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About Emeldir

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  1. DIABLO!

    Others have suggested similar ideas, such as an npc that gives quests in underworld, so check earlier threads and then post again. Possibly a good idea. I love your avatar. :lol:
  2. War event idea

    Sounds like fun! I can't wait to go get myself killed by the evil swarm of orcs (combat<wimpy). :wink: Is there a way to attract lower level players to these *invasions*? Like the chance of getting tit serps when high level peeps die? I'd come with my pot cape on too dan, its not rude, just smart.
  3. WereCreature needle

    please dont
  4. Move VOTD storage

    Can u give me an example of whom that does? I cant remember any specific names, but I remember at least two specific cases where someone was explaining how they were ready to go back to votd storage to "annoy everyone with a plague of boars," in one case. I do not hope to incriminate anyone, and I do not hate summoners at all, but people with intentions as this should not be playing EL. :evil: Today I was at storage and could hardly move due to the overwhelming crowd of Gargs there. This created lag, so whe I clicked to walk around, I often ended up clicking the area where they walked, and nearly attacked them. This is not good for lower level players
  5. Move VOTD storage

    Whatever we do, i believe the main thing is that we have to make available storages that appeal to different groups of people that use them-- one that summoners use, and one for potions/ alch/ manu. Snuit's idea sounds good, but the specialized areas with exp bonuses may be even better. This will attract nearly all the peeps leveling specific stats. The problem now is that some of the people that summon in votd do so not just for the exp, but also with the evil intent of annoying others. To get them to move to another storage, we need to add extra incentive. With these specialized areas though, such as blacksmith, would only items relating to that particular skill be allowed to be withdrawn there? If so, it might solve all our problems, as everyone would be forced to use their designated areas.
  6. Trade system

    Maybe this is a terrible idea, but what would happen if we introduced a trade system that would allow players to trade directly to each others bank accounts? When I try to trade a large amounts of say, body rest pots, it takes forever to trade more than 100. What are your thoughts on what this would do to the game?
  7. I can't speak for others, but I must say that I find it a bit annoying :evil: to only be able to exchange 20 plats for 20,000 gold at a time, and visa-versa. Also, when trying to withdraw or deposit gold coins from banks, it takes forever to withdraw any more than 100k. You may ask why I need more than 100k gold coins, and why I dont convert them all to plats, but that brings up the previous issue. Call me lazy if you like, I probably am. :wink: Could it be possible to add a 50k or 100k withdraw/deposit and exchange rate for gold coins at banks and taverns respectively? Since all stores use the same coding for amount of items to buy/sell as banks, it might be too much of a pain to reprogram a new system. If so, feel free to shoot down my idea.
  8. Eternal-Lands 1st birthday "tavern crawl"

    Lol this probably wasnt such a good idea, server crashed here if my memory serves me correctly. In conclusion my post on this thread is useless, out of date and serves only as a way for me to pass time while pondering studying for midterms.
  9. Holiday drops

    Santy hats???? :shock: :shock: :shock: AAAAAHHHHH!!! RUNESCAPE!!! AHHHH!!! EVIL!!! Seriously though, the drops aforementioned were person sponsered drops, with normal items already in the game. Unique items would do just as much damage to EL as they did to Runescape.

    Then will this mean that there will be a flame animation with the campfire everytime someone casts the spell? :? It looks kinda silly the way it is now with the logs but no flame...
  11. St. Patrick's Day drop...

    Lets face it, there arent going to be any holiday drops. Look what happened with the Runescape drops! And from what i have heard, they dont even have drops anymore because of their problems. I wouldnt know though, I have sworn off the horrid game. :lol:
  12. How will you know who took it, if you end up dead? You wont be there to see... And if you pm people around the spot where you died, they will most assuredly all deny taking it.
  13. Hmmm... Can't say i like this idea, it sounds a bit too much like the runescape "makeover mage..." Horrid memories... Would this also allow players to change their race? Probably not if there are race-based bonuses/penalties implemented, as I have heard rumors of. I think that this might cause most of the people in the game to change their looks to that of the same character. The game needs a variety, and when newbies pick their character's appearance, they all have different ideas about what they want to look like. If this system is implemented, they might be influenced to change their appearances to that of someone else they noticed that looked "cool." Appearance should be something that you pick because you like it, not something that you pick because you were impressed when you saw someone else looking like it, and you want to impress someone. When I get to know someone in EL, I associate their appearance with that particular person. It would be hard to recognize players if they were able to change their appearance whenever they wanted, it would in my opinion defeat the entire purpose of having customizable appearances. Just an opinion, though, I would be interested to hear what others have to say about this.
  14. Dual wielding weapons

    If that is true, then couldnt the problem be solved by having left and right-handed swords? They would be different types so one right and one left-handed sword could be equipped at a time.
  15. swamps: see through water or reflection ?

    Yeah, I've always thought the water seemed too tranquil and glassy, also. Could we get it to move a little? rapids? Waterfalls!!! TSUNAMIS?!?!?! K sry, maybe I got a little out of hand. The programming would be a pain, but you have to admit, it would add a lot to the game environment.