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1.9.7 update - Bots in Tarsengaard (and a few in Morcraven) Must Be Moved

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When the 1.9.7 client is officially released, all bots in Tarsengaard and a handful in Morcraven Marsh will need to move into the new/updated bot markets.


Affected bots will need to be moved within one week after the client is launched.

Any still not moved after that time will be moved by VinoVeritas (el-services) or a moderator into whatever stalls are available.



Morcraven Marsh Bots

The few bots that are not in a stall due to overflow, or are in the 4 stalls along the west edge closest to the water, will need to be moved into one of the newly added stalls.

All other bots will be fine where they are, though you can move your bot to a free new stall if you prefer a different location.

(current bots that will need to move are Tradesman, Leg0las, Mace, Duck, and my bot IWannaRock)


There will be 14 more stalls than what currently exist.

You can see how it will change here: https://el-db.com/tempstuff/mm-expanded-bot-market.jpg


Tarsengaard Bots

Like MM, TG will now have a bot market due to the flood of bots in the storage/daily areas.


All bots in TG will need to be moved into the new market. There's room for 36 bots, much more than there are bots currently in TG.

First-come, first-serve for stall locations. You can place your bot in any of the stalls that aren't already occupied.

You can see the new market here: https://el-db.com/tempstuff/tg-36stalls.jpg


Ensure your bot is standing directly behind what would be a stall stand. See where IWannaRock and Selain are standing in the linked image as examples.


Exceptions: Bots intentionally placed in very distant locations on the map, for purposes that aren't to be close to the storage or dailies. The purpose is to clean up the bot mess in the daily-storage area, not restrict bots all over the map.

For example, there were once bots that were near the VotD exit, far away from storage/dailies. Those would be fine. However at this time, no such exceptions have been seen.



Instructions for bots on el-services to ensure they continue to work:

1) el-services admin panel: Shutdown your bot.
2) IN A CLIENT, Log in to the bot account, move it into an available stall. Rotate bot to right direction.
3) Compass-click to get the coordinates, log out.
4) el-services admin panel: Go to Management > Bot
5) on that page, enter your new x,y location coordinates and the heading (direction bot faces) which should be north or south.
5a) Also change the extra location description if needed.
6) el-services admin panel: Launch your bot.

It's important to change the x,y loc in the admin panel, as the bot may not trade if you're not on the given coordinates.

7) TEST YOUR BOT by starting a trade with it and asking to buy something on it. If it puts the item in the trade window, it's working.

If not, make sure your x,y is correct, then shutdown and restart your bot.


Edited by Burn

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There's no reserving so first come first serve. If it's empty when you go to move it, it's yours.


Nobody's tracking which bots are in which stalls.

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*bump* The update is upon us Very Soon Now(TM).


All TG bot owners (and a handful of MM bots listed by name in the first post) should be ready to move their bots into the new stalls as quickly as possible after the server is officially updated.


You'll have up to a week to move them on your own, any stragglers after that will get moved into random leftover stalls (by mod or by vino).


First come first serve so just use whatever empty stall you choose.



Edited by Burn

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Excellent transition so far.


2/3 of the bots in TG/MM that needed to move are done.



Those left are owned by players that haven't been online in 2 weeks or more. Still, they'll have through Sunday (one week) before they get forcibly moved.

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Attention ALL bot owners in the MM bot market!

Because they're so crowded into one area while the new stalls are a mostly empty large area:

If you have a bot anywhere in the MM market currently, and wish to move it into one of the new stalls in order to spread out, feel free to do so.


(Valid through Monday)

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All straggling bots that hadn't moved into the markets have now been moved into the markets by the mighty power of Aislinn. ;-)



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