. i didnt read it lol hope u didnt take it personal
  14. A Tale of Vermor Castle

    oh man that is a great story so far. you have nice and smooth writing lyanna i give this story two thumbs up yeeyah :lol: do u like mortos? :twisted:
  15. short story in eternal lands by zsert

    hey lyanna yeah i sort of did wander a lot away from the lil boy. i was tired cuz i was volunteering at la county hospital when i wrote the middle partrs of the story. it's not my best story far far far from that. but lemme make another story up. i'll make it up at home cuz the hospital i'm tired :shock: bye hobs aka zsert
  16. short story in eternal lands by zsert

    sorry about the last chapter being mostly italicized i dont know how to use the forum thingy ma bobber. yeah so i hope to hear from you lyanna and other people. i like typing its fun :shock: my god is my only god
  17. short story in eternal lands by zsert

    The captain turned around to see a juggernaut looking at him with his twin steel axes drenched with blood of his comrades. the juggernaut smiles and lets out a huge and terrifying laugh."AHAHAHAHAHAH, you coward you dare not even move in my presence humans are weak.......aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" the captain had drawn his sword and thrusted it deep into the juggernauts genitals."aaaaahhhhh" the captain does a spin and thrusts the sword into his chest. he turns his sword slowly, and painfully tortures the juggernaut."whos the weakling now?" and with that he withdraws and enters in the juggernauts head.thumpthe juggernaut falls to the ground still warm. "boom boom boom" there are cannon fire and the captain looks back, the cavalry has arrived. the alliance between aluwen and the humans in the eternal lands and the planet geirgos of the high elves have come to her aid. the gonbeians get totally wiped out fast and hard. Aluwen stares outside of the village at the field and she thinks to herself "there was no war happening only a battle what was i thinking when i thought we were going to have a great war? we have won the battle and the war" "the end" she thought "was just the end of my planet, but they were all destroyed.. someone played back teh strings of time" and with that she smiles up into the sky and says "father" THE END (starwars theme plays) by zsert. writing by zsert concept by zsert typing by zsert special thanks to my friends mortos is over :twisted: epilogue with aluwens battle over the gods with her quickly jail mortos and selain for a short period before mortos breaks out weak. his anger brews. "there will be blood running in the streets" said mortos as he crawled away The little boy concieved by two female elves was sent away to the planet armad so that he will always be safe, the two parents that took care of him were paid very generously. They had a ceremony for all who gave their lives for aluwen.
  18. short story in eternal lands by zsert

    With the gaurd shouting at her to look out she automatically ducks down and a giant spear comes over her and barely misses ur head. "aluwen get over here, we must hurry before the enemy gets to our town!!" then 50 gaurds came running down to help the one thousand that was already preparing to engage the enemy."we dont have enough troops you'll die!" shouted aluwen."but at least we will die knowing that we served u mighty goddess who gave us life and peace." the enemy which are gonbei a different form of elves and humans and dragons intertwined had giant swords and fell beasts flying, scouting the land. the time had come for the first battle of the epic war. "men! get ready to kill some dirty gonbeian!"shouted the hulking captain."yeaaahhhhh!!!" and with that the gonbeian came down rushing them. Captain renuld came running up and ducked down as the enemies sword came to slice his head off, he shifted his body towards the left hand side and swung with his mighty arms to cut the gonbeians body in half. It fell apart cleanly and the blood was little. he had a quick death, he would have the only quick death. the soldiers were locked into battle as aluwen surveyed the area. She saw a pair of soldiers get thrown a hundred feet as 3 gonbeians came chargeing down with spears, they had landed on pikes that were positioned up on the ground for defense. their moans echoed through the battlefield."aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" the captain looked back and a single clear blue tear came rolling down his rough cheeck. never had he seen such violence in his life, never such heartless behavior the gonbeians cut them into quarters halves and even 1/20 th of a person. their side was dying slowly and painfully and he knew that. to be cont. (note*) hehe battle cont. i hope u liked that lil juicy tidbit hehehe im dedicating tomarrow to write a lot hehe :lol: mortos is looking :twisted:
  19. short story in eternal lands by zsert

    (note from author*) i just realized a title for this story it'll be the war of the planets now back to business.. cont. With the boy calling her mommy she knew she could never again abandon this boy. so she put him with a family that followed aluwen and feared mortos and selain. She made sure this family was protected and sent 2 gaurds to watch over them 10 years later Aluwen in her sleep had a dream "where am i?" "you are my guest aluwen god of defense and peace" roared a deep voice "mortos?" "no i am someone greater then that puny lord, i am zenthios god of gods" "what?, the prophecy stated there will never be a god of gods to unite us all. We will never be united, disagreements is the way of the gods it's our only error!" shouted Aluwen as tears poured down her cheeck slowly. "no embrace me my child i know i have been gone for many a centuries but you must never forget who i am." "i am the god who destroyed zeus. leveled troy, and started the great portland massacre to teach the humans their errors and to try to get them to understand about our objectives as gods" whispered zenthios Zenthios walks around her all the while whispering "i am your father hold out your arms to embrace me, dont fight it you have tried to destroy my son, you ignored my warnings from hermont...you are too cautious your planet is getting destroyed slowly the uprisings have already started." "w-w-w-what uprisings?" squealed aluwen "exactly" said the giant lord slowly And with that she wakes up fast with beads of sweat all over her face. She starts to cry her tears lit up the room, and she is gone. She arrives at her planet and sees nothing it's barren all over. "oh father forgive my stubborness" she says under her crying. Her tears coming down like a ocean and soon in front of her, her town is back to normal the way she left it. "what the?" and a royal gaurd steps up in front of aluwen and says "my goddess what are you doing here? i thought you were going to the eternal lands to make a new planet." "i did not.. there were races already over that world. but they were all fighting so i put an end to that but the dark lord is spreading soon over the planet. and i heard that he was massing troops over here. so what i want you to do is to ralley the army here and head towards undergrowth." "undergrowth?" said the soldier amazedly "yes! do i as i say now. send them there and do a search of the palace of the shrine in the ground look for orcs not goblins." "WATCH OUT ALUWEN!" shouted the gaurd to be cont.
  20. short story in eternal lands by zsert

    as aluwen turned around she was compelled to bend down at the feet of this cloaked stranger."m-m-m-my lord?...." aluwen shivered out. The cloaked figure who was wearing a black cape unveiled his face. He was a tall man boreing resembelence towards a extremely short dwarf. He had a beard and had red hair everywhere. Then she thought this man looks almost identical to redbeard the fierciest pirate in portland. He was no dwarf but redbeard was. "you are the king of light?, or have you come to laugh at this world that i have spent time shaping."no" said the man "your planet atioch is under attack by mortos, he has sent 100 thousand troops via teleportation to undergrowth. "undergrowth? That is where my worshippers pray. IMPOSSIBLE!" Aluwen gets up to her feet quite shaken of such harrowing new."take this message as you want, i am only the messenger only you can come to the aide of your people if you ignore me then atioch and even eternal land will both be conquored." And with his message sent the man just disappears, Aluwen looks around there is nothing but trees and she looks inside and the baby is still alive. She goes over to the acient house and breaks the door down with a swipe of her sword."by mother of mercy.." as she walks towards the evil hell spawn she sees him in a whole new light. He is a pure soul that she had tainted with blood. He is still alive and breathing and she takes him in, as she picks him up he calls out "mommy". to be continued...
  21. Lord of the Rings.

    can i be a elf gaurd..ya'kno tht guy in the second movie who gets killed lol stupid guy almost lived too HE ROCKS! :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil:
  22. Who and what is your character?

    hello i am a swamp-woodland elf a man of much courage...not a evil spawn of hell :twisted: i enjoy killing nice fluffy rabbits and mining..ooh how i lust to mine. i am saving for a weapon and some armor.. haha i'm poor