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New monster type

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I would like to suggest two monsters.

1. Spit Bee

Placed around/near beehives. These would be more of a nusance than anything else. They would be aggresive to all players and ignore MM, but they would only deal 1-2 damage for every stinger thrown, and they would have only a little better accuracy than a player. If the player engages the bee in combat, the ranging stops but the bee attacks like normal, strength like that of a rat.

2. Orc Shaman - More beast than man

Larger foe, which does a good amount of damage 10-20 a shot, and has more accuracy, for the higher-leveled maps. Likewise, if attacked with hand-to-hand the ranging stops and fighting begins.


Simple idea really, I have searched the threads and have not been able to find much on this topic.

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I would like to suggest two monsters.

1. Spit Bee

Placed around/near beehives. These would be more of a nusance than anything else. They would be aggresive to all players and ignore MM, but they would only deal 1-2 damage for every stinger thrown, and they would have only a little better accuracy than a player. If the player engages the bee in combat, the ranging stops but the bee attacks like normal, strength like that of a rat.

:D how u after want harvest honey if they would still attack ya?...

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