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Posts posted by Fedora

  1. Just a note, the key.ini shipped with EL, maps the turn right key (or left, can't remember) to the INS key which is absent in many mac keyboards (a guildie reported this problem). It is probably wise to bind the turning to different keys for mac users in the next update package.

  2. Ah ok..because I didn't define the tag(you can see in the xml), so it also happens with held then too.


    Yes, it works like this:


    <tag> (without parameters) sets that animation BOTH for held and not held

    <tag held="true/false"> sets that animation for held OR not held


    parameters are set following the order of tags, so a <tag held="false"> followed by a <tag> redefines the held animation too.


    There was a little bug (a <= instead of a <, grrrr). Now emotes parsing works as expected.



    As requested the food bar is now capped to allow a food level greater than 55. As suggested I changed the color to orange when food >45...@Roja: pls check if the color is ok, I'm not good with light wavelenghts :D

  3. Ah ok..because I didn't define the tag(you can see in the xml), so it also happens with held then too.


    Yes, it works like this:


    <tag> (without parameters) sets that animation BOTH for held and not held

    <tag held="true/false"> sets that animation for held OR not held


    parameters are set following the order of tags, so a <tag held="false"> followed by a <tag> redefines the held animation too.

  4. Ah, yes Fedora I was wanting to ask you, how do you make it so you don't use a certain emote while in a certain position?



    Just don't define the corresponding tag.


    However, while looking into it I found a bug so that running and walking tags were handled the same :medieval:

    Corrected and committed to cvs.



    Also corrected another bug in emote filter code. Now all local chat lines containing emote commands ONLY can be filtered out (antispam). Tnx Eadric and Raistlin for finding it.

  5. alt+d does not hide emotes window if that's the only window open. Corrected and committed.


    There are some minor things about the new emotes:


    * you can jump while on horse

    * waving, cheering, clapping while running look weird (at the end of animation you are running with arms parallel to the body for a noticeable amount of time)

    * clapping with a two handed weapon looks like harakiri :medieval:

  6. I think I found the bug:


    3d_objects.c, line 234:


    returned_e3d = load_e3d_cache ("./3dobjects/misc_objects/badobject.e3d");


    it has the wrong path, still the old "misc_objects" so when an object is not found, not even the badobject.e3d can be found, messing up all subsequent IDs.




    Here is a .exe with the above change, pls check if it solves the issue.

  7. With emotes, adding casting and summoning gestures is very easy, it will be done if not in the next update in the summer one. If I'm not wrong, the animation files are already there. But no support for casting animations while fighting is possible due to the limitations of cal3d.


    As for eye candy...the life drain effect IS in the client, but for reasons unknown to me the function for it is not called when the fx message is received.

  8. Makefile.linux CFLAGS optimizations cause offshore 3d map marker crashes:


    Tested on the Northern shore of Glacmor, using a client compiled with:

     _CFLAGS=$(PLATFORM) $(CWARN) -O0 -ggdb -pipe $(OPTIONS) $(shell sdl-config --cflags) $(shell xml2-config --cflags) -fno-strict-aliasing $(EXTRA_INCLUDES)
    CFLAGS=$(PLATFORM) -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -pipe $(OPTIONS) $(shell sdl-config --cflags) $(shell xml2-config --cflags) -fno-strict-aliasing $(EXTRA_INCLUDES)

    (note the underscore before CFLAGS on top, none on the second) causes an instant crash upon coming into view (or enabling 3d map markers while in range). The same crash exists with -O2 or -O1).


    Ty. Bug corrected, pls check.


    Geeky explanation:

    when a marker is drawn I need the z coord of that tile and when asking for (I think) undefined tiles the function get_tile_display_height returns NAN (but only if they are surrounded by undefined tiles, so a division occurred). With standard CFLAGS it is handled in such a way that the for loop using z is ignored, while with Optimizations it probably gets unrolled but having NAN has counter it obviously go on forever (NAN+i=NAN). So i added math.h to highlight.c and introduced some checks.

  9. I'm using a cvs compile for my 64 bit linux system. When moving (either stepping or rotating in place), stdout (which is spit out in the console window from which EL is started) is spammed with messages like the following (one such message per step or rotation):




    I can avoid seeing this by sending ( > ) stdout to /dev/null, however I can feel the stuttering/sluggishness caused by processing whatever it is outputting these messages. Another linux user confirmed the same phenomenon.


    I'd be happy to move this post to another thread, if more applicable. This may just be the result of extra debugging info in cvs - I'm not quite sure.


    I just removed debugging messages from EMOTES code. Debugging messages from MORE_ATTACHED_ACTORS code are still there, but that code won't go in this update so it's safe to compile without it. If by the simple act of commenting a printf I have introduced bugs, let me know ;)

  10. cvs updated, now server markers can be hidden




    FYI cvs greeted me with the following message:


    Checking in map.c;
    /cvsroot/elc/elc/map.c,v  <--  map.c
    new revision: 1.44; previous revision: 1.43
    Mailing elc-cvs@lists.berlios.de...
    Generating notification message...
    Generating notification message... done.
    Mailing elc-cvs@lists.berlios.de...
    Generating notification message...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "/usr/local/bin/syncmail", line 322, in <module>
     File "/usr/local/bin/syncmail", line 315, in main
    blast_mail(subject, people, specs[1:], contextlines, fromhost)
     File "/usr/local/bin/syncmail", line 221, in blast_mail
    conn.connect(MAILHOST, MAILPORT)
     File "/usr/lib/python2.6/smtplib.py", line 295, in connect
    self.sock = self._get_socket(host, port, self.timeout)
     File "/usr/lib/python2.6/smtplib.py", line 273, in _get_socket
    return socket.create_connection((port, host), timeout)
     File "/usr/lib/python2.6/socket.py", line 512, in create_connection
    raise error, msg
    socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused


    map.c is correctly updated, it seems cvs can't send the update mails

  11. Can someone implement an option in the config panel to disable viewing of the markers? This is so we can take screenshots and not have the text/marker show up.


    It's already there :)


    Option -> HUD -> Enable 3d markers

  12. I'm using a cvs compile for my 64 bit linux system. When moving (either stepping or rotating in place), stdout (which is spit out in the console window from which EL is started) is spammed with messages like the following (one such message per step or rotation):
    CMD: 23 at 0...

    591---------> DOING: 23 -----------[23-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-]


    596, rot: 0

    The above was output from one step:

    (from) You are in Glacmor - Wave Neck [79,355]

    (to) You are in Glacmor - Wave Neck [80,354]


    Ehm...yes, those are debugging messages for the new attached actors features (fight and range on horse). Will be removed (as the "Emote Command" console message) just before the update.
