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Selling Life Essies in Bulk

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5000 Life Essences are ready to be sold at 7gc each.


Also, I take orders for another 10000 LE-s for same price.


Post here if you wish to buy.

Edited by Tordek

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i probably didn't sleep enough last night.. i just read he makes 10k LEs on request lol :P


Yes, he makes 10k LEs because he already has the ingredients. If you haven't noticed yet, with feasting potions you can make stuff much faster than before cooldown (I can make 2-3 times faster than before). And I know LE-s are not the #1 best-sellers on the market but some people still need them (I sold 3.5k today).


So ssjgohan, I can't image what was so funny after all. Probably you didn't sleep enough last night. :D

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i probably didn't sleep enough last night.. i just read he makes 10k LEs on request lol :P


Yes, he makes 10k LEs because he already has the ingredients. If you haven't noticed yet, with feasting potions you can make stuff much faster than before cooldown (I can make 2-3 times faster than before). And I know LE-s are not the #1 best-sellers on the market but some people still need them (I sold 3.5k today).


So ssjgohan, I can't image what was so funny after all. Probably you didn't sleep enough last night. :confused:

Mind explaining to me how alching is possibly FASTER than before cooldown? That makes 0% sense

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Mind explaining to me how alching is possibly FASTER than before cooldown? That makes 0% sense


Because most of the mix times were ALSO reduced to around 2 seconds. So using feasting pots (10 second cooldown) it's very easy to make many things faster now that before the cooldown.

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Mind explaining to me how alching is possibly FASTER than before cooldown? That makes 0% sense


Yes, I mind explaining to you, but GUYS, why the heck are you so sceptical about it? GO TRY IT. Many people blame cooldown without actually testing it personally. They judge and speak from what they heard from others, others who also never tried it.

When cooldown was introduced I had no prejudice. I appriciated the fact that the devs are trying to improve the game but nothing more. It didn't took me long to make sure that with cooldown alching is much better than before. Before it took like 5-6 seconds to make an LE, now it takes like 2. Btw, 2<5.

As feating potions have a cooldown of 10 sec and LE takes 7 food so i can make the 7 LE-s in 14 sec. Similarily 10<14, so I don't have to stare at the cooldown countdown when I run out of food.


So in the end, believe it or not, cooldown actually works for alching. Ent is great. I obey I ok. And that's kinda' it.


No let's get back to business..., so who wants my LE-s? :blink:


P.S. I understand that some parts of cooldown may need adjustments, though that justifies noone to speak about things he clearly hadn't tried.

Edited by Tordek

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Me...I forum PMed you about it...you obviously didn't get it. I want 10k


Very well... I have 8k already done and I will do the rest 2k today. I'll PM you as soon as I have finished.

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...and how do you trade them? The two of you go skipping off to...say, the Tropics or another isolated place ...and drop a bunch of bags? Unless higher levels or Phys and Coord have storage beyond my estimation, this sort of transaction would have to be done in pieces, yes?

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...and how do you trade them?

A new feature added to the game a while back is the ability to trade directly from storage. Using that, it's possible to trade large numbers of items from one person's storage to another's without having to worry about anyone's carry capacity.

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...and how do you trade them?

A new feature added to the game a while back is the ability to trade directly from storage. Using that, it's possible to trade large numbers of items from one person's storage to another's without having to worry about anyone's carry capacity.


Yup. :)


One of the best new features I think, Now people can't scam as much.


The bag trade used to be the worst thing I think. ;)


Glad they changed it! :(

Edited by WoodeH

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Just wondering why someone in there right mind would make 10k LE, lol. :/


I guess for the same reason as someone who makes 10k HEs or 5k Leather Pants or just kills 1k goblins. Except HEs and Leather Pants have no chance of getting an enriched item. ELE rox.


Why is everybody picking on me? :P


Btw, TheDoctor, your LE-s are ready but you were not online.

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