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Sound Problems...

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Well I don't know how or what has happened. But with my trusty old speakers getting all crackly when I played EL (even with no sound) I had to shell out £30 to buy some new ones.

But again the problems started re-occuring when EL starts up with the new speakers - rendering them all crackly. Other applications are affected when EL is on but they are fine once EL is off again.

I disabled music from the el.ini file and still this problem continues.

I'm running Windows 2K with Realtek AC97 Audio thingy - I'm sorry that I can't give anymore information at this time.


Has anyone experienced any other problems with this?

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Your help is appreciated but it doesn't solve the problem.

I actually don't want any sound / music at all. I have so far disabled the sound (via the el.ini) but when I'm using a music player the sound is all crackly - until I exit EL.

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Windows 2000


512ram (Available Ram is around 40% of that).

I have also installed the codec for ogg (Oggds95 os something like that). I am clueless as to how this happened but I can tell you that the problem didn't just occur one day. But it slowly built up to it.

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