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**Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

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Scratch - 3.5k Iron Ore/Ruby (22.75k) [bATCH 1]

Scratch - 7k Sulfur; 2.5k Silver Ore (19k) [bATCH 2]

Claimed ... batch 2 complete

batch 2 complete

notified via /gossip

collected batch 1 and 2

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Claim crazee silver batch 1 :) 11.1.09 :P


mined and advised via gossip - apologies for delay, stupid stupid ISP


Delivered Thanks Wilbur :)

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5k Emeralds (15kgc) and 5k Diamonds please (16kgc).

Total 31,000gc





01/15 claimed :)

01/17 DONE! Ready for Delivery!

01/18 DELIVERED! Tyvm Lee :)


01/18 claimed :P


Larth's Batch 1



Lark's Sapphs :)

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Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the EVTR mines...



GoodDay2Die - 10k emeralds (30k)




Mwa-ha-ha-ha! :)


claimed Jan 13

ready for delivery

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Order for 10k silver (20k gc).


Order for Sqwurl. You may PM him in-game to verify.


Thank you.

Claimed 2009-01-16 :)

Completed and advised via pm 2009-01-18 :) :)

Edited by DanRothar

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Hello, Everyone!


Sorry if I haven't been too visible lately.


Anyway, to clear things up, NewHope, yes, you may order as much as 100k diamonds, but you will have to contend with having your orders broken up into batches, like Lartherel's (in short, you do not need to wait for your order to be delibvered to order another). Our (GenX) ordering guide is there to make sure all clients get a fair share of time and effort our team can provide. And, as always, there would be no prioritization of queued orders, but for only those that are considered "special circumstances" where the item is readily available and may be delivered same day/hour. We are trying to refrain from this, as this may seem unfair to other clients, and that's the reason why the GenX Store has been put up - to advertise readily available items. I encourage you to check that thread once in a while to see if what you need is already available.


As all of you can see, if an order has been batched, you will see the first batch in the Unclaimed list, followed by other non-batched orders. The other orders shall be placed in the next list, the Unclaimed (Special Orders) list. This is also updated on a first-come-first-served basis. This means that if another batched order comes in, it will be placed after the first batched order. Next, as soon as a normal order is received, it is queued in the Unclaimed list, followed immediately by the next batch order. This is to ensure that all clients are served fairly. Again, let me remind you that there is a 7-day holding period, after which the GenXer has the right to resell the item.


However, a more important point: since not all of us can be online 24/7, there is still the normal 2-3 days completion time. If anyone in the Team would be having problems about meeting the recommended completion time, it is standard operating procedure that he or she should PM (forum or ingame) or send a gossip message to the client about the delay. I normally receive such information too, so that I could confirm/inform with the client that there will be a delay.


Lastly, thank you all, especially Shujral (wb!) for helping clear things up. Also, thank you for choosing GenX! :)


DibClark | SubZero | Maxxis

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Hello. 5k Emeralds and 5k Diamonds please (31kgc)


Thanks for your excellenté service

Can I re-order this order please.


Thankes muchies

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Order for 10k silver (20k gc).


Order for Sqwurl. You may PM him in-game to verify.


Thank you.

Claimed 2009-01-16 :(

Completed and advised via pm 2009-01-18 B):)

Delivered 2009-01-18 B)

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Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the EVTR mines...



GoodDay2Die - 10k emeralds (30k)




Mwa-ha-ha-ha! :(


claimed Jan 13

ready for delivery


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Orders update:

SubZero completes:

  • Shujral - 5k Silver Ore (10k) - Maxxis

Done! Ready for delivery 1/19/09 :)


PM SubZero pls.

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