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Guest lutyo

vampireLOREN is a bagjumper

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Guest lutyo



I died in North Nordcarn cave, and lost my excavator cape. Chance saw vampireLOREN running to my deathbag. Can you imagine what happened? The excavator cape was gone. So be aware of vampireLOREN!



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yea maby he toke it and di a DB anounchment, if it was true and i was him i wouldnt return bag now since u posted lol

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Guest Enyo



I died in North Nordcarn cave, and lost my excavator cape. Chance saw vampireLOREN running to my deathbag. Can you imagine what happened? The excavator cape was gone. So be aware of vampireLOREN!



Vampireloren doesn't make it a habit to bagjump but of course if you don't know him you wouldn't know that and it would be easy to wrongly assume that he bagjumped you. Just a suggestion but before you assume that someone bagjumped you and post it in the forums, why not try PMing that person ingame first to politely ask if they have your bag. It would save you some embarassment when you later realize you were wrong. But its ok because you're probably new here and sometimes its hard to keep up with EL rules and community guidelines and also player rules.. etc. Take care.

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I have known vampireLOREN the whole time he has played EL, and he would not take someones deathbag to keep. I can see that he may have picked it up to hold it till the owner came back, or to do an announcement on the channels. I myself often will pick up a bag and continue what I was doing if I am working in the area, so that I don't lose time working to sit the bag. You should really check your facts before accusing someone of this, vampy is one of the most honorable players I know.

Edited by LadyWolf

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Guest Laki

As I have already mentioned Chance has seen the action. As far as I know he is a mod, so he probably has not lied. Also when I asked vampireLOREN to give it back, he said he did not know what I was talking about. Here is a cutted version of my log:


[PM from Moebius: What did you lose? Any expensive stuff?]

[PM to Moebius: exc cape]

[PM from Moebius: So you died mining?]

[PM from Moebius: VampireLoren took it ;)]

[PM from Moebius: That's what Chance told me, and he's a mod so it's supposed to be a fair player]

[PM to Chance: hi]

[PM from Chance: hello]

[PM to Chance: I lost my db in the cave, with an exc]

[PM from Chance: vampireloren took it]

[PM to Chance: ok, thx]

No player is in the game with the name of vampireloren //trying to ask him

[PM to Chance: oh, he is offline :| probably have to buy a new one]


//later when I saw him posting on the market channel


[PM to vampireLOREN: hi would you be so kind to give my exc back?]

[PM to vampireLOREN: Or shall I abuse you?]

[PM from vampireLOREN: i dont understand]


I can send the full log if you want.

Edited by Laki

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Enough people here including myself know for a fact he's not a bagjumper. Dont be so quick to accuse just because a mod saw him take a db. I've seen people take db's before and I dont report them, mainly because I dont know where they're taking them to, but if there's ever a problem with someone missing a bag and I saw the person take it, I'd ask in game, privately, instead of just accusing someone on what I saw.


The rest of the chatlog might be appropiate, not just what you think is relevant.

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[PM to vampireLOREN: hi would you be so kind to give my exc back?]

[PM to vampireLOREN: Or shall I abuse you?]



After that i wouldnt give you stuff back ;)

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laki, i think you are jumping too quickly..as you saw vampireLOREN stated he didnt understand. you should try talking with the man in game before posting here..all i see is where you asked would he give it back, then you threatened with abusing him (which would do no good). i am sure that you are making a mountain out of a molehill here.


*edit* also, it shows you told moebius that chance told you that vampireLOREN took it, but that doeant appear until further down in your log....something isn't quit right here, anybody else notice this??


Here's the relevant part of the chat log..see towards the bottom of it, where Chance is supposedly talking? This whole log doesn't sound quite right...I want to hear from Chance that he actually said this to this guy, or did this guy doctor the chat log.... (i removed market chatter from log)


[PM from Moebius: What did you lose? Any expensive stuff?]

[PM to vhenoma: someone already have my db]

[PM from vhenoma: ok cool]

[PM to Moebius: exc cape]


[PM from Moebius: Ouch! :/]


[PM from Moebius: So you died mining?]

[PM from Moebius: VampireLoren took it :(]


[PM to Moebius: no I was leving the mine while clicked an orc]

[PM to Moebius: I will ask him]

[PM from Moebius: There's a bag with ore]


[PM to Moebius: aah :D]

[PM from Moebius: You sure gobs ignore you¿¿?]

[PM to Moebius: this can not be true]


[PM to Moebius: with def 28 I suppose]

[PM from Moebius: Well, no bag this time]


[PM to Moebius: So who do you think have my db?]

[PM from Moebius: VampireLoren or something like that]


[PM from Moebius: That's what Chance told me, and he's a mod so it's supposed to be a fair player]


[PM to Chance: hi]


[PM from Chance: hello]


[PM to Chance: I lost my db in the cave, with an exc]


[PM from Chance: vampireloren took it]


[PM to Chance: Have you seen who took it?]

[PM to Chance: ok, thx]


[PM to Chance: oh, he is offline :| probably have to buy a new one]


[PM from Chance: he wasnt going to return it, he got on the bag and immediately took it and left]

Edited by LadyWolf

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Not playing EL for ages, but have never heard about VampireLOREN bag jumping. I think there is kind of misunderstanding here.


You know what? It's kind of sad. You're starting the chat with people with threatens, what do you expect in revenge? Politeness? You are really crazy then.

Just small piece of advice, before threatening people talk to them. It usually works better.

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Guest Laki

Ok, I have to admit I was a bit quick tempared, when I threat with abuse.

But what would you think, If someone got your DB, and logged of immediately without saying anything on channels? And after logging in he did not remember that he found a DB with an exc cape. Strange.

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Vanyel said it, I have been also out of this for some months, but, even if I never stablished any special friendship with Loren -I think i didn't with anyone in game lol-, I remember it being perfectly polite and returning even some relatively expensive dbs to me, when I was training in gargoyles at tarsen. Amen the thousands of times that he was around and healed me saving me from death. I would not put hands in fire for anyone, but it sounds kind of strange to me that such person is going to bagjump some junk, overall if he was being seen when you died.

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I died in North Nordcarn cave, and lost my excavator cape. Chance saw vampireLOREN running to my deathbag. Can you imagine what happened? The excavator cape was gone. So be aware of vampireLOREN!




Oh how i love being dragged into these things. It is the apex of the pinnacle of my existence.


Firstly, I was sitting in the no longer pk north cave in nordcarn harving iron. Some silly newbie is harving in there with LESS than 21 defense. Either that or he misclicked on an armed gob.

So the poor newbie dies. 99.999% of the time I get up and get that bag and spend 10 minutes returning stuff. Well to be honest with you I couldn't be bothered this one time.

Out of habit I harv OUT of console in the nc cave. I saw one person come by and that was vampireloren. He walked in grabbed the bag and left. He did NOT run for the bag, this was a significant amount of time after the death. I hardly think loren was even IN the cave when lutyo died. It took quite a while for lutyo to pm me, long enough that I sat and looked at the bag while harving and long enough for loren to have left the cave.

Furthermore, I certainly could have missed somebody else who might have been in the cave and who may have looted the bag. So what If i'm a mod? I mean seriously. Does that mean that I have uber super vision and can watch 3 channels, gm, help requests, abuse reports, moderator chats, pm's, mix, harv, AND look out for deathbags with unerring accuracy and unwavering attention? man i'm lucky if i can remember what i ate for breakfast.

Could somebody else have taken the cape? sure. Could loren have asked me who died? sure. Could I have picked up the bag? sure. Do I regret not doing so given the dramatics that have arisen because of it? no.

vampireloren was NOT running for lutyo's db. I did NOT tell lutyo so that lutyo could call loren a bagjumper. I did NOT pick up the db myself because I spend HUGE amounts of time, energy and resources helping newbies and non-newbies and well pardon my icy heart but I like to actually play occasionally without having to stop every 2 minutes to spend 5 minutes helping somebody out.


Yes I did see somebody take the bag. So what? I saw myself take lots of bags. And I wasn't able to return all of them despite the efforts I made. The singular observation that loren took the bag is not in any way, shape, or form any sort of judgement on the player. That loren took the bag which may or may not have contained an exc cape and left could mean many things.

When I told lutyo that loren took the bag and left I did immediately regret saying that because invariably in a situation like that somebody posts my private conversation in the forums and then I have to read through 30 posts and lay out my version of events.


Whatever lutyo had to say or do after that is his own business. If he's going to open up a conversation with accusations and threats that's his business. Why dont WE ALL take a lesson away from this and have some consideration for how our words and actions come across.


With regards to the chat log. Yes it is fishy. Yes lutyo approached loren in just a horrible manner. Next time let the person know what you're talking about. Be polite. If somebody pm'd me like that -let me leave no doubt in your mind- they would not behave in that manner again anytime soon, at least not to me.


Whatever. I lost over 20 million to bob in pl. i lost 30k fe to a bagjumper at molgor. stuff happens. take a lesson and try not to make the same mistakes that led to such unfortunate events.


As for me, I'm staying out of this forum and Aluwen help anybody who drags me here again.


*NOTHING I wrote here is in any way shape or form any sort of official position of EL, its developers or moderators.*

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So what If i'm a mod? I mean seriously. Does that mean that I have uber super vision and can watch 3 channels, gm, help requests, abuse reports, moderator chats, pm's, mix, harv, AND look out for deathbags with unerring accuracy and unwavering attention? man i'm lucky if i can remember what i ate for breakfast.

C'mon man, yer letting us down. We expect you to be superman! You should be able to do all that AND the bag of chips! (JK, of course. :D) You do good work, and this is just another case where someone somehow has used the words of a mod as unerring evidence.


Have people been wrongly accused before? Yes. Is this such a case? I would think so, but won't say for sure because I don't know. Could this have been handled better? Most definitely. Will something like this happen again? Most likely.


If people could take a lesson, this may never had need to have come to light - but that's what you get with lack of communication.

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[PM to vampireLOREN: hi would you be so kind to give my exc back?]

[PM to vampireLOREN: Or shall I abuse you?]



After that i wouldnt give you stuff back :)


Ebul. :cry:

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Guest Laki

Sorry, I have misunderstood Chance, I thought he was sure. Sorry for accusing VampireLOREN, sorry for involving Chance. Arnieman got the point. At least I learned the lesson.

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