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New Player MarketPlace

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Ages ago we had http://schmurk.corner.free.fr/el/market.php that was not updated since 2013 years and went out of use for a lot of players.
Thinking about this and a few other things i created now with https://elmarket.holy-eternalland.de a new Place where people can make a list what they offer to buy and sell in el, that gives them a page to link to on market channel etc. if you have set up an Account with mercator  so you can use https://mercator.holy-eternalland.de  you can use this site, otherwise  you can set up an Account with

/mercator pref password yoursecretpassword 

Same goes if you forgot your password.   The website is almost feature complete but in beta stadium so please contact me about Bug and Errors. I do also accept wishlists.

On the Features it has

  • own personal page with list of what person buys and sells,  Managing system for this.
  • you can use it to mange the Inventory of  your Guild NPC'S if you own ones, just contact me with the user that does the administration.
  • You can search the page for Items.
  • only players that where logged in game in the last 2 weeks are shown, to remove players that where offline for a long time.
  • csv files per player or npc with the items on it.

 On the next update Iteration following features are going to be added,

    Muliple owner of one NPC so multiple people can manage the same one
    Indicator next to items on search, or on the PlayersWebpage, if he is currently online in game.

Edited by vinoveritas

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