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Kubuntu 64-bit Build

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Hey. I'm trying to build EL from source on my kubuntu system. I've gotten quite far, but can't seem to find the solution to this error:


gcc -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -pipe -DLINUX -DELC -DPNG_SCREENSHOT -DUSE_FRAMEBUFFER -DNEW_FRUSTUM -DBUG_FIX_3D_OBJECTS_MIN_MAX -DNEW_TEX -DOPTIONS_I18N -DATI_9200_FIX -DNEW_ACTOR_ANIMATION -DAUTO_UPDATE -DCOUNTERS -DFONTS_FIX -DX86_64 -I/usr/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/include/libxml2 -L/usr/lib -lSDL -lpthread -L/usr/lib -lxml2 -lz -lm -lSDL_net -lopenal -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGL -lGLU -lvorbis -lvorbisfile -lcal3d -lm -lpng -o el.x86.linux.bin 2d_objects.o 3d_objects.o actor_scripts.o actors.o alphamap.o asc.o books.o buddy.o bags.o bbox_tree.o cache.o cal.o chat.o colors.o console.o consolewin.o counters.o cursors.o dialogues.o draw_scene.o elconfig.o elmemory.o elwindows.o encyclopedia.o errors.o events.o framebuffer.o filter.o font.o frustum.o gamewin.o gl_init.o hud.o help.o highlight.o ignore.o init.o interface.o io/e3d_io.o io/elc_io.o items.o keys.o knowledge.o lights.o lispsm.o list.o loginwin.o loading_win.o main.o manufacture.o map_io.o mapwin.o md2loader.o md5.o misc.o multiplayer.o new_actors.o new_character.o normals.o notepad.o openingwin.o particles.o paste.o pathfinder.o pm_log.o questlog.o queue.o reflection.o   rules.o skills.o sector.o session.o shader.o shadows.o sort.o sound.o spells.o stats.o storage.o symbol_table.o tabs.o terrain.o text.o textures.o tile_map.o timers.o translate.o trade.o update.o weather.o widgets.o books/fontdef.o books/parser.o books/symbols.o books/typesetter.o cal3d_wrapper.o
sound.o: In function `get_loaded_buffer':sound.c:(.text+0x409): undefined reference to `alutLoadMemoryFromFile'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [el.x86.linux.bin] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kooseefoo/el/elc'
make: *** [release] Error 2


I have all the cal3d, openal, alut, and glut packages installed (with dev versions). Any help?

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Hey. I'm trying to build EL from source on my kubuntu system. I've gotten quite far, but can't seem to find the solution to this error:


gcc -march=k8 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -pipe -DLINUX -DELC -DPNG_SCREENSHOT -DUSE_FRAMEBUFFER -DNEW_FRUSTUM -DBUG_FIX_3D_OBJECTS_MIN_MAX -DNEW_TEX -DOPTIONS_I18N -DATI_9200_FIX -DNEW_ACTOR_ANIMATION -DAUTO_UPDATE -DCOUNTERS -DFONTS_FIX -DX86_64 -I/usr/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/include/libxml2 -L/usr/lib -lSDL -lpthread -L/usr/lib -lxml2 -lz -lm -lSDL_net -lopenal -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGL -lGLU -lvorbis -lvorbisfile -lcal3d -lm -lpng -o el.x86.linux.bin 2d_objects.o 3d_objects.o actor_scripts.o actors.o alphamap.o asc.o books.o buddy.o bags.o bbox_tree.o cache.o cal.o chat.o colors.o console.o consolewin.o counters.o cursors.o dialogues.o draw_scene.o elconfig.o elmemory.o elwindows.o encyclopedia.o errors.o events.o framebuffer.o filter.o font.o frustum.o gamewin.o gl_init.o hud.o help.o highlight.o ignore.o init.o interface.o io/e3d_io.o io/elc_io.o items.o keys.o knowledge.o lights.o lispsm.o list.o loginwin.o loading_win.o main.o manufacture.o map_io.o mapwin.o md2loader.o md5.o misc.o multiplayer.o new_actors.o new_character.o normals.o notepad.o openingwin.o particles.o paste.o pathfinder.o pm_log.o questlog.o queue.o reflection.o   rules.o skills.o sector.o session.o shader.o shadows.o sort.o sound.o spells.o stats.o storage.o symbol_table.o tabs.o terrain.o text.o textures.o tile_map.o timers.o translate.o trade.o update.o weather.o widgets.o books/fontdef.o books/parser.o books/symbols.o books/typesetter.o cal3d_wrapper.o
sound.o: In function `get_loaded_buffer':sound.c:(.text+0x409): undefined reference to `alutLoadMemoryFromFile'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [el.x86.linux.bin] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kooseefoo/el/elc'
make: *** [release] Error 2


I have all the cal3d, openal, alut, and glut packages installed (with dev versions). Any help?

People using older versions of OpenAL/ALUT now need to use -DALUT_WAV, newer versions of OpenAL/ALUT (1.1 and higher) don't need that option.

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Wow, thanks for the fast response. Tanyia, your suggestion worked like a charm. Just out of curiousity, what did that do?


I've spent hours and hours trying to get this game to run on SuSE.... this is my first day on Ubuntu, and it works fine. This distro rocks :)

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Lol, honestly, I have no idea. I found it buried in an old thread after about an hour of searching the forums for "linux." :(

-lalut makes it link in the alut library. In OLD versions of OpenAL, alut was part of the normal library, then later they separated it out. So, some systems need it, others dont.

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