Samsemilia Report post Posted May 4, 2020 Hey, may I know why I got a ban and for how long? If its all about Channel six I swear here, that I never will Talk again there. Greetings Sam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted May 4, 2020 Go read your chat logs. Not just last night, but for quite a few months. Not just channel 6, but all your pm logs to me, to other mods, and to the players you've been targeting. Chat logs come up with thousands of lines of spam and targeted harassment (5000+) just since January of this year for you just in channel 6, and that doesn't even include the thousands of lines of pm's to me and other mods (and who knows what other channels). It is not acceptable to me to expect all of EL to use the #ignore command to cater to one obnoxious player. This has gone on much longer than it should have. I tried way too hard to give you opportunities to clean up your act. You promise me every single time that you will stop, just like in your post here, and yet you don't stop. Last night was just the last straw. I apologize to the mod team and I apologize to EL for not stopping this much, much sooner. I also apologize to the poor camel whose back was broken last night. Do not ask me to do your homework for you. Pull your own chat logs. Do not try to engage me in yet another endless back-and-forth here. There is nothing I have to say that I haven't said to you every night you have logged in and started this nonsense. I will not waste my time further by repeating myself yet again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samsemilia Report post Posted May 4, 2020 Hi Aisy, I just read my logs. I really apologize to whole EL and the Modteam of course. Not only for last night but for all the last months. After some days of a deserved break for me now, I hope you can give me a LAST chance, promising this behaviour will stop from now on without any slip-ups. Of course I know I said it already, but this Lock makes me sad, since EL and the community means a lot to me. Is there a possibility u can give me this last chance, after some days of break for me? Sam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samsemilia Report post Posted May 8, 2020 Hi Aisy, Almost one week passed now. I thought about my behaviour and even reflected myself that I cant go on this way and will stop this way. I miss EL alot, is it possible I can get this last chance some day soon? This last chance means alot to me, I know no excuses. I would really appreciate it since I miss u all. Have a nice weekend. Sam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revi Report post Posted May 10, 2020 (edited) Today: [01:18:33] [radu @ 6]: so, anyone would be totally offended if I unbanned samsemilia, with some strict warnings? (...) [01:21:37] [radu @ 6]: well, I will have a little chat with him (...) [01:22:54] [radu @ 6]: well, I unbanned him, I gave him a last warning: "don't do that again, or else" [01:23:18] [radu @ 6]: if he does, tell me about it (times are GMT+2, and of course #help_me and #abuse are still available as well) Edited May 10, 2020 by revi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted May 10, 2020 Players should pm radu directly in addition to using #abuse. Make sure you get his afk message. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted May 27, 2020 So it seems that nothing has changed except you've moved to channel 206, the official German channel. Care to explain? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samsemilia Report post Posted May 27, 2020 8 hours ago, Aislinn said: So it seems that nothing has changed except you've moved to channel 206, the official German channel. Care to explain? Hey Aisy, well I am a bit shocked right now. I just checked the logs. I did just a bit of fun with Brusu about Werder Bremen the soccer club, cause Im a big supporter of it, and she supports another team which is closeby in ranking. So all was about fun. And I did fun with Piper about the Dung. It was nothing serious? I behaved so well all the time. I did nothing wrong in my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinoveritas Report post Posted May 27, 2020 Well here some of the log files. Yes it started as banter over soccer, but you then you started dancing on the line. And then you crossed the line a little bit. And for the last 3 linies you did send them to the 2 woman who in gameplay where always nice helping you out if you needed someone to mix etc, as WhatsApp message. Which then in course triggered them asking what went on after they where offline, which made people check the log files and mods getting notice. I am sure you did not see how this can be insulting. but you did put out insults quite a few times in here. You told in the chat you wanted to get Brusu to log out, and that you will write her then per Whatsapp. (and yes Brusu did saw it as a banter, and decided to log out before it goes to far) but you did not stop then. In the end you simply crossed a line [22:24:27] [Samsemilia @ 206]: haha, 0:0 vs gladbach ist besser als 0:5 gegen leipzig ;p [22:24:33] [Samsemilia @ 206]: der sieg war sogar nahe [22:24:41] [Samsemilia @ 206]: am ende steigt mainz ab :> [22:24:54] [The_Piper @ 206]: wohl eher schalke [22:25:42] [piiia @ 206]: ich bin auch f\FCr schalke [22:27:34] [Samsemilia @ 206]: alles gut, solange mein geliebter SVW oben bleibt [22:27:42] [Samsemilia @ 206]: so unverdient heute [22:27:49] [Samsemilia @ 206]: gladbach war richtig mies [22:28:02] [Samsemilia @ 206]: aber naja, tor wollte nicht passieren [22:28:06] [Samsemilia @ 206]: das* [22:28:08] [The_Piper @ 206]: tja, dabei waren die doch mal so gut, vor 3-4 monaten [22:28:15] [Samsemilia @ 206]: ja :> [22:28:32] [Samsemilia @ 206]: wir hatten 3-4 100%ige aber die m\FCssen dann auch reingehen :< [22:28:52] [Samsemilia @ 206]: egal, noch alles offen :> [22:29:02] [Samsemilia @ 206]: mainz zittert bald [22:29:07] [The_Piper @ 206]: und frankfurt unentschieden... [22:29:26] [Samsemilia @ 206]: oh stimmt. :> [22:29:39] [Samsemilia @ 206]: alles drin [22:30:04] [Samsemilia @ 206]: das gute ist, bremen hat noch ein spiel mehr [22:30:07] [Samsemilia @ 206]: arme bru :> [22:30:10] [The_Piper @ 206]: wie soll man so einen bl\F6dsinn noch tippen... [22:31:01] [Samsemilia @ 206]: erstmal verliert d\FCsseldorf morgen gegen schalke ;p [22:31:20] [Samsemilia @ 206]: und mainz verliert in berlin [22:31:31] [Samsemilia @ 206]: und dann ist alles gucci f\FCr bremen [22:36:41] [Samsemilia @ 206]: haha und jetzt ist brusu offline [22:36:49] [Samsemilia @ 206]: egal, ich schreibe ihr bei whatsapp [22:37:05] [Samsemilia @ 206]: mainz ist immer noch mies, und bremen top [22:39:11] [piiia @ 206]: sam, wenn du st\E4ndig den lieblingsverein von jemandem beleidigst, dann k\F6nnte es dazu f\FChren, dass derjenige beleidigt ist und sich ausloggt [22:39:45] [Samsemilia @ 206]: haha, ok aber bru wollte da [22:39:47] [Samsemilia @ 206]: das* [22:40:16] [Samsemilia @ 206]: bremen ist sowieso besser als mainz [22:40:29] [piiia @ 206]: soso! [22:40:36] [Samsemilia @ 206]: ja :> [22:40:56] [Samsemilia @ 206]: hilfeeeee, piiia mobbt mich :< [22:41:27] [piiia @ 206]: lol.. bist du schonmal gemobbt worden? [22:41:56] [Samsemilia @ 206]: ein unentschieden gegen gladbach ist mehr wert als eine 0:5 niederlage gegen Leipzig @brusu [22:42:47] [Samsemilia @ 206]: selten, wenn dann gebe ich super konter [22:44:29] [Samsemilia @ 206]: und du? [22:44:46] [Samsemilia @ 206]: piiia, erwarte jetzt eine antwort [22:44:58] [Samsemilia @ 206]: nicht einfach ausloggen wie die meisten [22:45:03] [piiia @ 206]: klar. das war anders! [22:45:03] [Samsemilia @ 206]: ; [22:45:09] [Samsemilia @ 206]: [22:45:40] [Samsemilia @ 206]: ist okay, wenigstens antwortest du [22:46:06] [Samsemilia @ 206]: frage und keine antwort ist wie "would you like a flower?" [22:46:11] [Samsemilia @ 206]: und nehme ich auch so wahr [22:49:00] [Samsemilia @ 206]: so schade, dass Bru offline ist. [22:49:09] [Samsemilia @ 206]: aber vermutlich bewusst [22:49:36] [Samsemilia @ 206]: sleeping, weil sie nicht mal bei WA antwortet [22:55:58] [Samsemilia @ 206]: egal, bin mal afk :> bru ist eh nicht mehr da, feigling [22:56:02] [Samsemilia @ 206]: gute nacht [23:06:08] [Samsemilia @ 206]: [23:06:17] [Samsemilia @ 206]: werder ist ein wunder [23:30:29] [Samsemilia @ 206]: zum gl\FCck ist bremen immer noch der beste verein der welt :> [23:30:53] [Samsemilia @ 206]: kein gegenspruch, alles gut [23:59:05] [The_Piper @ 206]: You advanced to level 158 of harvesting! \\F6/ [23:59:50] [piiia @ 206]: ohhh.. gratz <3 [00:00:07] [Orkus @ 206]: Gratuliere dir, das man mit Exkrementen soweit kommen kann [00:00:10] [carone @ 206]: freak [00:00:14] [carone @ 206]: [00:00:20] [carone @ 206]: gratz [00:00:21] [The_Piper @ 206]: [00:00:31] [spooky @ 206]: nur noch 20 level piper [00:00:39] [The_Piper @ 206]: jo, dann kann ich aufh\F6ren [00:00:58] [spooky @ 206]: von wegen... dann kommt der n\E4chste skill [00:01:20] [carone @ 206]: tailoring? [00:01:33] [spooky @ 206]: zum beispiel... [00:03:42] [The_Piper @ 206]: cool, damit habe ich karolus eingeholt [00:13:28] [Samsemilia @ 206]: xD [00:13:51] [The_Piper @ 206]: siehste? 3x cooler als werder [00:14:09] [Samsemilia @ 206]: wer? [00:14:21] [The_Piper @ 206]: na, ich. tabellenplatz 3, bald 2 [00:14:38] [Samsemilia @ 206]: du ? XD [00:14:55] [The_Piper @ 206]: ja, top liste hier [00:15:02] [Samsemilia @ 206]: yes [00:15:44] [Samsemilia @ 206]: ist wie, nee ich lass sss ;D [00:15:50] You started to harvest Dung. [00:15:58] [Samsemilia @ 206]: du bist pr0 [00:16:14] [The_Piper @ 206]: genau. du darfst mich jetzt anbeten [00:16:41] [Samsemilia @ 206]: nee, du bist zu gut [00:16:59] [Samsemilia @ 206]: enbieten LOL [00:17:11] [Samsemilia @ 206]: blaireau kann dich anbieten [00:17:45] [Samsemilia @ 206]: alle noobs [00:18:17] [Samsemilia @ 206]: K&M und LE [00:19:53] [Samsemilia @ 206]: piper du musst zum dung gehen :< [00:20:01] [Samsemilia @ 206]: sorry, aber wahr [00:21:16] [Samsemilia @ 206]: ladies sind dann eh offline [00:21:25] [Samsemilia @ 206]: gn8 [00:47:13] [Samsemilia @ 206]: lol [00:47:27] [Samsemilia @ 206]: I managed to relod [00:47:31] [Samsemilia @ 206]: relog [00:47:37] [The_Piper @ 206]: was zu bef\FCrchten war [00:48:15] [Samsemilia @ 206]: np [00:51:07] [Samsemilia @ 206]: [00:51:24] [Samsemilia @ 206]: wolfang petry for live <3 [00:51:51] [Samsemilia @ 206]: piiia <3 me tho maybe [00:51:53] [Samsemilia @ 206]: [00:51:57] [The_Piper @ 206]: blo\DF nich.. wenn meine nachbarn bei festen besoffen sind, wird der per beamer auf [00:52:16] [Samsemilia @ 206]: piper dont talk <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 [00:53:04] [Samsemilia @ 206]: piper talk is like werder wins xD [00:53:13] [JofuranShigokai @ 6]: and hence, back to bed real soon [00:53:20] [Biker_Boy @ 6]: hehe [00:53:26] [The_Piper @ 206]: ja, seeehr selten [00:53:54] [Samsemilia @ 206]: ya see :< [00:54:10] [Samsemilia @ 206]: love u tho :> [00:54:13] [Samsemilia @ 206]: NOT [00:54:15] [Samsemilia @ 206]: [00:54:59] [Samsemilia @ 206]: winning piper and bru works [00:55:16] [Samsemilia @ 206]: bru and piper should go! [00:55:25] [Samsemilia @ 206]: works [00:55:33] [Samsemilia @ 206]: always loose! [00:55:37] [Samsemilia @ 206]: lets go! [00:55:40] [Samsemilia @ 206]: pls [00:56:02] [Samsemilia @ 206]: easy [00:56:04] [Samsemilia @ 206]: [00:56:12] [Samsemilia @ 206]: nice she not here yet [00:56:38] [Samsemilia @ 206]: ye smeg BRU [00:56:58] [Samsemilia @ 206]: @WOELFIN too [00:57:10] [Samsemilia @ 206]: BRU/WOELFIN lets goo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted May 27, 2020 Here's the thing. You aren't getting that it's not just about you. You are overwhelming any channel you are in and can't seem to not aggressively go after people. It's really a shame because the non-drunk Sams is a nice guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinoveritas Report post Posted May 27, 2020 (edited) One more thing, I woke up with messages on my phone, about an annoyed Game player asking me what she should do about getting such messages in the night. so of course i check with people who knows about it and talk to moderators about it. Do i think it needs to be a perma ban, No. You are a very good and nice player most of the times, and i do like you but sometimes you loose the perspective on if you do something right or wrong. You cross lines. And it need to be shown. I hope this is a wake up call for you. If you want to say something like the "smeg" hold into, check if its something directed with a person, and if so do not. It will always create more problems then the relive it gives Edited May 27, 2020 by vinoveritas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samsemilia Report post Posted May 27, 2020 (edited) Yeah, I totally agree with that point, that it was too much. I already talked to Brusu via Phone and cleared it. I wanted to call Woelfin as well, but she blocked my number. If you (Vino) can tell her to unblock me, because I wanna talk to her, would be really nice. Aisy, you are right, I was a bit drunk, and sometimes I cant control my words then. I really didnt want to insult anybody. Maybe its better to leave this channel too, at least when I am drunk. Thanks for the kind words. I hope we can find a solution, which fits to all of us. Have a great evening/day. Sam Edited May 27, 2020 by Samsemilia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinoveritas Report post Posted May 28, 2020 (edited) Samsemilia do yourself a favor and do not try to contact or chat about woelfin at all until she tries to get in contact with you. Yesterdays late night call was a bad choice. Make it a rule not to call anyone after 10pm (better 9pm) of the local time of the person, unless you know for sure the person is awake or waiting for a call from you. Its simply rude otherwise since you do not know the day that a person might have planned on next day, and the person might need the sleep. Woelfin has put you in El on ignore, she has (at least for now) blocked your number on WhatsApp. I know she talked to you a few time to tell you to stop talking to her or about her when you have drunk something. If you try to use Mercator or alts to contact her without her contacting you first. It will be breaking the rules, i will ban all access on Mercator for you then. the mods would probably ban you again. I do know you are normally a nice guy, and i know woelfin liked chatting with you enough that she gave out her WhatsApp contact to you. But the way you talked to her and about her, makes her now uncomfortable to interact with you. And that is something you can only fix, if you clean up your act. Just let the beer inside the fridge for a while. and do not use it. As it seams your judgment is not the best after you had some of them. (And yes i am posting this on her behalf and with her knowledge that i am gonna say this to you ) Edited May 28, 2020 by vinoveritas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites