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Guest sheepmup

Can't connect to server :(

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Guest sheepmup

I had no problems starting the game (Win 7) until a day or two ago - since then I'm only getting:


[22:23:11] Connecting to Server...
[22:23:32] Can't connect to server :(
[22:23:32] Press any key to try again.
[22:23:32] Press Alt-x to close the game
I uninstalled & reinstalled EL several times with no luck (last download available from el site), turning off Win firewall doesn't seem to help either. Maybe someone could have an idea what to try ?
... pasting belos main_824.log (not sure it contains some useful info)...
[22:28:37, engine/logging.cpp:310] Log started at: 09/18/15 22:28:37 Střední Evropa (letní čas)
[22:28:37, engine/logging.cpp:313] version: 1.9.4
[22:28:37, servers.c:62] Error: Server profile not found in servers.lst for server: Lands\el.exe". Failover to server: main.
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'server_address = game.eternal-lands.com
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'server_port = 2001
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_vertex_array = 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_mipmaps = 0
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'text_filter_replace = smeg
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'compass_north = 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'near_plane= 0.1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'transparency_resolution_fix= 0
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'dim_sounds_on_rain= 0
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'anisotropic_filter= 2
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'render_skeleton= 0
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'render_mesh= 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_display_actors= 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_actor_bbox_check= 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_render_mesh_shader= 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_set_transformation_buffers= 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_build_actor_bounding_box= 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_model_attach_and_detach_mesh= 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_render_attached_meshs= 1
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'use_ext_gpu_program_parameters= 0
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'skybox_update_every_frame= 0
', type 2
[22:28:37, elconfig.c:1628] Warning: Can't find var 'seconds_between_shadows_updates= 10
', type 2
[22:28:37, io/elpathwrapper.c:664] Warning: Didn't find your data_dir, using the current directory instead. Please correct this in your el.ini . Given data_dir was: "c:\Program Files\Eternal Lands\". Using "C:\Program Files\Eternal Lands".
[22:28:39, io/elfilewrapper.c:309] Error: Can't load zip file C:\Users\Tomi\Documents/Eternal Lands/unofficial_custom_clothes.zip

Many thanks

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The program seems to have started without problems (it tried to connect to the server, but failed to do that).


My first action would be to do a ping to the server (no idea about the command under Windows, linux here).

That would at least show you if the server is reachable.


If the server isn't reachable with ping, there's a network problem somewhere between you and the server.

Traceroute might help pinpoint the problem location.


If you can reach the server with a ping, try connecting to the test server. If that works, you might have a blocked

port 2000 (not unusual for university networks and such).


You can of course also start with a try on the test server, just for me it's faster to do a ping, and I shouldn't get a

blocked port (home network, no reason to block any outgoing ports like that).

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to ping something:


click on start button

in the box type



you will get a window where you can type commands

in that window type


ping game.eternal-lands.com

you should get a reply (4x) with average ping of 30-300 ms (depending on location and internet connection


If that works, copy your "Eternal Lands" shortcut on the desktop and open it to edit (rightclick it to copy and then rightclick copy to open "properties" (probably bottom choice)

in the window that opens, edit the "target" line to read something like


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Eternal Lands\el.exe" test

Click "ok" and then use the shortcut to open the TEST server (different port, same program)

If this works, then something is blocking port 2001

Edited by Maxine

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Guest sheepmup

Many thanks for good responses, ping worked and test server worked too.


Actually when I removed the "test" to try to connect to main server again -> it worked now too ... (I have no idea how/why, guess something temporary/occasional on my laptop).




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Guest Rogue_Silence

I'm having the same connectivity issue. I have ports 2000 and 2001 open, I can ping both game and test servers, but I still can't connect. Avg ping here is 861ms to game server. I'm running Win7.


Does anyone have any further ideas? I haven't been able to play for ages. This thread has an earlier mention of Learner's service as a work-around, but I have no idea where to look for that. Also, could it just be that I'm "grue-ing" out at 861ms? (Except that I had been able to connect long time ago at that latency).


Any ideas are very much appreciated!



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