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TS penalty

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When the TS was remoduced from -19 to -15 several people kept their TS too -19, think they still made be at that lvl. TommyKnockers was a perfect example of this. Now that that penalty has been taken from the game completely it would really give those that keep their TS at -15 or -19 a big advantage in train over those of us that have not taken advantage off this.

Would seem fair to remove the negative TS penalty from all since the rest of us can not TS to a neg a/d anymore :P

My two cents


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When Ts was removed I was still at -15, when I logged in nxt my Ts disapeared on its own at +1 per min, afaik this was the case for everyone ie: It was auto removed

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When the TS was remoduced from -19 to -15 several people kept their TS too -19, think they still made be at that lvl. TommyKnockers was a perfect example of this. Now that that penalty has been taken from the game completely it would really give those that keep their TS at -15 or -19 a big advantage in train over those of us that have not taken advantage off this.

Would seem fair to remove the negative TS penalty from all since the rest of us can not TS to a neg a/d anymore :pickaxe:

My two cents



Why do you post garbage like this without first checking how the system works??

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Why do you post garbage like this without first checking how the system works??

Some folks like to whine more then others. :pickaxe:

Edited by popeye

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Getting to see Attila prove his n00bness on forums - Priceless :pickaxe:

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