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Guest Joe

android doesn't run over data only WiFi?

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Guest Joe

Hi. So pretty much as the title says. Does the android client only run on WiFi and not mobile data? Iv never been able to login over data.




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If it is blocking it because of the port used, then using a proxy can solve that.

I can't think of any other reason why the provider would block it.

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39 minutes ago, Maxine said:

If it is blocking it because of the port used, then using a proxy can solve that.

I can't think of any other reason why the provider would block it.

One possible reason is there are major Cisco VOIP solutions that use port 2000, and I'm not sure about other systems. This isn't the first time I've heard about a cell phone provider block port 2000.

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Guest 0ZaCh0

Try this:

Go to settings>network and internet>data usage

Is data saver turned on?

If not,  then from that same screen go to Billing Cycle and also make sure "Set Data Limit" is turned off.


If those are on then you are on a metered connection and it may not allow the amount of bandwidth required at the log-in screen.  (Not that it's really a lot but it's more at once than basic functions such as email or fb)

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