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Real Life Imitating EL

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Recently I was on vacation in Venice, Italy, with no EL access (!!!), but as it turns out, EL is everywhere. Here I am, merrily strolling along when suddenly I see this: :confused:


So, I suggest we post pictures here, taken in real life, of things that occur in EL. I suppose you could post the pic of a rabbit or a beaver here, but I'm thinking more along the lines of the above. Have fun with this. :D




Edit: Doh! It would prolly help if I posted the right image code.

Edited by LilBear

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All cars in my city belong to EL B)







Above is my former car :laugh:


Edit: changed image, previous was too big.

Edited by Chryzopraz

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Hehe, very funny posts! I laughed really, really loud at the Radu doll. I also like how someone was trying to harvest the car :laugh: I guess we're not gonna have any of those in EL any time soon B)



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This just in: The Full Moon Toys company and all its employees have been banned from Earth. Newbies have located them in a strange place known as The Underworld. The company owner was quoted as saying: "WTF! How did we get here?! And what's with all the lava?!"

Edited by Hex

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Hehe, sorry I must do this :D


Yes, I am Pig :D







Crayon - Creedka (kredka) in Polish language.


Greetings for Creedka :D

Edited by Daroh

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Hehe, sorry I must do this :D


Yes, I am Pig :D







Crayon - Creedka (kredka) in Polish language.


Greetings for Creedka :D


Why oh why is it blue?! It should be green duh!

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Okay, finally I got around to developing the film that has been waiting for it since August. And before you call me a n00b for using a traditional camera -- my digital camera is broken :/



No one going to this Bethel is godless....



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