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Transcript log:

ME (11:26 AM) :


ME (11:26 AM) :

There is a technical problem

Klug (11:27 AM) :


Klug (11:27 AM) :

A huge one.

Klug (11:27 AM) :

TAT14 is fucked.

ME (11:27 AM) :

who is TAT14?

ME (11:27 AM) :

tell me more about it.

Klug (11:28 AM) :

TAT14 is the big cable going from the US to Europe accross the Atlantic.

It belongs to a consortium of several ISP (Above.net, AOL, France TElecom, etc).

Klug (11:28 AM) :

And it is fucked since tomorrow

ME (11:29 AM) :

you mean yesterday?

ME (11:29 AM) :

how did it get fucked?

Klug (11:30 AM) :

yesterday yes

ME (11:30 AM) :

then why can't players from NZ connect?

ME (11:30 AM) :

some people from US (including me can), others can't

ME (11:30 AM) :

some peole from NZ can, others can't...

Klug (11:32 AM) :

because traffic is : NZ -> US -> Europe

ME (11:32 AM) :

yeak... no direct route?

ME (11:32 AM) :

when did you find out about Mr. TAT 14 being fucked up?

Klug (11:32 AM) :

No... australia and NZ and India are fucked : they have to go through US to UErope

Klug (11:33 AM) :

I did not notice it personaly : 80% of the customer browsing are in France...

I received a mail from my ISP tech support telling it to me yesterday aefternoon

Klug (11:34 AM) :

We're using a backup route (through London and other ISP) to the US.

but there still are some routing problems

ME (11:34 AM) :

The backup route does work...

ME (11:34 AM) :

For some people...

ME (11:35 AM) :

did they say when they will repair it?

Klug (11:36 AM) :

"technical support team are investigatin"

Klug (11:36 AM) :

no news yet.

Klug (11:36 AM) :

I'll drop you a message as soon as I have news

ME (11:36 AM) :

oh, ok. Do you think they will fix the routing problems soon?

Klug (11:37 AM) :

routing problem (from their point of view) is fixed.

they consider the issue is by the ISP who do not want to changed their route to the backup one (because more expensive)

ME (11:38 AM) :

Oh, ok, thanks for the info.

Klug (11:39 AM) :


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