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What do you like to do when harvesting?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you like to do when harvesting?

    • Listen to Music
    • Post in forums
    • Watch TV
    • Play portable handheld games
    • All of the above

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I listen to music, talk to friends, eat, watch tv, stare blankly at computer screen, or post on forums. Just said "listen to music" though...

Harvesting doesn't take long, so I usually just watch the screen.

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I am harvesting now :) so I guess my answer is post on the forum but mostly it is read/read/read the forum. Whew there is a lot to read.

Edited by Ruthgar

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all of the above. well, exept for the portable handheld, i beat all my games for it, and i only keep it so i can get a good deal on a nintendo DS with it.

Edited by roren

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I spend my harvest time reading on astronomy while watching the screen (but some things usually slip by). Too bad reading is not up there. :D

Edited by Daxon

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i play on my Nintendo DS, chat on cannel, and listen to my mp3 player, but i just put handheld games,


ive become addicted to bomberman ds and advance wars ds, they rock

Edited by Megaman_EXE

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What I do half the time is chat on channel/with guild/local/etc...


Other half, I'm in forum, and checking up on my char every so often... I hate when I get a harv event and forget to check back.

Edited by Arnieman

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I read the forums, occasionally even the TC ones (heh I have Kiri to do all my forum admin work)


A lot of time I just chat and bemoan the amount of pickaxes lost in a day to all the people getting silver ore with me (you know who you are).


vanyel: I love my pickaxe of doom, nothing else makes such nice holes in my victims

LabRat's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

Your Pickaxe has been destroyed

You stopped harvesting.

vanyel found a Rostogol Stone

vanyel: yay

DoKtOr_666 found a bag of gold, getting 10 gold coins

scafativ: Nice!

MoRNiNG: grantz van

vanyel: i have 6 rostogol stones now

vanyel: thanks

MoRNiNG: woow thats cool

vanyel: I will mine 1000 rostogol stones and sell them all at once

vanyel: muahahaha

scafativ: lol

Mother Nature got pissed off at vanyel. As such, s/he lost 14 health

LabRat: cool vanyel  nice find

scafativ: Here's a trivial question- if you're foolish enough to fight holding TWO rosts, do you loose both when you die?

vanyel: i have never tried it

Kuldor was blessed by the Queen of Nature with 696 worth of harvesting exp.

LabRat: ncie

LabRat: nice even

DoKtOr_666: hehe :-)

vanyel: very nice even

LabRat's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

Your Pickaxe has been destroyed

You stopped harvesting.

Rogue: free ore

You stopped harvesting.

Rogue: *smile*

Rogue: lr *smile*

LabRat: *smile*

LabRat: ty

calenhad just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

DoKtOr_666: hi calenhad :-)

calenhad: *smile*

Mother Nature got pissed off at Lorck. As such, s/he lost 11 health

Mother Nature got pissed off at Lorck. As such, s/he lost 19 health

MoRNiNG's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

LabRat: lorck can you restore?

Nidan just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

LabRat: hiya

Michelle_F: hey

Michelle_F just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

LabRat: stick the coffee on woman

A cavern wall collapsed on JayJayBad, and s/he was hit for 21 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Mother Nature got pissed off at MoRNiNG. As such, s/he lost 12 health

A cavern wall collapsed on vanyel, and s/he was hit for 31 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

vanyel: scratch

LabRat: heh

A cavern wall collapsed on Wynde, and s/he was hit for 23 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Michelle_F: aww you coming to sit by me?

LabRat: eep no

Michelle_F: you just wanna hold my pickaxe :)

LabRat: I got the wedding video down to 19 meg

Michelle_F: really? thats good

LabRat: beats 14 gig :)

Mother Nature got pissed off at Gen_Axis. As such, s/he lost 10 health

Michelle_F: hi sue *smile*

Marmouset: hi

Marmouset: ci

#Message from God: michaelo was eaten by a Grue (lagged out)!

SergeIcewind: Veggies here, help yourselves..

SergeIcewind's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

Mother Nature got pissed off at JayJayBad. As such, s/he lost 16 health

Lorck just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

Mother Nature got pissed off at JayJayBad. As such, s/he lost 15 health

Mother Nature got pissed off at SergeIcewind. As such, s/he lost 19 health

wastedoftime just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

Rogue: free ore

vanyel's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

Gen_Axis's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

Gen_Axis: wdech.... wydech...

A cavern wall collapsed on wastedoftime, and s/he was hit for 31 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Mother Nature got pissed off at Juliette. As such, s/he lost 19 health

SergeIcewind found a bag of gold, getting 16 gold coins

Rogue found a bag of gold, getting 12 gold coins

attila_yu: hi everyone

JayJayBad: hello

van_binsbergen: hi jayjay

JayJayBad: hey van_b *smile*

van_binsbergen was blessed by the Queen of Nature with 517 worth of harvesting exp.

A cavern wall collapsed on psychonaut, and s/he was hit for 22 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Mother Nature got pissed off at van_binsbergen. As such, s/he lost 20 health

vanyel's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

vanyel: :/

Elfinger: hi all

van_binsbergen: hey there

JayJayBad: hello

Gen_Axis: Heil !

Gen_Axis: Zdrastujcie !

Gen_Axis: w zjadlem :P

A cavern wall collapsed on Wynde, and s/he was hit for 34 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Suessie found a bag of gold, getting 12 gold coins

Wynde: Owie!@!

handa was blessed by the Queen of Nature with 695 worth of harvesting exp.

wastedoftime's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

A cavern wall collapsed on vanyel, and s/he was hit for 24 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Elfinger: LOL vanyel :/

vanyel: heh

Michel just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

SergeIcewind just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

Elfinger found a bag of gold, getting 15 gold coins

Mother Nature got pissed off at Elfinger. As such, s/he lost 20 health

SergeIcewind found a bag of gold, getting 20 gold coins

Elfinger found a bag of gold, getting 14 gold coins

Wynde: Good on you, mate!

Mother Nature got pissed off at Wynde. As such, s/he lost 16 health

Wynde: I'm going to try my luck somewhere else.  Be careful here!

Tungston: Wow 11 guilds represented in one screen

JayJayBad: bye bye

Michel's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

Elfinger just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

Gen_Axis's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

Gen_Axis: **expletive deleted**!

LabRat: need one?

Gen_Axis: nah, ill go buy another 10 ...

LabRat: be like that

LabRat: :P

Suessie's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

Elfinger's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

A cavern wall collapsed on ArcantriS, and s/he was hit for 35 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Elfinger just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

ArcantriS found a bag of gold, getting 13 gold coins

darkundy just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

A cavern wall collapsed on LabRat, and s/he was hit for 31 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

LabRat: shoddy mapmaking

A cavern wall collapsed on Nyxl, and s/he was hit for 35 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Nyxl: So soon ? Wow, Mother Nature must love me... :P

LabRat: heh

A cavern wall collapsed on SergeIcewind, and s/he was hit for 30 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

SergeIcewind: Owowow

A cavern wall collapsed on LabRat, and s/he was hit for 30 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

You stopped harvesting.

LabRat: best you got?

You started to harvest Silver Ore.

van_binsbergen: hehe

Michelle_F: im so gonna laugh if you get hit for 45 now

LabRat starts pulling bits out of the wall above michelle

van_binsbergen found a bag of gold, getting 10 gold coins

A cavern wall collapsed on ArcantriS, and s/he was hit for 29 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Mother Nature got pissed off at LabRat. As such, s/he lost 20 health

Wynde: The Gob's more comfortable than the ground, huh?

Ulrih: yeah, but it dissapears too quickly

Wynde: lol

LabRat: c'mon efe

LabRat: doh I mean rost :P

Wynde: I hear ya!

LabRat: well an efe will do too I suppose

LabRat: highly unlikely as I am not making FE

LabRat found an Enriched Fire Essence

LabRat: no way!

Ulrih steals the EFE.

LabRat cries to Rogue about the nasty players

Rogue: free ore

Rogue: wich players ?

LabRat: I'm coming *smile*

Ulrih: hehe

Wynde: What, has Legalus been here?

LabRat: no he's at raven

Ulrih throws the EFE to Rogue :>

LabRat: aww

LabRat: no he's at raven

Ulrih throws the EFE to Rogue :>

LabRat: aww

Wynde: :P

A cavern wall collapsed on Michelle_F, and s/he was hit for 23 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Suessie was blessed by the Queen of Nature with 509 worth of harvesting exp.

Wynde: Go, Suessie!

van_binsbergen:  hehe

Suessie: *smile* ty

Mother Nature got pissed off at Suessie. As such, s/he lost 14 health

LabRat: hmm..

A cavern wall collapsed on littlestar, and s/he was hit for 26 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

van_binsbergen just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

Mother Nature got pissed off at LabRat. As such, s/he lost 18 health

You stopped harvesting.

logania just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

Mother Nature got pissed off at Michelle_F. As such, s/he lost 11 health

Michelle_F: hey log *smile*

LabRat: hiya sis

logania: heya you two *smile*

Mother Nature got pissed off at Tico. As such, s/he lost 11 health

A cavern wall collapsed on thunderous, and s/he was hit for 14 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

LabRat just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

You stopped harvesting.

LabRat's Pickaxe just broke... So sad..

Your Pickaxe has been destroyed

Mother Nature got pissed off at logania. As such, s/he lost 11 health

Michelle_F: you got a spare?

LabRat: loads

Michelle_F: i know where to come then :P

OneForOne just hit a teleport nexus, so s/he departed us.

A cavern wall collapsed on Achilleis, and s/he was hit for 24 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Mother Nature got pissed off at LabRat. As such, s/he lost 19 health

A cavern wall collapsed on LabRat, and s/he was hit for 25 points. If there is no cavern wall nearby, can you imagine how unlucky s/he was?!

Mother Nature got pissed off at Muczik. As such, s/he lost 20 health

You started to harvest Silver Ore.

Rogue: more ore *smile*

LabRat: full :P

Rogue: oh

Rogue: *smile*

Too heavy, you are overloaded.

Tico: any1 need food???

Sepultura: im good atm

LabRat: no ty *smile*

Coffeehunger: Hey scaf

scafativ: Eek.  You're awake!

Coffeehunger: lol

scafativ: You musta found your coffee this morning.

and on and on and on..

Must say it was good to see a mod doing some work for a change *smile* GO ROGUE!

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