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Top Player Lists: Possible Delayed Updates in the near future

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There may be times starting around Saturday, May 4th over a period of possibly several days that the Top Player lists will not be updated, or not correctly updated.


Even if the shown "last updated" time is recent, you may not necessarily see any changes for your personal advancements during this time.


This will be a known situation so no need to report anything. It will be back to normal as quickly as possible.




(Details for the curious, not necessary info, hehe)

I'll be (finally) upgrading my personal computer I pieced together back in 2013 to a brand new build.

The top lists are hosted on the web host that holds my el-db.com website, but the actual checking of players, updating the data, and building the lists happens on my home computer. I don't know how long it'll take to get the new computer running, as well as other priorities before I get the database set up and scripts running that handle the lists.




EDITED: Changed the dates of this happening due to a delay in ordered parts arrival.

Edited by Burn

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Updated the post to reflect that this may not start happening until Monday, May 6th, rather than today.


(A part expected to arrive today is delayed almost a week. Grrr.)

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Now it says the part will arrive today, the 4th, so updated the above to reflect that the potential for lack of updates may start today.

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System is slowly getting back in place.


You may see some updates starting. However, it may not be recognizing recent levels for everyone just yet. No guarantee on those updates being regular just yet either.


Should be back to normal within the coming 24 hours. And about 48 hours for the lists to be fully back to normal with rechecked player stats.



(Once it's running normally: The system requires you be logged in during one of its checks before it will recheck your levels. Make sure your character is logged in for at least 10 minutes at some point for your levels to be accounted for with the next player list update, which occurs approximately every 6 hours.)


Edited by Burn

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By now, the lists should be back to normal.


Everything's good on my end, on my new computer build which appears to be running smoothly and much faster than my old 2013 build (imagine that!). Included switching from OpenSUSE's Leap to Tumbleweed so wanted to ensure that was running fine first before getting the lists back to work.


(If your player got levels but they aren't recognized in the top lists: The system requires your character be logged in during one of my script's checks before it will recheck your levels, which are done approximately every 5 minutes. Make sure your character is logged in for at least 10 minutes at some point to ensure my scripts notice it, for your levels to be accounted for with the next player list update, which occurs approximately every 6 hours.)



The lists are now part of the Red Light District... :blush:


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More hopefully temporary downtime.



During shitty weather yesterday (June 9th), lightning hit my apartment building. :o


Both internet companies with fiber in the building went out. One neighbor's computer is shot to hell. Other electrical issues in the building.


My status is fortunate. The internet connection is down of course, and that's all I need fixed.


My router may have been damaged, but I don't need it to get back to normal. Unlike the neighbor's computer, my newly built computer is fortunately unaffected even though it was wire-connected to the router.




At any rate, Top Player lists won't update until my home internet is restored.

They're usually pretty quick to fix issues (which are rare, I'm very happy with my provider, heh) so hopefully it won't take long.





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thank you for the top player list its really useful

would it be possible to have a search name facility as in the old top player list?

if not thank you for all your time

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Back in Business


Internet is restored. My scripts are running, Top lists should be fully back to normal in the next 12-24 hours.





(I have limitations that Learner did not have. These scripts will hopefully be on the actual EL web server later this year, which cannot handle as much as Learner did, so I'm not expanding them to do anything more than they already do.)

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