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EL research, if you want to participate, post here

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1.an affirmative message to show that you want to participate in the study (for example, “yes,” “I’m in,” “I opt in,” or “I agree to participate”)

I'm in


2.your in-game name(s)



3.your real-life sex (male or female) though this last thing is optional and not required for participation in the study


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I'm in.


Carat, Caratia and FrostBites in game.


Female irl.

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connection between violent game play and agressive language use, in preparation
I have aggressive tendencies ingame and in the forum, but only with regard to bagjumpers and the occasional idiot.


I don't PVP/PK and only have 50s attack and defence from sourcing bones as and when I need them.


Can't see how I'd help but I happily agree too. Name your eighth-born after me or something when the time comes.


Ingame name LabRat, forum name LabRat.


I'm a male both ingame and in the real world.


If it helps your research I aggressively mine silver ore.

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1. Sure, why not.

2. Gohan, BleedToDeath/FireDragon (unplayed alts), ssjGohan(Saving my first name from abuse).

3. Male


I got another alt that's not rly mine, so not including that one, I don't play it anyway.

I'm currently more inactive ingame, but feel like I can jump in the research.



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I agree to participate


In Game Name: Gen_Axis (alt Gen_Allied, but I'm not playing it for long time)

Forum Name: Gen_Axis

Real Life: Male


BTW. Will we be able to see results of research ? Or will they be secret ? :>

Edit: found answer in FAQ...


But got another:

Will we be informed when it will be over and where to see these results ? :P

Edited by Gen_Axis

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Please don't shoot the messenger, but I feel compelled to ask this, as I see it

violating informed consent and its a little shaky on the social research ethics grounds.



However, I can assure you that your information will be kept completely confidential to the extent allowed by law. Radu will

provide me with the game data, and all information collected (including your in-game name(s)) will be kept on a password protected

computer in a locked office.


However the researcher is a player, (very well known, long time player) of whom I won't name for obvious ethical reasons, but shouldn't

everyone be informed of this? I feel the participants have the right to know. Its only with "Radu will provide me with the game

data" but people are consenting believing this is going to a arbitrary 3rd party not involved in the game.


Please don't be mad at me, Ulla :lurker:, or anyone, but I feel morally compelled to ask this.


(Awaits his punishment :P )

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Robotbob, it is fully within your rights to bring up ethical concerns you might have.

Yes, I am a long-time player. However, I have played only for fun in the past. Only recently did I decide to do a study on EL, and I have had a long conversation with Radu on how to best proceed. My proposed research study was also reviewed by my university's ethics board (I submitted about 14 pages of application to them for this comparatively simple study).


So, why did I not reveal my player name? Mostly to protect you from "harm." The definition of "harm" also includes feelings of unease or discomfort, and I do not want people to start wondering "am I being studied? Is this being recorded?" every time they see my in-game character walking by. Because I am NOT studying you when I'm playing the game. I am NOT recording anything you do then.


This study uses archival records - forum posts you have made in the past, and your skill levels that you have leveled in the past. That's all. And all that data (including possible alts) will be kept confidential by me. I will not tell anyone in the game what your a/d levels are, or your alchemy level, or any other level that you may have set to "private" via Learner's services. Knowing your levels also does not benefit me in any way in the game, especially because I am not a fighter. Radu knows who I am, of course.


I hope this appeases your concerns. If not, you are free to contact me and discuss this further, or contact the Human Subjects Board of my university (contact address on consent form), or, you can simply choose not to participate.


Ulla Bunz

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On a second thought, I am curious about the ingame name of "Researcher". Remove me from the participation list or forum pm me your ingame name please. I do love to know to whom the info about me is going to.


Yes, I in return will not mention your name anywhere if you decide to tell me. That's just fair I guess.



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On a second thought, I am curious about the ingame name of "Researcher". Remove me from the participation list or forum pm me your ingame name please. I do love to know to whom the info about me is going to.


Yes, I in return will not mention your name anywhere if you decide to tell me. That's just fair I guess.




Then simply, don't participate? :unsure:


Researcher, as s/he were, has already stated where the information is going, I suspect if s/he wished to reveal such information, s/he would've simply used the in-game name of their character to post in this thread...

Edited by Aphistolas

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Count me in.


In-game name- Norm


Male in rl and el.






Edited by Normtide

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