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1 more go at main :/

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For years the 3 main races had dominated Eternal-Lands, the elfs, wise and coragous in battle, dwarfs, dont let there size fool you, they are kind, jenorouse creatures but when in battle they are fierce warriors and the humans, strange creatures but charming, exallant swordsmen.

The elfs and the Dwarfs lived peacfully and together in Eternal-Lands, some of them hunted, others manufactored stuff, some harvested and mined but most were busy battling orcs and trolls in a desparate hope to rid the world of the evil creatures that roams some places in Eternal-Lands, however there were a group of people who, at every morning at 3:00 left there homes in tree town or white stone and walked to Vermor castle, east of tree town, its belived they work on Magic spells there, one worker, called Eljion seemed to be normal and was always smiling on his way to the castle.

On the night of the half full, the whole of Eternal-Lands was dark, except for lights shimering out vermor's windows, the suddenly with a flash of blinding light a tree in tree town started to burn, and the lights in vermor went out,

The next day the ashes of the tree were still smaldering and walking next to the tree was Eljion on his way to the castle and was pinning up posters, the posters read, "Next fall, a member of Vermor castle will test

a new spell to go to another reality, it will take place in isla prime so feel free to come and watch".

It was the next fall and people were gathering around the fire in isla prime and in the middle was Eljion, he gave a small wave and then picked up to essences out of his bag and placed them on the florr, he then took 4 sigils out of his bag and placed them in a circle around him, he then picked up to 2 essences, clanged them together and in a sparkle he was gone TO BE CONTINUD

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Continude All these creatures at isla prime to see the presentation would provide the perfect cover for a new test, for a new spell at Vermor, if this spell works, all the evil creatures in Eternal-Lands, the goblins, the skelitons and the rest would turn good, and help the comunity, but before trying anything on that large of a scale, the test would only be for Vermor and its gardens. but the test did not go as planned, and insted of turning everything to good, it turn everything in and around Vermor to evil.

All the staff and the owner of Vermor castle were turned to evil, fortunatly the spell wasnt strong enough to do the whold of vermor gardens but one thing was hit by the spell, the stone gargoyles outside and on the roof of Vermor, the spell wasnt that strong so at 0:30 hours the spell weres off, but at 3:30 it began again.

Meanwhile in isla prime a noise was comming from the camp fire and then Eljion appeard, but he was not alone, he had to people with him, one male and one female, they were human.

Over the years the humans had worked and helped out in Eternal-lands and had had a child, a son, they named him Tahajon, the first human born in EL and not the last, the human population had grown and grown over the years, and becasue of the spell at Vermor, the people of Eternal-Lands did no long call it Vermor, but called it Evil Castle.

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