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Guest fisherman

Sound problem

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Guest fisherman

Hello Landers!


We’re here for the nostalgia, of course. However, I need help with two issues. First, I’m playing the game on my MacBook, and it seems that the quest logs are saved according to the computer, meaning I can’t see the quests I’ve completed on my MacBook when I switch to my Windows PC. I believe I can solve this by copying the contents to the other computer, right? I’d greatly appreciate any information on this.


Now, onto the second and main problem: I have no sound on my MacBook. There is no “sound” folder in the contents file either! I’m not sure what to do. I tried redownloading, and a .dmg file downloads, but again, no sound. Could someone kindly zip the sound files for me? Or if there’s another solution, I’d be extremely grateful!



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You can indeed copy files like the quest log over to a different machine.  You need both the "quest_<character name>.log" and "quest_<character name>.list" files.  The directory to get and put the files is shown when the client starts after the text "Your personal settings and logs will be saved in".


You can get the sound and  music on the release page of github.  Ignore the version number as sound and music did not change for the 1.9.6 release.




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Guest fisherman

I tried downloading and copying it to the contents folder, but it didn’t work. It says it’s supposed to be saved in User/Library/Application Support, but there’s no Eternal Lands folder in Application Support. I tried creating it myself, but that didn’t help either. I’m confused… Also, I can’t copy-paste anything into the file I found through “Show in Finder.”

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I do not know the specifics of mac installs but the data directory is shown in the console with the text "The location of the data files in use is ".  You need to unzip the zip file into there so you end up with a "sound" directory with all the sound files, and if using the music, a "music" directory with all the music files.

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Fisherman, if you have a moment I suggest you take a look at this thread. I have just recently started including the sound and music packs in my macOS client builds, so grabbing the latest test build from there should solve at least one of these problems!


As for the missing Eternal Lands user data folder, could you try opening spotlight (cmd+space) and pasting the following?

~/Library/Application Support/Eternal Lands

This should offer you the folder you need as one of the top results :)


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