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Clicking double on "log in", and nothing happens

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Im helping my friend, here is her problem:


Thank you so much in advance for help. It's very important to me. :icon13:

I can't create character or log in to EL, when i click double on "log in" or "create new


character",nothing happens. I can click, and click, and click - no result. (tried hitting

enter. :))

I updated my graphic card drivers. It's newest EL client.

Windows XP Home edition 2002, service pack 3

Intel Core 2 duo CPU E7300 @ 2.66 GHz

2.67 GHz, 2.93 GB RAM

NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT


I tried most common tricks, turning off shadows, poor man etc. :hug:

Download Speed: 128 kbps (16 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 50 kbps (6.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

(i know its slow, but i live in small city)


I have avast! antivirus, tried to shut it down. I connect with modem.

Maybe i should try to open some ports? :)


Again, thank you very much for any help. :hiya:




Here is screen:

(it connects with server smoothly, no problems with it)


Edited by Leaf

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there has been a similar problem posted before.


if you want, please read my answer here: <click me>


please read the instructions carefully. i shall not be responsible for any damage that may arise from this if you fail to follow the steps properly.


you may also want to copy and paste the contents of error_log.txt (found in: My Documents/Eternal Lands/main/error_log.txt) here so that we could examine the process more clearly.


good luck!

Edited by DibClark

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Thank you for help DibClark!

I will call for my friend and we will try together :(

I will post if we succeed or not.

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DibClark, tried doing what you suggested and it still doesn't work. :D Here i paste error_log if you could have a look. Thank you! :whistle:



Log started at 2010-07-13 16:08:58 localtime (Środkowoeuropejski czas letni)


[16:08:58] Error: Server profile not found in servers.lst for server: Lands\el_exe.exe". Failover to server: main.

[16:08:58] Using the server profile: main

[16:08:58] Warning: Didn't find your data_dir, using the current directory instead. Please correct this in your el.ini . Given data_dir was: "E:\Eternal Lands\". Using "E:\Eternal Lands".

[16:08:58] Window size adjusted to 1018x706

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_multitexture extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_point_sprite extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_texture_compression extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_shadow extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_EXT_framebuffer_object extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_EXT_draw_range_elements extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_fragment_program extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_vertex_program extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_fragment_shader extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_vertex_shader extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_shader_objects extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_shading_language_100 extension found, using it.

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat extension found, NOT using it...

[16:08:59] GL_ARB_texture_rectangle extension found, NOT using it...

[16:08:59] GL_EXT_fog_coord extension found, NOT using it...

[16:08:59] Couldn't find the GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc extension, not using it...

[16:08:59] GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc extension found, using it.

[16:09:00] Error opening sound configuration file

[16:09:02] Could not load a channel list for language code pl. Using the english set instead.

[16:09:02] * server www.eternal-lands.com filename http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates190/files.lst

[16:09:02] Downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates190/files.lst from www.eternal-lands.com

[16:09:02] Error: Can't open file "alias.ini"

[16:09:03] Finished downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates190/files.lst

[16:09:04] * server www.eternal-lands.com filename http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates190/files.lst

[16:09:04] Downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates190/files.lst from www.eternal-lands.com

[16:09:05] Finished downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates190/files.lst

[16:09:06] * server www.eternal-lands.com filename http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates190/files.lst

[16:09:06] Downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates190/files.lst from www.eternal-lands.com

[16:09:10] Finished downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates190/files.lst

[16:09:10] Failed to download (files.lst) 3 times. Giving up.

[16:09:10] Error: Can't open file "custom_mirrors.lst"

[16:11:41] Client closed

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[16:08:58] Warning: Didn't find your data_dir, using the current directory instead. Please correct this in your el.ini . Given data_dir was: "E:\Eternal Lands\". Using "E:\Eternal Lands".


hmm...this is the only error i saw in the logfile that could affect the game. this is pretty strange, since you said you followed my instructions, and you changed the el.ini files (are you sure you changed the TWO el.ini files?).


please make sure EL is installed in E:\Eternal Lands. if you have any other installations (even backup), please rename the el.exe files you find to anything except 'el.exe'.


if you prefer extended offline support, please email me at dibclark@gmail.com. i may be able to help you better.

Edited by DibClark

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Everything should be right about it, DibClark. I've followed your instructions carefully. Thank you, I'll email you if I still can't manage.

I've tried your solutions, Maxine. To be honest, I'm not so skillful at computer and I'm not sure if I done it wright. Anyway here I post the screen after typing first 2 commands.screen2d.jpg When I type the third, everything disappear and the window empty.

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so your connection TO the game server is working, but it is possible that incoming port 2000 is blocked by ISP or someone in between.


try to login to the test server at port 2001,


read about that problem here




btw: ofc it must be 'tracert game.eternal-lands.com' and not 'tracert www.game.eternal-lands.com'....

Edited by Gilrain

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Thanks, Gilrain. You're probably right, because when I typed into DOS box the commands "telnet the-green-leaf.de 2000" and 'telnet game.eternal-lands.com 2000' (as suggested in the instructions you recomanded) I saw just a black screen. But I don't know how to log in to the test server at port 2001. It wasn't explained in those instructions and I'm not so good at computer ;) Could you tell me what to do it, please?

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I've managed to create a character and log in to the test server. So EL works fine while connecting at port 2001.

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So now:


1. Check your OS firewall or router firewall if it is not blocking port 2000

2. Check your ISP if it is not blocking port 2000

3. Use Learner’s proxy (port 443 I think)


Good luck!

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1. Check your OS firewall or router firewall if it is not blocking port 2000

2. Check your ISP if it is not blocking port 2000

3. Use Learner’s proxy (port 443 I think)

Totally don't know how to do it.

Can you help me a little please?

Thank you so much for patience and sorry, I'm not good at computers!

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1. Check your OS firewall or router firewall if it is not blocking port 2000

2. Check your ISP if it is not blocking port 2000

3. Use Learner’s proxy (port 443 I think)

Totally don't know how to do it.

Can you help me a little please?

Thank you so much for patience and sorry, I'm not good at computers!

Call the internet service provider and ask them if they are "blocking outgoing TCP connections on port 2000", if they say they are, ask them to stop blocking for your account.

If they refuse to, for whatever reason, tell them they just lost your business and find a different internet service provider.



Or, i guess, u could pursue Learner's proxy... but these damn ISP's need to be taught that it's not their place to enforce unwanted firewall rules :<

Edited by Korrode

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