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Talon and WGT guild character sharing issue

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This morning our casty-team got deprived of their loot by Talon and Starkie. Nothing to make a big fuss over by itself.


However, I went to a lot of instances/invasions with Talon's owner and vouched for his integrity. I was wrong to do so. What makes me write this post is that I learned now that it was not Talon himself, but that there seems to be quite some unannounced character sharing going on with the result that those people owning the characters dismiss any responsibility for the deeds of their characters and those who actually did it stay anonymous. I find that rather lame.


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I have some questions...


  • - so you aren't complaining about the drop being taken but about the character sharing? This is in the wrong section then, because character sharing is part of rule 5 being gone. Maybe this should be in suggestions or general chat if you want to discuss the rule change?
  • - would you like to be informed about every instance of character sharing or just Talon's?
  • - how would you like your information? I suggest a bulletin board in votd
  • - who do you think you are that it's any of your business what people do with their characters and when/who they share with?


Besides that...

#guild_info WGT

General info: PK/Instance/Invasion guild. Beware, we may serp your boss mobs.
Not like it's a secret...
It was me who killed the casty and got the drop. Once that bulletin board is installed in votd I will make sure to post prior to logging a character

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Actions of 'Talon' cost several members of team rostos which I guess makes them heroes.

Another member (or player logging into character) took bags from it as well and was NOT original player.

Yes. You need to assume that any character in guild is being shared in by that player when GM disavows actions.


Quote from "Talon" when I PM'ed him about boss and asking for help for boss I found on map I cleared:

(not exact quote because of rules about pasting PMs. If forum MOD says okay I will past exact quote.)

Cannot come but brother can come in about 30 minutes.


Any denial of lack of knowledge of actions is a false hood and players should consider whether you wish to sell or buy anything from anyone in guild. Since some change guild tags to buy from bots listing players I list members as of dispute:


[PM from mercator: _rah_]
[PM from mercator: cherut]
[PM from mercator: finja]
[PM from mercator: myd1]
[PM from mercator: patriot]
[PM from mercator: sennia]
[PM from mercator: projectx]
[PM from mercator: talon]
[PM from mercator: plundering]
[PM from mercator: noah]
[PM from mercator: starkie]
[PM from mercator: jaakko]

ProjectX was also in guild and appears to have left because he was told he would not be sold items and his guild was on ban list by ally participating in effort who died. Of course he will just create alt to buy so when ProjectX advertises he is buying something assume any new person you may not have heard of is buyer alt.

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Quote from "Talon" when I PM'ed him about boss and asking for help for boss I found on map I cleared:

(not exact quote because of rules about pasting PMs. If forum MOD says okay I will past exact quote.)

Cannot come but brother can come in about 30 minutes.


I think you mean this:


[07:16:59] [PM from Saxum: I cleared map myself except pink, just boss left]
[07:17:14] [PM to Saxum: :o what boss?]
[07:17:38] [PM from Saxum: Casty. Killed 160+ to clear map. ME!]
[07:18:11] [PM to Saxum: ah..dont have time for casty right now. Have to head to work in 30 mins or so]
You also never gave me location of the casty..so not like I got coords and passed them on, you know.
At any rate, secrets out, finja got the loot... Will take the appropriate actions actions against her.
Edited by Patriot

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i suggest to move finja's post to request section,

talon i really think you are a bad influence for "the one who was not involved in this", but anyways,

I hope people read this thread, and serve to avoid it in the future

Edited by polygonalhead

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whats wrong with character sharing? And why is it "lame" ?

I myself share my character to the people I trust what ever they do as long as they don't get my char locked they are free to do what ever they want. I understand that my character is my responsibility but it's not my problem if the other player doesn't like you, you might have done something "lame". Besides you have a keyboard you can pm the person and ask who is playing on the character...

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I have some questions...


  • - so you aren't complaining about the drop being taken but about the character sharing? This is in the wrong section then, because character sharing is part of rule 5 being gone. Maybe this should be in suggestions or general chat if you want to discuss the rule change?
  • - would you like to be informed about every instance of character sharing or just Talon's?
  • - how would you like your information? I suggest a bulletin board in votd
  • - who do you think you are that it's any of your business what people do with their characters and when/who they share with?


Besides that...

#guild_info WGT

General info: PK/Instance/Invasion guild. Beware, we may serp your boss mobs.
Not like it's a secret...
It was me who killed the casty and got the drop. Once that bulletin board is installed in votd I will make sure to post prior to logging a character


You knew well that we would not suspect Talon of stealing our drop. My intend was to warn everybody that one can not rely on character names any longer as a guide who is trustworthy, at least not as far as WGT is involved.

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Just read this post and have to say this...serping a boss is one thing, not sharing the drop with people who helped kill it is pretty lame imo.



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whats wrong with character sharing? And why is it "lame" ?

I myself share my character to the people I trust what ever they do as long as they don't get my char locked they are free to do what ever they want. I understand that my character is my responsibility but it's not my problem if the other player doesn't like you, you might have done something "lame". Besides you have a keyboard you can pm the person and ask who is playing on the character...



If you read my post somewhat carefully you might have recognized that I learned only later that it was not Talon's owner. When I discussed it at night, Talon's owner refused to give out the name. Why this is I can only speculate, but I heard that this is not the first time. The only reasonable conclusion from that is that they did not want to be revealed.


Why I find it lame: Don_Jack, DuBro, stivy and Newhope (sorry guys if I missed any of you evil ones) have the stamina to do whatever they do in their name. Those guys above used somebody else's reputation and so far only finja came forth.

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I'm Starkie... I know who used my char I will not grass that person in. As for reputation? I have none I do not care what happened to your team because it's not my problem I don't know you I dont instance with you I don't trade you so It doesn't affect me. Yet banning from bots mean nothing people just make Alts. If you aren't happy with the char sharing then make a conplain or petition to get rule 5 back....

Edited by CoKPhaY

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I was the player on Talons account yesterday when the casty was "Taken" But I never got the bag Finja on Starkie char who got the drop I just tanked it Tbh I really don't know why I did it but it was gonna happen if I was there or not so if anyone wants to stop trading with me you all know who I am and ill understand why I wont let other take the blame for me so if you wanna hate me by all means do I did lie to a few people and say it wasn't me on the account and I shouldn't have done that but as for the casty no one can own a boss/spawn or anything else in the game it all belongs to Radu so saying we took your boss like you owned it is BS but I take full responsibility for my actions


As for the "we killed people and made them lose rostos" only player we died that we saw was brutus and not really sure even how he died you can hate me all you want I really don't buy any items from Saxum or anyone else so if you want to ban me from your bots I guess I can always find someone else to sell/buy items from or just make an alt


As for the char sharing Blakkat you share your account with a lot of people so you really shouldn't be talking. like Starkie said if you want to complain start a petition and have rule 5 brought back.


I really don't care what anyone here thinks of me Ill play the way I want to play if you want to hate me for that so be it one thing I had to learn in the game is you can never make everyone happy.

Edited by TrueMen

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I have known Talon long before he even came to this server to play and he has ALWAYS been honourable and trustworthy. Obviously he trusts the people with whom he shares his pass, what a pity that this ass doesn't respect that trust and pulls down the reputation of someone who obviously trusted him. What kind of friend is that. Go ruin your own reputation, not that of a friend who trusted you.

Edited by Starlite

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Gotta clarify a few things cause there are some weird rumors floating around.


Neither Talon nor the Talon character took the casty drop. I attacked it (on the Starkie character) and I got the bag. Talons character only joined the fight when the casty had about 4-5k HP left.



Actions of 'Talon' cost several members of team rostos which I guess makes them heroes.

Another member (or player logging into character) took bags from it as well and was NOT original player.

Yes. You need to assume that any character in guild is being shared in by that player when GM disavows actions.


Our actions did not cost anyone rostos.

Unlike you claim in game we did not make the casty spawn giants. That would be incredibly stupid. Why would we make it spawn the 20 giant wave on our heads and risk getting killed? The giants were already spawned by your own teammates when I (on the Starkie character) attacked the casty. Talon joined the fight even later.

The only player who died in the immediate action was brutus. He attacked the casty after I did and he died to 2 giants that attacked him then.

I dont even know who else died because it happened out of my view. If you lost a rosto to a giant miles away from the action then that's unfortunate but has nothing to do with what we did.

In conclusion: I am to blame for the "stolen" drop, but we do not take responsibility for whatever else happened in your imagination.


The "other member" who took bags was me. On my own character Finja over an hour before we serped the boss (yes, it took them that long to finish the casty). I took a bunch of animal parts, a PS cloak and some arrows from a bag of about 500.



You knew well that we would not suspect Talon of stealing our drop. My intend was to warn everybody that one can not rely on character names any longer as a guide who is trustworthy, at least not as far as WGT is involved.


Since it is not that exciting to watch you kill a casty in slow motion, what did you think we were doing there? Fully geared, with mage pants, on horses, sticking around for 3 giant waves. Take our horses out for a ride in the sunshine? It didnt cross your mind even once that we might be after the casty?



Obviously he trusts the people with whom he shares his pass, what a pity that this ass doesn't respect that trust and pulls down the reputation of someone who obviously trusted him.


Don't you think it is up to Talon to decide wether his trust was respected or not?

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I have some questions...


  • - so you aren't complaining about the drop being taken but about the character sharing? This is in the wrong section then, because character sharing is part of rule 5 being gone. Maybe this should be in suggestions or general chat if you want to discuss the rule change?


Small correction;

Character sharing has never been part of the removed rule 5 (that was about interactions between characters belonging to the same player), but is dealt with in rule 4.

And one of the consequences of that rule is that you cannot push the blame if someone else breaks the rules on 'your' character (i.e. s/he gets it locked, too bad for you).


All problems under rule 5 came from interactions between the shared character and another character from one of the users (any character you use is considered 'yours', so a shared character has multiple owners if alts are to be considered).


As for 'trust': if someone shares a character and the other uses that character in a way that makes me feel I can't trust who is behind it, I won't trust that character any more, as I cannot check who is playing it. The more so if the original owner doesn't want to admit the sharing.


And that's what OP's post was mostly about: certain characters get shared a lot. Some of the players are reliable, others less so.

So what do you want the players outside your sharing ring to do?

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@ finja in reply to your statement: [Don't you think it is up to Talon to decide wether his trust was respected or not?]


I still stand by my view that the character sharing is a different thing to having alts owned by one owner. Anyone allowing someone to share their char as I said before obviously trusts that person, so of course its up to Talon or anyone else who lets other people have access to their char to determine trust. The point I was making is if your given that trust you should not abuse it and should not give any cause for comeback to the owner,for any reason.


@ Noah (truemen) my apologises for misunderstanding the original post.

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Blame not the poor who steal to eat, for they know nothing else but basic survival instincts in their simple lives.
~Tokie~ 03-09-2015

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Assume the entire WGT guild is character sharing, thats the only sensible thing to do, and trust none of them as you will not know who is behind the toon


If I had a bot I'd ban the lot

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WGT :teh only guild in El that shares chars...





our guild project actually. all login each others chars just for fun


Pls buy a Bot so you can banzors us. none of us have alts outside of guild :(

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Only WGT members have admitted to character sharing, which is pretty damning evidence, doubtless it goes on elsewhere but evidence is sorely lacking. However, that said, if people want to post here which characters they share then we can all be holier than thou, frown upon them from the moral high ground and chastise them accordingly.


I stand by my comment, trust this guild no one iota, you just cant be sure who you are actually dealing with

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morrigan you talk like as if you are judge judy...

Wether we admit it or not there are plenty people admitting of char sharing Ingame you probably don't know but interacted with some of them already....

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