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How about a new invasion system when you enter an invaded area there will be 4 sides fighting in an area: npc enemy, npc resistance, player resistance, and player opposers. When you enter and invaded area a menu will ask you wheter you want to fight on the side of good or the side of evil. Then your general will command you. When you summon your summonlings dont fight other summonlings on your side of the invasion. Npc resistance can attack player opposers and npc enemies. Npc enemies can attack player resistance and npc resistance. Your general might give a command like #command attack coordinates. This command when typed by the general will tell the people fighting to go to that area to assist in the killing of a super powerful monster like a chimmie. Or #command rescue coordinates. It will tell the army to defend the general. If the general dies then your team loses and an enormous amount of monsters from the other side will appear and slay them all. The winning team will be able to go and gather all the fallen deathbags. Deathbags droped during an invasion will be red colored and called invasion spoils bags and the players who wins will be able to gather the spoils.


Here is an example of an invasion


Mortos attacks the city of White Stone (npc enemy)

Aulwen sends defences (npc resistance)

Lord_Vermor gathers fellow players to defend ws ( player resistance)

The_Piper fights against lord_vermor to regain revenge for lord_vermors poisoned potion of feasting. (player opposers)


You enter ws


What side are you


Good ()





YOu join the forces of General Lord_Vermor


Placid joins your team

DonPedro Joins your team

(other players join your team)


sMooMs joins The_Piper

(and so on)


General Lord Vermor commands you to attack 124,587


Warmastermage: Donpedro help kill those 2 chimmies

Donpedro: Pwned them both


General Lord Vermor commands you to help him 232.983


General Lord Vermor is pushing up daisies


Aulwen loses.


The forces of The_piper and Mortos have prevailed WS is in ruins.


(the sMooMs The_piper and everyone else on the player opposers team picks up all our death bags and everyone in the player resistance is very angry)


sMooMs: sweet i got some iron cuises

The_piper: nice invasion spoils i got a few srs and a summoner droped like 30 eles what a lucky day.


Feedback please

Edited by warmastermage

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I really like this idea, but the issue is letting players choose their teams

If that's the case, then will we not et some invasions with like 20-1 on one side....I wrote thatw rong but you see my point

If the new system forced even teams....(thogh it probably can't take stats into account right?)...it might be cool

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If the teams were uneven then the npc resistance or the npc enemies will multiply to make it all balance out. Suppose that when DonPedro joins the good side then 5 chimmies will appear on npc enemies side to balace out his strength the fun will not be in ones strength but in strategy. A good general can devise a good strategy to go to a place were he can fight but stay protected and can devise a plan to attack the general of the other team. The players are just the ones who play out the generals strategy and since it could be balanced then it would depend on the players guile and loyalty to there general to win and not on strength alone.

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This is cool, I'm always on the EG's side or the Ebul side. Aluwen has animals, and Mortos has monsters. That's why Aluwen usually has brown snakes, pumas, bears, and wolves. And also BOTs.

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Heh. We could run something like this. It would not be so automated. But it could happen. We used to have Wars, but have not in a long time. With invasions in place a war could be interesting...hehe

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Heh. We do not lose Invasions. :P But if we did, then we would have lots of little Red monsters running around wherever they were spawned.

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If thats the case when we lose an invasion...heres a question. During invasions do you merely summon a set number of monsters?

Maybe as long as monsters are alive from the group, there should be a respaewn point for the invaders. This emans if we were to lose, the place is gonna be overun till another attack can be orginised

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Or how bout there is a set number of reinforcements for each side. So when you die, you respawn as yourself, but as another reinforcement. That will make it a little more fair.


How bout players can only join the good side, and the number of monsters will level out if there are too many players on the good side.

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