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Guest Shalila

Computer requirements

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Guest Shalila

Hi i was playing el for a while, up to 1.5.0. My comp was not good enough anymore. :) can you please tell me the minimum system requirements. thanx


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Not sure of the exact minimum requirements, but they really aren't that high.


Personally able to run the game fine (with some of the unnecessary extra stuff turned off) with an 800Mhz CPU and a quite cheap graphic card (Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 128MB) bought last year. This particular comp was bought in 1998 with no upgrade since then other than the graphic card and larger/more hard drives.


But if it can run on this crappy of a system, the requirements can't be too high. :D

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For 1.7.0. version my old Gf2Mx video card was enough (no idea if something changed, as I've changed my comp) - so system requirements are really low. If you have problems with EL I think it would be easier to tell us what do you have (video card especially) and what's your problem exactly. We'll try to help.

In the meantime I'd check THIS post on how to update your video drivers, unless your card is really really old or not supported by EL it usually helps.

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