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Help. Small query...from a tight Irish man.

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/me thought that drivers were free, you paid for the hardware.


Most XP drivers are 2000 compatible.


Next question: drivers for what?

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Now, LR, do I sound like the kind of person that would know the answer to that? I've no idea, drivers to make the game play. Whenever I start the game up it says something along the lines of "blahblah need new drivers/hardware...blahyaddayadda". Also, the word 'drivers' is bandied around here a lot, so I thought I'd try and be as cool as the rest and use it once........feels alright, as it happens. I've no idea,drivers that are more uptodate, does that help? So, I should be looking for xp drivers?

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Rightclick on My Computer

Click Properties (at the bottom of the popup menu)

Click the Hardware tab

Click Device Manager

Doubleclick on Display adapters

Post what that line reads and we will take it from there :)

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Mate, you're a VERY patient guy, right enough. Alrighty. I 'think' this is it......I hope. My pc is in Dutch, which although I speak quite well, the technical language is rather difficult to get ones head around. "Intel® 82815 Graphics Control". Does that make any sense to you? Thank you, btw, a lot.I'm gaggin' to get back into the game.

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I believe that he has graphics on board, its the Extreme graphics that intel has, and its not very extreme, when I started playing 3 yrs ago, I had Extreme graphics on an Intel 865gbf chipset, and I could not see the flags (banners) on the ships, only the wood poles, so was hard for me to zone, had to click on the wood pole.


Anyway, I believe that he needs a graphics card, not drivers.


We also covered that in this post


intel® 82815 graphics controller


speedtouchusb adsl ppp#2




Micros soft windows media v 9 vcm




I dont think you have a video card. Looks like to me, that you have the Intel 82815 chipset, probably has the extreme graphics on board, which are not extreme at all. I was running on the intel 865GBF chipset the first year I played EL (right after the big crash (3 years ago)) and was having some display problems then.


I bought a GeForce 5200 and installed it, everything works fine for me, except for a couple things.


[05:27:41] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extension, not using it...

[05:27:41] Couldn't find the GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc extension, not using it...

[05:27:41] Couldn't find the GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc extension, not using it...


I would suggest that you take your computer to a computer store, and buy a graphics card, have them install, or buy a new computer.


How Old is your computer?

Edited by Usalfin

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Pre-history. It runs on steam and makes a sound not unlike a coffee perculater in full swing; It's got Windows 2000 (BC.......) installed on it. It's also 2nd (at the very least!) hand. So, if it needs a graphics card, that needs to be done instore? I guess I can always trail the bastar........blasted thing down the road but the store I've purchased it from I doubt if they'd have the facilities to do something like that. It's a very local store......for very local people.......unfortunately not local to me anymore. But then, that's my concern. Thanks, once again for the patience and information. I guess I'll need to splash out on one of the aforementioned items after the New Year. Cheers.

*ColGonk-saunters off counting his loose change*

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