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Expiring bots

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Here is the bots that expired (I didn't do the expiration thing in a long time, so there are a lot this time).




cr_trader, CoderCR

MWAR_sto_bot, ingalftass



mattamus, robotbob

pelras_bot, pelras

zarx, exadion

Vader, Lordholt



Josi, DogBreath

hansom, Perthy

Buddha, Boedha




cupido, Dopee

baggeins, redhawk

Freya, Icy

Najash, Elf_Ninja

lwd, van_binsbergen



daylecat, markdothexen

zumba, ben

Akeso, elf_ninja

Alula, subzero



Sandalphon, Em0tion

malinche, bbmany

Unforgivin, Ozmondius

eset, pr0yx

Admiral_Ackbar, Charisma

quim, Quimbly



blood_craft, Craft and Tokie and Taini

KetChup, ManiaX

FunguS, ManiaX

safe, WeaverDAS

Lice, Kornholio


You have until 20th of May to pay their yearly 20 USD fee, or else they will be locked and you will have to pay an additional 10 usd fee for unlocking them.


If I made a mistake, please let me know.


[edit] Update the list, unpaid bots are there.

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Bots: Beaver, KiraKitty

PayPal payment ID: 77E93900LN660815N

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Here is the bots that expired (I didn't do the expiration thing in a long time, so there are a lot this time).


CelticLass, Darc0 and Agrilles


If I made a mistake, please let me know.


I spoke with Agrilles; we're not sure who owns CelticLass, but it's not us. :)


Edit - she indicates her owner is TheWilloW

Edited by Darc0

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Your transaction ID for this payment is: 77H924746E117333G.


Perun / Charn / Shari / Winterstar & also Zartob / Zarumeon for when they fall due

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Celticlass is owned by TheWilloW was due March

Celticwarrior owned by Davy not due untill July


Both Payed now


checked_color_16x16.gif You just completed your payment.

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 4KE55961E8181713T.



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Payment for Chimothy

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 6FT4149372508680W.

Chimothy is owned by Taini and Tokie

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Vondor is owned by Norm and was paid by myself Oct. 2011.


Yes, but when you pay for it you don't have it paid for 1 year since the last payment. It was originally bought in April, so you were like 6 months due with the payment. So now you are due again.


Nvm, it is due for July, not April, I had it twice on my list.

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tina was eviljoe's a long time ago. then she was Zia's, then mine, not sure who else had her but it seems that atm:

[PM from Tina: [My bot owner(s) is(are) Annavie

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for Salt:


You just made a payment of

$20.00 USD

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 1FF543065B534813K.

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Bot Fees paid for Adarah, Arachnid, Iduna, and Garion.


Paypal Transaction ID: 1RM64047JK017561N


Iduna is not on the list but I know she's due soon. Garion is also not on the list but I believe is also due soon. Would you please let me know when Garion is due so I can keep track of it?

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Bot Fees paid for Adarah, Arachnid, Iduna, and Garion.


Paypal Transaction ID: 1RM64047JK017561N


Iduna is not on the list but I know she's due soon. Garion is also not on the list but I believe is also due soon. Would you please let me know when Garion is due so I can keep track of it?


garion is not due until January of 2014

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