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Guest Noxxi

Better phone, worse experience?

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Guest Noxxi

So I have 3 devices. A Galaxy S21 5G, a Galaxy Tab A6 (2016) and a Galaxy S8. The game runs just fine on my Tab and the S8, however when I try to play it on the S21 it just crashes every 5-10 minutes. Ive tried doing different things to see if the crash is caused by anything specific, but really it seems to happen on any map and without any real reason. I dont understand how the better device of all 3 is having more problems than the worse devices? Someone please help me understand and fix this hahah...

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Is this while actively interacting with the app?  Newer Android versions have quite aggressive defaults to kill applications using too much battery.  Have you tried turning off battery optimization for the app?

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Guest Noxxi

@bluap Not sure what you mean exactly by "actively interacting", but it happens when im walking, when im harvesting or even when in combat. As I said before, I dont really see a common trigger here. I tried the newer version from the EL website (google play seems to be 1 version back) and its definitely less common now, but still happens. As for the battery/overheat killswitch - I dont think that would be the case as Samsung always lets you know in a notification "Hey this app is using more data/CPU/causing overheating" and it doesn't kill active on-screen apps unless the phone has reached critical temperature in which case it kills every app with a pretty obvious screen pop up stating so.

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