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Screen reso

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Some more information would be useful. What OS Are you using - Windows/Mac/Linux/Other?

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Editing screen resolution/full screen is tricky, it often crashes. best way is to change it via the el ini file.


In windows. My documents: eternal lands: main: el config settings file.


and edit the bit bellow

video modes:

1 = 640x480 16bpp

2 = 640x480 32bpp

3 = 800x600 16bpp

4 = 800x600 32bpp

5 = 1024x768 16bpp

6 = 1024x768 32bpp

7 = 1152x864 16bpp

8 = 1152x864 32bpp

9 = 1280x1024 16bpp

10 = 1280x1024 32bpp


full screen can be 0 (windowed) or 1 (full screen)

if it is windowed, it will use the desktop BPP


#video_mode= 9

#full_screen= 0

#video_mode= <use the number 1-10 as you require>

change #full_screen= 1 to turn full screen on


save and your done (you have to have the game off to change these files

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