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Posts posted by Macal

  1. In my opinion:


    + Nice exp.

    + Good range of items.

    + Good implementation.


    ~ Restriced to higher lvls.

    ~ Expensive / hard to find some items like bindings.


    - Reward 'maybe' not useful to multipurpose players (fighters).


    As Holar said, reward text need to be read two times ;-)





  2. Hi all.


    A significant number of Spanish beginners leave the game because they don't understand English. A usual question at Spanish channel is 'Where can I do click at NPC Tutorial to do quest?'.


    Eternal Lands has two software methods to improve this international game. The help system and automatic actualizations.


    Thinking in a low development cost almost all modifications must be in client program, within next year release.



    The proposed modification is:


    - Client received a text from Server about NPC in English.

    - Client search a translation in a new folder, similar to help. using the selected language. This translation can be based in phrases matches or indexed if Client has the Id of window and text, but with matches is better imo.

    - If no text is found the Client shows the original text, if found it shows the translated text.



    Why to do by in this way?


    - Few development cost

    - Avoid tricks to the new quest

    - Community can do translate effort



    Is this necessary?


    In my opinion, yes. We lost at lot of new gamers because it, and not only, much non English people don't do quest because don't understand it.



    What about text with no direct translation?


    Always is better have English text, but like we can understand between ourselves, all can be explained, and this more better than don't understand anything.


    Note: I'm not fan of translate canonical names.



  3. The NPC and quests added fun and playability, but I must emphasize 2 points.


    * Are not translated, which limits its use to a certain number of players. While not an insurmountable problem.


    * Some players dont like it.


    In my opinion, maps without visible NPC gives a nice feeling of unexplored land.

  4. Hola a todos.


    Hay una importante votación en curso. Se debate si se han de crear cuentas 'preferentes' con pago mensual.


    Dado que es un cambio radical para 'un juego gratis' os recomiendo que voteis de acuerdo a vuestras ideas.


    Yo personalmente opino que no es una buena idea dado que divide a los jugadores y sospecho que pueda incluso bajar el número de integrantes.


    De todas formas es importante y cada uno debe expresar su opinión.







  5. No. Bots like real shops need places with people.

    Bots must be near sto to reload and people need it near resorces at every map.


    In my opinion the problem is that there are too many bots at the same place. Maybe new bots can be placed at new place like mall.

  6. Jajohn with Windows XP had similar problem. Buddy list show 2 players or any adding or deleting one, and one was disconnected.


    His buddy list had an erratic malfunction and he was trying #clear_buddy command and one buddy entry remains. Reboot was solve the issue.


    Maybe a workaround can be initialize buddy list when open buddy window.

  7. You can check these points:


    'EL.exe' is in 'C:\Program Files\Eternal Lands'


    The file 'EL.ini' in the same directory contains the string '#data_dir = "d:\Eternal Lands' (with #)


    And 'My Documents\Eternal Lands' contains configuration files (files *.DAT and others)

  8. One way to separate Mages than Fighters maybe a perk that double mana but get half phisique resistance.


    With this perk the player can do more spells (one per second) and more efficient.


    To do it more attractive can access to new skill Oracle with usefull spells like:


    Magical fog (rain and fog at current PK map)

    Magical barricade (generate wall)

    Magic reduction / increase (of magic lvl of enemies / friends like a potion)

    Phisical reduction / increase (of a/d of enemies / friends like a potion)

    Char clonation (generates more identical characters that no take damage like a distraction)

    Monster mirror (create high criatures like summ but without a/d)

    Weather control (change map to normal / cold / hot)


    This way seems similar to actual role play and dont have perks problems.

  9. Hi all.


    I understand the problem. If the computer stops for any reason in a fight the result maybe lost rosto or other items.


    But its reasonable dont stop figth when client program stops because some player could use this method to stop fight.





  10. Hi again.


    Lokko who is connected with char Fezinho now tell me that LFG, Lokko, Halls, Luanito and BloodBad are different players whom use an Internet connection called 'Via Radio' with same IP in Torrinha - Brasil.





  11. Hi all.


    I'm talking in name of LFG and Lokko. They are 2 differents players who are locked at same time, and they are friends and play in the same PC sometimes.


    Because habitual problem of language and age they asked to me to send this post.


    Why they are banned ?




