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Everything posted by Domino

  1. Peace Day Poll

    This day could be useful if bombs would also not work and honestly i would prefer that. Maybe less often, but not quite as rare as Christmas Make it removable would just make it a bad day from every point of view
  2. Ranging Medallion

    I think it's a great idea
  3. efe...fire arrows

    Maybe increase the exp given to something like 50k. For this exp I would definitely spend one in schools during eng day.
  4. stivy bagjumps

    I lost stuff that way so... i'm sorry to hear it. It can happen.
  5. efe...fire arrows

    It's nothing bad with 80gc per FA, it's bad the cost for producing them yourself - like with other things in the game. And if i make one EFE myself i would rather sell it and buy FA with the gc, because i would get few times more arrows. And even to get engineering exp you have better options. So the point is that it's not encouraging you to mix them, just like with other items. But maybe adjusting the ings to make producing them profitable would provide more diversity to the game-play.
  6. I had to sell some creature food, i checked bots and LP was buying 2700 for 81gc each. So i made 3 trips selling 900 cf each time, but only after i finish i noticed LP dropped the price each time: [14:27:33] [PM from LightPresent: I am buying up to 2721 Creature food for 81.1 gc each.] [14:27:34] [PM from LightPresent: I owe you: 72990gc (/LightPresent #total to see the details)] [14:33:09] [PM from LightPresent: I am buying up to 1821 Creature food for 78 gc each.] [14:33:11] [PM from LightPresent: I owe you: 70200gc (/LightPresent #total to see the details)] [14:34:11] [PM from LightPresent: I am buying up to 921 Creature food for 75 gc each.] [14:34:13] [PM from LightPresent: I owe you: 67500gc (/LightPresent #total to see the details)] After that LP was buying for 60gc! So be careful when trading with this bot else you might notice only when it's too late that your hard work was underpayed. This is the screenshot : http://i60.tinypic.com/2r7os4o.png
  7. android app

    If you want better quality maps download this: http://www.eternal-lands.com/main.1.el.android.obb then place it in a dir called Android\obb\el.android (on your phone) The obb file is just a zip so you can create your own map pack with your own maps, just make sure you keep the zip structure.
  8. Android client

    Hi, I started to write a client for android. I thought it would be cool to play EL from my phone and to make my own client:). So far it can chat and eat/drink items. The next step is to make it able to harvest, so for this i need to make it walk on the map, harvest and use the storage. I need some help to implement the walking because i don't know how to get the data from the map files. So far i know that i have to implement the walking part on the client and that the map is an .elm file. What i have in mind is to make a matrix of 0 (can walk) and 1(can't walk) and run dijkstra on it. I know not all the maps are all flat and you can climb up and down, but I'll just block those paths for the sake of simplicity. Later on instead of 1 i might have id's of the items i can harvest, but I'll think more about that at the right time. So I'll be most grateful if someone can tell me the format of the .elm files or tell me what exactly i have to do:) Thank you.
  9. New stone: Stone of War

    Peace day may be unpopular among some players, but it's a very good day to finishing some quests and even explore new areas. And it's such a rare day that i don't think it's a big problem for those that are not interested in it. I would also have mines not working during this day so it can be truly peacefully.
  10. Guns.

    Sounds like a very good idea. You put some bombs at entrance in pk and take a gun to make sure you kill everyone. This way any noob can kill anyone. Seems fair to me.
  11. Happy New Year

    Happy new year!
  12. I think it would be more useful to have the blessing for a longer time, like one hour, and pay more, like 5000 gcs. So instead of +15 attack that decrease by 1 each minute you have +15 attack that stays the same for one hour - or decreases during one hour - and you pay 5k gc.
  13. New perk ideas

    Weightlifter Gives emu = 40 * might instead of 20 * might 10pp
  14. Beware when trading with LightPresent

    Just to clarify, i never complained i was scammed and never called anyone names. I did said the price change was subtle and worked just like scamming works but only to make a point about the transparency of the trade. I admit i was the sleepy head and Susje proceed in his interest without breaking any rule. But i think it's pretty obviously that Susje expected more trades from me and decided to exploit that. He didn't changed the price only after the first trade but after every trade with me, including after the last one, when he dropped the price to 60gc. There were 3 price changes in 7 minutes(2 of them in one minute) so i think the intention is obvious. It worked because i didn't expected something like that and i was too superficial to do any check regarding the price. I think warning everyone about this is the right think to do. I had zero incidents with Susje until now, so this can happen to almost everyone. Take care
  15. Client disconnect?

    Good suggestion, i've also been thinking that would be useful. Having to open two clients with different display options is annoying and sometimes i just need to log off(like when watching a movie). PS: disabling and enabling your internet connection also does the trick:D
  16. Beware when trading with LightPresent

    Yes, you set the price accordingly with what you need, but this time the change was pretty subtle. When the bot say "I am buying up to 2721 Creature food for 81.1 gc each." you actually expect that he pays 81.1gc for each cf, but that is not the case. You can sell 960 gf max in one trade and each trade the price is lower. It's this subtle change that i find unfair - and dangerous considering that the price went down 25% after 3 trades. Somebody who doesn't expect unnatural behavior won't notice the change - and that's how scamming works most of the time. The part with filling the bot i don't understand... you decide how much to buy/sell and for what price. If you buy all that you wanted than you should be happy. I really don't understand what is the problem if somebody sells you for a really cheap price and and you can resell for better. And when i checked the market the bots paying better were only buying like 50 cf.
  17. Robin Tell Day

    If the day will be open than i will invite Robin Tell to town I plan it for 12 November, the day that starts at about 9PM Romania time(UTC+02:00). UPDATE: [21:45:53] Today is a special day: Day of Mushrooms Today toadstools are quite a bit safer to eat. So i will postpone it for the weekend. Any preferred time?
  18. Latest Android client (14/10/2013)

    I will do some researching to see if it can be made to run under windows 8. But that's the most i can do.
  19. Hall of the Dead

    Same idea here, better buy the hydro bars from npc, instead of buying steel and iron bars and harvest the hydro. But I also think hydro harvesting generates a lot a trading between players. Some will mix the fe, some will harvest coal, some will mix the steel/iron bars, some will mix the swords and they all trade with each other. So if you only get gc from instances and buy hydro bars from NPCs you kill some of the market. I'm not sure what the impact would be, but doesn't look good to me. Maybe instead of pk maps we have maps with few dragons around.
  20. Latest Android client (14/10/2013)

    It's not hard, but on a small screen(my phone) right buttons collapse into each other and that's why it's disabled. Fixing that would require a new layout and I won't do that. But I could just leave it as it is and enable it.
  21. Demographic Study of Feros

    I got it after killing 20k of them.
  22. more exp for Haidir skunks

    Revi, finding those skunks is not easy at all and the experience relative to the strength of the monster doesn't matter at all. It just matter the exp. I had skunks 3 days in row and honestly that makes you want to swap it with rats. In fact if i get skunks i wish haidir would swap it with rats for free. Also i could add a couple of things: 1. haidir say "this should be easy" - and for me this is almost as time consuming as yetties 2. finding one skunk is a lot harder than finding the lion or the tiger because : a) both idaloran and irinveron contain large portions of water while ws is full land, both idaloran and irinveron are divided and you can search systematic without much of a chance for the creature to move from one side to another.
  23. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hello, i need 50k red currents for a total 75k gc. Thanks and Domino in game.
  24. Latest Android client (14/10/2013)

    I made a new build(not changing version tough). The old link doesn't work. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4dlzugiOm2Kam9XbTBLbVJCSVk/edit?usp=sharing There was an issue starting the app for some ppl. I was parsing a date - '08 June 2014' to be specific- using phone's default locale. Surprise: this fails if your device's language is not english(DUH!). So sorry for the inconvenience and i hope the new apk won't cause any more problems. Edit: changing the language was a trick to make the prev build work. You don't have to that for the new build.