Nova Report post Posted October 6, 2012 how can people get better at finding pears if the same people find them over and over and over again, and fast? Here's your proof, btw, of the real bug, that people's names get shown in the blue spam. If it wasn't known that there were certain people doing it, that wouldn't be used as the lazy excuse to not try. Just picking that one saying of it, I've heard this nonsense a dozen times. And okay, ask me... Once Upon a Time malameo was the one who almost always found the pears. I hadn't started trying. Then I decided to give it a shot. It was probably TWO WEEKS before I found my first one, and that primarily out of the luck that it was an off hour and I didn't see anyone else looking. During those two weeks, malameo continued to find pears long before I'd even find the map. But practice made perfect (*I honed my skill*) and those weeks of practice led me to finding better ways to checking the maps. Now, 4+ years of actually taking the time to look around at the maps had already given me a good knowledge of the maps, though not exactly where every harvestable was, I had a good idea of where to look. I took time out of my daily grind and power-leveling to mark maps, look around, get very familiar with the harvestables on each. So once my map-finding skills were better honed, I could more quickly start checking all the harvestables on the map. Even still, in the end there's nothing but luck. Mala, Stivy, and I all searching IP once at the same time for the pear, I find it out of sheer luck. 20+ minutes digging around Grubani (along with mala and Stivy) and mala stumbled on it first. 2+ hours searching all of Palon Vertas (4 of us that time) only to determine it was in one of the dozen unreachable items. Yeah, that's easy. </sarcasm> And yeah, that's the part (the collective) you don't grasp, because you're coming in here with your completely unknowledged opinions trying to state them as fact. Yeah, I'm a damn good hunter. Because I actually took the time to learn patterns, hone skills, study the maps. Every single thing I did to work my way up to being one of the top pear finders is just as doable by anyone else in the game. (Well, with proper inorganic nexus, all harvest knowledge, and harv 95 or more is highly recommended though the pear is rarely seen in dung/amber). This is why I call the whiners lazy. What do you do to become a better fighter? Train, practice pk, whatever. What do you do to become a better pear hunter? Study the maps, learn good patterns, learn to control speed hax... yes, you have to actually practice. And yes, all that practice time comes with essentially no leveling whatsoever. The trade-off. And I said "Ask Stivy" because he's the only one of late I've seen who hasn't been just sitting around lazily whining, and actually trying. And finding pears before me/mala sometimes already. He may have a different story than mine, but he's proof that anyone can still start hunting and with trial and error eventually become a good hunter. But therein lies the problem, the whiners are too lazy to try. And again, I say, that's player fault, not a bug. Seems you don't like being an EL celebrity :/ No, people are using it as an excuse to not even try. And that's all it is, an excuse. Tone it down drama queen. Yes people are saying silly things about bugs or special non existent mod powers, but guess what, you're playing a game where there are 100-200 other people so you're going to hear some stupid stuff. Sitting here and insulting people isn't going to do anything to solve the problem. The blue spam isn't the problem, the fact that, atm, the game allows for a few people to corner the pear market is the problem. There's all sorts of stuff like that in EL that need to be looked at, let's start here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) Tone it down drama queen. Yes people are saying silly things about bugs or special non existent mod powers, but guess what, you're playing a game where there are 100-200 other people so you're going to hear some stupid stuff. Sitting here and insulting people isn't going to do anything to solve the problem. The blue spam isn't the problem, the fact that, atm, the game allows for a few people to corner the pear market is the problem. There's all sorts of stuff like that in EL that need to be looked at, let's start here. The only drama queens here are the whiny lazy people who never try. But thanks for showing you're not actually reading anything. My post showed Mala's almost complete "corner of the market" could be disrupted, and Stivy is showing that even now others can cut into the "action". I started off in the exact same position you are now. And despite mala already regularly finding them quickly, I was able to work my way into doing the same. That it's been going on for months means nothing, as Stivy has shown anyone can still start trying now. I spent weeks learning to do that, and even today continue learning new things. That's your problem, you're too damn lazy to do that. The only point of this BS bug report is because a few of us others weren't as lazy as the whiners. The only, and I mean, ONLY thing keeping others from doing the same is sheer laziness. They'd rather sit around doing nothing, and cook up BS drama with false bug reports and incessant whining. Off your butt, and do something. Just like I did. Just like Stivy did. Practice and you win. Don't practice and your incessant whining is pointless. Edited October 6, 2012 by Burn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nova Report post Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) Again, if we are talking about selective reading, I don't care about pears. I've looked for them for the amount of time that is fun for me, which is usually 10 mins. You are an incredibly insulting, pompous person Burn, I think that is a big part of this problem. Have fun up there on your high horse. Try not to slip because at this point, the fall will break your neck. I've said all that I think needs to be said about the Pears and I don't think the blue spam should be taken out just because you loath actually talking to people and don't want them to bother you. Edited October 6, 2012 by Nova Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zamirah Report post Posted October 6, 2012 The only, and I mean, ONLY thing keeping others from doing the same is sheer laziness. No, some people play games to relax, I¨m one of them. And it keep me from doing the same. Look like you need to relax too when I read your posts, You know what stress can do to people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted October 6, 2012 No, I loathe people using "only a couple finding them" as an excuse to not look themselves. Which is all this is really about. That the whining didn't start until *I* became one of those people (noone whined when it was pretty much just malameo) doesn't help. That I even wrote a complete tutorial on my blog explaining everything in exacting detail on how to be a pear hunter, to encourage others to join in, didn't help. Hell, the first person to use that and randomly happen to find one sent me a barrage of insults on how they used my own info against me, instead of thanking me for showing me how to do it, so I took it down. And you think after *months* of listening to this same BS I should keep up the "nice guy" routine? Nope. Lazy people talking pure nonsense will be treated like clueless lazy people. You can't please lazy people. There's no way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted October 6, 2012 No, some people play games to relax, I¨m one of them. There are many aspects to this game. That some of them are geared towards more active people is not a PROBLEM. I'm a level 132 alcher, I know what it means to sit for hours and hours mixing, harving, etc. Now once every 6 hours I get something that's a challenge Not that I'm complaining about the mix grind. THAT I do to relax. The hunt I do for the challenge. And yes, I'm gonna get damn pissy at anyone wanting to take that away from me just because they're too lazy to actually put the effort into it that I did. Whining because I'm reaping the benefits of having taken the time to practice and learn. If you're too lazy to try, there's plenty else to do already. To *relax* with. This isn't for you, it's for others who aren't lazy. I have hand issues that guarantee I can never pk effectively, lacking the reflexes to counter more than what practicing for a/d leveling allows, so I don't try it. In the same respect, if you have a laziness issue that prevents you from taking the time to learn to effectively hunt as I, mala, and Stivy have done, don't try it. But don't whine because others actually do, and have taken the time you're too lazy to take and eventually become good at it. Zero tolerance for lazy whining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) I tell you what... despite (as I mentioned before) having been treated like complete crap for providing this before: http://life-is-etern...-find-pear.html I put it back up. There you go. Every single one of the secrets to finding a pear, in exhaustive detail. You can no longer claim that I, mala, or Stivy have any means of finding the pear that you don't have yourself. You cannot possibly get any better info on how to pear hunt than what is provided there. The only thing that leaves is laziness. You want to voice an opinion on pear hunts, prove you're not lazy first. Edited October 6, 2012 by Burn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_iNvoKeD Report post Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) I don't like the fact you're calling 99% of the EL playerbase lazy. 3/4 of the playerbase don't even have 6 inorganic nexus. I don't think you posting a HOW-TO guide on hunting pears actually caused your 'crap' treatment. Thanks for quoting everything I couldn't be bothered to, Sonic. Not every PKer is a brain-dead one, and not everyone wants to play like you. Or be as unsociable as you. Ontop of that, just because you 'can't' PK because of your lack of reflexes or so you say, doesn't make PK shit. There isn't a bug with who finds it, it's just who can be bothered to run around maps for hours regardless of the 70k? price tag, idek how much they cost anymore seen as I don't really log onto EL. - THAT is not laziness, that is just using their time more productively so they dont waste up to 20k in pear finders for someone else to get it. Sure its a gc sink, but others think its a waste of time. And all of your walls of texts about how 'jealous' people are, I highly doubt the fact anyone is jealous of you in anyway shape or form, from my own dealings with you and what i've heard, its quite the opposite. Your short outbursts like this, and your reflective playing style cause the 'attack' on you, not jealousy. THE ONLY Lazy person is you. You can't be bothered to interact with other human beings (It doesnt seem like you want to, so correct me if i'm wrong), so I'd rethink all your posts and remove the crap about 'mindless drivel' and jealousy and take a long hard look in the mirror. And let curious noobs wonder without taking it so personally. Not that I have a problem with you or anything, Burn. Edited October 6, 2012 by _iNvoKeD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) I don't like the fact you're calling 99% of the EL playerbase lazy. No, just the ones who are whining, who fail to try themselves. Those who aren't trying, and don't care about it, are playing right. 3/4 of the playerbase don't even have 6 inorganic nexus. 2-4 will likely be enough as can be seen in my screenshots. It's random so it *can* show in stuff requiring more (and will, hydro comes to mind), but as can be seen I've found it the majority of the times in things like flowers, shrooms, and way too many times in branches. Even still, this being a BUG REPORT, this is player fault, not a bug, if it shows up in something that can't be harvested because of a lack of nexus. This is a *harvester's* competition, a harvester should have all needed nexus. I don't think you posting a HOW-TO guide on hunting pears actually caused your 'crap' treatment. There's that "think" again without actual knowledge. The person I referred to specifically berated and belittled me because they used my provided info to get to the pear before me. There isn't a bug with who finds it, it's just who can be bothered to run around maps for hours regardless of the 70k? price tag, idek how much they cost anymore seen as I don't really log onto EL. - THAT is not laziness, that is just using their time more productively so they dont waste up to 20k in pear finders for someone else to get it. Then those who "want to use their time more productively" can do so, this is not their issue. If they don't want to "waste" the time, effort, and gc it takes to become a good hunter, and choose to do something else instead, that's perfectly fine, not everything is for everyone. This isn't their business. Whining because I and others enjoy doing it and doing the hunt, despite the pear finder and time waste (do you people seriously think I don't waste them as well when mala or stivy finds it, or when it's unreachable, which happens all too often?) is hardly productive, yet so many continue to do it. This thread being the prime example of the lowest of low, trying to claim it's a bug. And wait... I thought the problem was that it was "too easy" to find, taking less than 10 minutes. What are these hours you speak of, or is one of you finally admitting what my screenshots have proven all along, that it can take *much* longer than that? Please get your stories straight. Sure its a gc sink, but others think its a waste of time. And yet those others keep wasting time whining about it. And filing false bug reports. THE ONLY Lazy person is you. You can't be bothered to interact with other human beings (It doesnt seem like you want to, so correct me if i'm wrong) Funny, the people I interact with on a daily basis, some of which I have for years, would disagree. I intentionally don't interact with people who constantly troll and make a nuisance of themself. Huge difference. And yes, that's generally the most vocal 6:ers, where this nonsense that I don't communicate with anyone came from (trolls making up stuff as they go along just to troll, and here you are rehashing it), which is why I almost never post on 6 other than to moderate. I have no interest in them, and years of experience have shown their only reason for trying to constantly contact me is to cause problems. So no, I don't fall for the bait that leads to that crap. Your lies notwithstanding, I and every moderator know your problems with me. In fact, it's your sole purpose for posting here. This topic would have no interest to you if I weren't involved. And that's enough off-topic. The PK crap won't be responded to. This is a BUG REPORT about PEAR FINDING, stick to the subject. This is not general chat. Edited October 6, 2012 by Burn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zamirah Report post Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) There are many aspects to this game. That some of them are geared towards more active people is not a PROBLEM. I'm a level 132 alcher, I know what it means to sit for hours and hours mixing, harving, etc. And how do this relate to pear finding ? Edited October 6, 2012 by Zamirah Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SenZon Report post Posted October 6, 2012 BURN, Don't double post. Use edit. And I'll say this again. Pear Finders work way too easy. It shouldn't say "The pear is in this map". Should act exactly like a treasure finder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted October 6, 2012 Seriously desperate responses here... Someone said the pear hunt wasn't relaxing to them, and that's why they play. Noting that there are *many* other means of relaxing in the game and that a pear hunt existing doesn't take away from that is directly relevant if that's somehow an excuse that there's something wrong with the pear hunt. What is the BUG of this BUG REPORT? Other than names showing in the blue spam. If it's too easy, provide your personal proof. State how you've used the finders, how the pears have been too easy for you to find because of the way they are. That's how you file a bug report. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quesar Report post Posted October 6, 2012 The "pk crap" is completely appropriate as an example of your willingness to discuss subjects YOU know nothing about. Yet all I see is you ranting about other people talking about pears, claiming they shouldn't because they don't know anything about it. They are merely pointing out the hypocrisy in your statements. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) And how long and far back was it I last posted in an official thread about pk change? Look long and hard, because it'll be quite likely *years* back. Opinions I post in any unofficial place or general chat are not relevant, there are different rules there (or none at all if referring to my personal blog). Here, it is taking off the subject of a BUG REPORT. This forum is for the discussion of bugs only. You stick to the subject here (*rule alert*). Subject changes are not permitted in this development forum. - What is the BUG? - State your personal experience with said bug (not what others do, but your personal experience) - Why it's a bug - What it is that needs to be fixed. If you have no personal experience, you cannot possibly claim a bug. Edited October 6, 2012 by Burn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burn Report post Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) There have been more than enough off-topic posts, and even I have been unfortunately baited into responding to them. (Yes, I admit I am at fault at falling for the bait as well.) That ends here on all ends, for everyone. All further posts will be about the exact subject of a supposed pear bug, per the reason of this development forum. This is NOT a chat, it is a development forum where developers come to look for actual bugs in the code, not wade through random topics. The basic requirements of a *bug report* are at the end of the previous message. Use them. Any further baits to change the subject or actual changes to the subject will be removed. All subject changes posted prior to this are no longer part of this discussion. Stay on subject, Edited October 6, 2012 by Burn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Usl Report post Posted October 6, 2012 Now this is getting really odd. First post: "is there a bug in the rand() routine"? Second post should be by Radu (or maybe Learner), stating "No, I checked the code, there is no bug there". Everything else is irrelevant to the case. Burn's proposal about removing the name from the blue spam makes sense, but it would have been more visible in a separate post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Entropy Report post Posted October 8, 2012 There is no bug, the Pear is distributed pretty uniformly. There are other minor bugs, such as the pear being in a resource that can't be harvested (out of reach), but that is pretty infrequent, and it would be extremely difficult to fix. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites