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Instance drops

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Out of curiosity, how is loot sharing in party systems in other mmo's done?

Some have completely automated systems, where the loot is divided (or replicated) automatically and placed in the inventory or each person.


Some have systems where you "roll" for the loot (in effect, each party member rolls a dice for each item and the person who rolled highest (per item) gets that item).


Some have the multiple items of loot appearing around the defeated entity.


Hopefully some other people can post other methods they've seen.

(EDIT: Elf_Ninja beat me to it on posting a couple of those methods ;p)

Edited by Korrode

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Hm, if that is the case then we would no longer have single item drops such as rdholam and scythes. Only harv meds, rops, arrows.


I was envisioning a sort of bank, all the loot is given to a second NPC in battle hall and the designated team leader uses the npc and obtains the loot from him, however everyone could pm the npc to see the loot. Though that does develop three problems.

1.) Aislinn's issue with announcing to everyone.

2.) Still 1 potentially bad guy.

3.) Need to code a way to pm npcs -- But hey, that gives way to NPC merchants.


Or to solve #2, the team leader designates shareouts (for instance mules in some teams get half or fourth shares), and the team as a whole could "vote" on what to do with the single pieces of equipment.


Though this makes the entire party system entirely more complex than it has to be.

Do we really need this many fail safes in our community?


Ozmo's idea of just having the creature yell out "Oh! I am vanquished, I fear what will happen to my Dragon Blade, 1234 gold coins and Orange." Or something to that effect seems to be simpler (aside from the issue of talking creatures, of which only Lenny can speak.) is simple, the foundation is in place (mostly I would guess), and wouldn't exactly force a morality as Aislinn suggests. People know who Bombed them, scammed them, bag jumped and they still do it. Similar to bombing trade bots or killing guard bots. (PKC for guards let everyone knows)


edit: All this talk about evil and ethics wants to make me try it heh.

Edited by Raytray

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Ozmo's idea of just having the creature yell out "Oh! I am vanquished, I fear what will happen to my Dragon Blade, 1234 gold coins and Orange." Or something to that effect seems to be simpler

Um, that (basically) IS the OP's suggestion.

The discussion has included talks of 'party systems' and such, but the purpose of this thread isn't to get a full party system implemented. For now at least, just having all team member knowing what the drops were would do.

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Actually, the original suggestion was a pop up, in which case it could not be applied to castellan due to the fact that perhaps not everyone in radius is helping and etc. Hence my original post here.

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This has been asked before (the OT) and I responded before. I said I will consider it.

This being said, you shouldn't team up with people you don't trust.

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Did my first instance after implementation of this... I've always trusted the teams I've been on instances with but it was still nice and exciting (or in our case less exciting since we didn't get good drops :P) to see the drops the big mobs dropped. In all.... Nice one \o/

Edited by dabrat

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I just wanted to say that having heard about ''people'' working towards making EL have less guilds , which will help build trust and st00f


well tbh I think thats a silly idea, thats why I only ever joined 1 ''established and old respected '' guild ( LLL , my first guild and a good one tho ! )


rules , rules, rules rules, stuffy storys, rules and some more rules about being stuffy and full of fake honor


meh ! boring ! please dont convince yourselves that everyone wants to be part of some huge guild that has 320270 and 1 rules about how to conduct yourself


they dont ! some of us love being in a small band of bros and sisters and it made my time in EL all the better for having lots of different guilds with different leadership styles


dont turn EL into some sort of '' if you arent in A or B guild you are obviously a fucking outlaw'' kind of game, it doesnt need more do gooding community nazis


*edit** sorry if I read the intentions wrong after speaking with someone I realise its not about policing the ethics of the game its more about creating sense of community again so meh my opinions are once again jaded by my complete lack of understanding, yay me


*edit 2 * holy shit Brat u got yourself a serios siggy lol

Edited by Ateh

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