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Eternal Lands Official Forums

Change password not working

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I downloaded Eternal Lands for my LG Stylo 4 from Boost Mobile.  It's running a 1.8GHz octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon SDM450, 2GB ram, Android 8.1 Oreo 64-bit OS. (Not really sure these specs help but just in case. 


I tried to change passwords on one of my characters so my son can log on and play but the client won't allow me to do so.  I type in the command as follows: #change_pass old pass newpass as instructed in help files and instead of the password change being successful it gives me a message explaining how to change the password.  They server or the client is acting as if it knows that I want to change the password but it's registering my input as being typed incorrectly. 


I sent a #help in game and discussed with a mod but I decided to post here also.  If it is a bug that others may encounter they can find information here.


Thank you!  Great Port BTW. (Please allow us android users a way to mimic a right click would be my biggest want right now)

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Could you explain how you did so?  I just tried to change pass on the laptop and got the same message.  Is #change_pass oldpass newpass proper? This is the message I get. 


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