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xaquelina daily

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or something stupid I am doing. It's a very common quest and nobody seems to have reported elsewhere so it seems odd, but nonetheless, it looks like a bug from here.


So the last three times I have done xaq's daily, there has been strange behavior when completing the harvest and/or turning in the items.


First time, I got the "item done" popup, went to xaq to turn in, and found I had only 89 items instead of 90 (I didn't take note of the item because I had no reason to). Not a big deal, took 1 from storage and turned in OK


Second time I got the "item done" message after a single harvest. Strange, but I turned in the item (I think it was tiger lily this time) and was told I didn't bring them (that's fine, I expected it). I went to PL cave, got some more TL and turned in normally. By now I was thinking there is something not right.


Third time, was today. Harvested 90 dandelions from ida, went to turn them in and xaq said I didn't bring them! I dropped them on the floor and picked them up, and xaq was fine with them this time and awarded the XP.


I have a screenshot of her saying no with the dandelions right there in my inventory.


Am I being stupid or is there something broken?


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u need to harvest them till u get a popup saying u have them, if u didnt get that msg u werent on the right coordinates

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I did get the popup on all 3 of the times I saw this. On the occaision in the screenshot, I literally just dropped the dandelions in a bag on the floor and picked them up again, and zaq was OK with them,

Edited by sadarar

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