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Can anyone Explain

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I would like to know what would be recommended level of magic and rationality to have a good harm on Red,Black and Ice dragons for Example:)




Lol made wrong headline :/

Edited by veiks101

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i had 48 reasoning and 16 will, magic lvl 67 and harmed the red one for 60's, the black/ice one for 50's.. poison isnt affected by rationality afaik.

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Good for what ? In order to kill icy for instance you'll need to cast 100+ harms. Can you carry enough ings plus sr's ? What is the cost of all supplies vs drops ?

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Good luck. you pretty much have to be within combat range for these offensive spells to be work. Close enough that you would get hit before you had the chance to try and run anyways.


I hope you can withstand dragon attacks or have a fighter that will take them on.

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I have a question related to that - have you noticed that sometimes a dragon hit successfully with harm spell (visible hp loss) absolutely ignores it and walks away?

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There's a spell range of harm that if casted from the maximum distance, monsters won't aggro you.

Dragons are trickly to judge because of the massive bulk, the square they occupy is the one under the name/hp bar

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Rationality does add to poison.


Dugur have you tried killing Dragon with poison? Is is possible and covers SRs and ESS with your magic skills?

How about poisoning Yeti or ChW?

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