BruSu Report post Posted August 15, 2011 hi as I'm in need of gypsum I started to dream about a a special day when all stuff has only 1 Emu - I think it will remain a dream...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
korrode Report post Posted August 15, 2011 maybe to be more realistic: #day of half weight, and also a negative #day of double weight, for balance ;p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
themuntdregger Report post Posted August 15, 2011 I like both brusu's and korrodes suggestions. Maybe we could have a day of Jane Fonda in which we could have half emu of items carried, followed by a day of Gordon Ramsey where items carried get double emu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dylann Report post Posted August 15, 2011 What I see about this idea, is make the chance very rare, because if u get half weight, ppl gonna be farming instas like crazy I think, but never know, I could be wrong Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
themuntdregger Report post Posted August 16, 2011 Maybe make #day of Jane Fonda for female chars only lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jeditotalwar Report post Posted August 16, 2011 Really like this idea! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Devnul Report post Posted August 16, 2011 What I see about this idea, is make the chance very rare, because if u get half weight, ppl gonna be farming instas like crazy I think, but never know, I could be wrong They are farming instances even without such day ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nathanstenzel Report post Posted August 19, 2011 (edited) What I see about this idea, is make the chance very rare, because if u get half weight, ppl gonna be farming instas like crazy I think, but never know, I could be wrong Making it a day of lighter ingredients might solve that. On day of lighter ingredients, those stocking up on ingredients, mixing on site, mixing on the run, etc would be able to haul more of whatever ingreds. Fighters would probably find it more useful to haul finished goods unless they are training their mixing skills between critters. A variation of this would be a day of lighter ore where every ore (and only ore) weighs half emu. I am not sure, but it might be easier to program into the server. Edited August 19, 2011 by nathanstenzel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saxum Report post Posted August 20, 2011 A variation of this would be a day of lighter ore where every ore (and only ore) weighs half emu. I am not sure, but it might be easier to program into the server. Half EMUs would be pain for programmers. Make minerals and ores 1 EMU lighter (except titanium) and now we have a run on 2 EMU minerals day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malameo Report post Posted September 27, 2011 (edited) I heard about this idea but didn't took the time to search the forum for it until now Reduced Gravity Day: Mages of PV accidentally made a significant part of the world disappear. They promised to find it by the end of the day. why not just make it so you can have Load: 1800/900, should be easy enough Edited September 27, 2011 by malameo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
littlebro2 Report post Posted May 13, 2014 resurrecting thread! Just thought of this and searched and found it was already suggested. Would love "Double Load" or "Increased Load" day All players whether in mule form or not get double or 50% more of their normal "Load". Don't try to change EMU..that would be too hard. Just "Load" * 2. or even "Load" * 1.5. If player is carrying more than the real "Load" allows when the day ends, they will have to drop something before they can move. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raistlin Report post Posted May 13, 2014 We already have too many special days, every new special day reduces the chance for the others to happen... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
momr58 Report post Posted May 13, 2014 I agree with Raistlin 100%, when was the last time we saw recycling? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxine Report post Posted May 14, 2014 Agree with Raistlin. The only special days that seem to be left are the normal ones Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aislinn Report post Posted May 15, 2014 Normal is the new special. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZootNerper Report post Posted May 16, 2014 +1 Raistlin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LongMustache Report post Posted June 4, 2014 (edited) We could replace not-so special days with the new ones. Like, day of mana and half cooldowns are both not so special. Along with all the bad days, that get 100% removed, which makes them 100% pointless. Edited June 4, 2014 by Helklo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RipTide Report post Posted June 4, 2014 We could replace not-so special days with the new ones. Like, day of mana and half cooldowns are both not so special. Along with all the bad days, that get 100% removed, which makes them 100% pointless. ~~ Really, I guess you don't mix or fight then. Tell people on an instance that half cooldowns are not so special and when fighting in an invasion, instance and invance, extra mana is always welcome. Bad days are there as a gc sink. Removal stones cost money and remove it from the game. No more new days, I'd like to see a recycle day more often then we do. They make up for all them crit fails. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LongMustache Report post Posted June 4, 2014 We could replace not-so special days with the new ones. Like, day of mana and half cooldowns are both not so special. Along with all the bad days, that get 100% removed, which makes them 100% pointless. ~~ Really, I guess you don't mix or fight then. Tell people on an instance that half cooldowns are not so special and when fighting in an invasion, instance and invance, extra mana is always welcome. Bad days are there as a gc sink. Removal stones cost money and remove it from the game. No more new days, I'd like to see a recycle day more often then we do. They make up for all them crit fails. Gc sink? what gc sink? You mean when you buy a bd removal from another player? thast not a sink, thats just gold switching hands. Extra mana is always welcome, but if you think that you can't add any more spec days, because there are already too many, removing the oens with least applications is kinda the way to go, imo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revi Report post Posted June 4, 2014 Just what does "least applications" mean? For me, 'half cooldown' is more useful than 'faster respawn' or even 'sun tzu', and 'day of no grief' is worthless... Others will have other ideas about that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Immortelle Report post Posted June 4, 2014 Agree with Raistlin - having a normal day is SPECIAL indeed. too many special days, too many special things in the game.. maybe too lazy players ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
littlebro2 Report post Posted June 5, 2014 omgsh. ok. <sarcasm> we don't want any more special days. or special things. lets also not make any new weapons, armor, or other ideas. we don't need interesting. or maybe just freeze the game as it is. maybe we should start taking some of special items out because some people like them too much. in fact, no more suggestions that might add more specialness to the game. I now renounce this suggestion and replace it with: "Please change all colors in the game to Black and White" </sarcasm> sheesh. sorry for mentioning it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxine Report post Posted June 5, 2014 If the chance to get any particular special day was independent of how many other special days there are, I would not mind another one, but as it is, any additional special day makes the chance to get others (like my favorite tailoring) smaller and smaller. This is the way they are coded, and as long as that doesn't change, I will not vote for any additional special days. As additional items go, that is a whole different story Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LongMustache Report post Posted June 6, 2014 Just what does "least applications" mean? For me, 'half cooldown' is more useful than 'faster respawn' or even 'sun tzu', and 'day of no grief' is worthless... Others will have other ideas about that Yeah, and I would find day of less weight more useful than almost any other day in the game. Everyone have their preference, but what im saying is - it shouldn't affect any good new ideas. Radu could also add day stones for other days. Only a handful of stones exist atm, which would increase the rate of "rare" special days. Theres an easy solution for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saxum Report post Posted June 8, 2014 Just what does "least applications" mean? For me, 'half cooldown' is more useful than 'faster respawn' or even 'sun tzu', and 'day of no grief' is worthless... Others will have other ideas about that Yeah, and I would find day of less weight more useful than almost any other day in the game. Everyone have their preference, but what im saying is - it shouldn't affect any good new ideas. Radu could also add day stones for other days. Only a handful of stones exist atm, which would increase the rate of "rare" special days. Theres an easy solution for you. If any new special days are added make them from stones purchasable in shop only. This way radu gets revenue and can control how many of the stones are sold each month. Too bad special days affect both continents; if they and day removal stone affected only one continent you could have acid rain on one and harvest on other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites