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Everything posted by Dark_Nightmare

  1. Haunted House!

    Where do I pick up the iron axe? And my friend Argon will be picking it up, if that's ok with you. He's gonna buy it from me, and he's gave me the gc. EDIT: Edited for clarity
  2. your EL life story ^^

    Screw teh "Proffesor Atomos"... I was born in Bethel. At the age of 18, the undead horde that almost destroyed Irilion attacked Bethel. I assisted my people in fighting, but was to weak to continue the fight. I managed to hide, but was to weak to do much else. Then, a voice touched my mind. It told me news, lies, horrors, false truths, and things that will be. It was Mortos. He gave me incredible life on the verge of death. In return, I vowed my loyalty. He helped me get stronger and commit putrid acts. I was blinded with rage, feuled by the words of Mortos. I could not even remember my own name, origins, or family. I could not stop once I found out what part Mortos had to play in the Black's destruction, for my oath had binded me to his wishes. I managed to flea into some mountains, and there I found a concealed vault. I entered it, and found a black orb. I touched it, and power, wisdom, anger, peace, greed, love, happines, pain, strength and the knoledge of my people surged through me. My people's power freed me from Mortos, and enhanced my abylities. The Orb of the Eternals had set me free. But like Mortos' curses, there was a twist. I could not be caught in daylight, for if I was to have my bare skin exposed to daylight, I would burn into ashes. Then, a voice, a great voice of purity and light, touched me. It was the voice of the holy ones, the servants of the Great One that created the Gods, known as the The Overdiety, or Bane. They promised me that they will prevent the curse in return for eradicating the evils of EL. There, I made a vow. A vow that was never to be broken. The vow to protect the world from the demonic forces of the undead, and prevent what happened in history to repeat itself. There, I was given the name Shadowbane. Now, I spend my days roaming these Eternal Lands and protect the innocent. I look for clues to my past, for I cannot remember it, searching for the Eternals' for guidance. And where ever ther's a warlock, evil witch, were-wolf, vampire, or skeleton, I'll be there... DN
  3. magic weapons for sale again...

    A little more specific please, I don't understand exactly how this works.
  4. Damagedtmx and Benhe

    If he likes PK scamming, lets see how he likes being PKed and losing all his stuff... Anyways, they broke the rules, scammed a dude, they should return the stolen items or the money to buy the stolen items, or be punished.
  5. Email System, Pets, Minimizing Shortcut

    My horse, a Night Mare, or Nightmare.
  6. Is Irillion livable...

    Also, when you die and find your way out of C2's kewl underworld, you spawn at the Idaloran Cemetary.
  7. Unicorn

    Almost all know of the Unicorn. It has been wandering around White Stone fro aroung a month now, and whenever some one tries to attack, poison, harm, or in any way affect the Unicorn, nothing happens. How long will the Unicorn remain invincable? How will it affect you if they decide to give it special powers? What will it drop? How strong will it be?
  8. All OuT WAR!

    Thanks Lady!
  9. All OuT WAR!

    I'll be there if I can, I might be late or might not come at all, you've all dealt with school and homework. Anyways, what's the date? "26/" isn't a real month.
  10. Email System, Pets, Minimizing Shortcut

    I just want something pure black Anyways, we could get horses to ride. Only about the size of a chim, and you can mount. If you enter a building, you dismount. Most buildings will prevent you from mounting, except for a few like private houses and guild maps. When you go in a teleportal or enter a new outside map, you don't dismount. You can name your horse, or not, and you could use jousting weapons like lances and ram creatures/people. You can't do it on non-pk maps to players, though. You have to be at least 5 grid-squares away. Then, you charge and ram, and there's a 1/5 chance they'll hit you and do twice their normal damage, and a 1/20 chance of knocking you off your steed and engaging combat with you, and the jousting weapon becomes useless. The steed just wanders behind you or in a stable when you're not using it. The upside is it increases walking speed by either x1 (normal walking rate), x2, x3, and if your really in a need for speed, x4. It can do x1 and x2 for as long as you want, x3 for about 20 minutes before needing a rest, x4 for about 5min. There will be different animations for trotting, walking, galloping, and racing.
  11. Serpent Sword Mod

    (Meep.) Um, um..... well, kinda defeats purpose of serp, because serp = p-wnz all! The serp doesn't need a improvement. (Meep.) On the other hand, it would take a lot of venom and venom would be a uncommon-rare drop, it wears off after a while, and it has to fit into a skill like crafting or manu.
  12. Account of the Ocean Strider

    Don't want to be a pain in the rear, but Irilion is spelled with one "r".
  13. What other p2p races would you like in game?

    Shades, spectre-like, hooded, faces concealed in shadows, can be chosen weather you want face shadowed or not. Partially transparent, and dark colors. A little wraith-like, and the faces will be similar. I'm thinking up a cool story for me if they make guys like that
  14. The Ocean Strider's Voyage

    Is it to late to fit somewhere into the story?
  15. Email System, Pets, Minimizing Shortcut

    I'll just take a black panther, check please!
  16. Email System, Pets, Minimizing Shortcut

    Ok, he's just a bunny that glows green, has glow-in-the-dark perk, is light green, does radiation damage, and is named Nuke.
  17. Haunted House!

    What's an equivelant to an iron axe? :battleaxe: :battleaxe_rune: :axeman_rune:
  18. Email System, Pets, Minimizing Shortcut

    Green Radioactive Glowing Fluffy Bunny (GRGFB, and his name is Nuke, and he will be my Nuke, call me teh Gnome with teh Nuke)
  19. Medallions/Rings

    Yes, when making normal medallions you have a chance of making this, but you must have a EME in your invetory. That makes it all the more valuable, but it's not as good as a stars medallion because stars does damage regardless of defense, armor, etc., while there is such thing as radiation protection. On the other hand, it gives a use to EMEs.
  20. Medallions/Rings

    Atomos had been tampering with stuff in his secret laboratory. He was playing with a emerald medallion and was tampering with polonium, plutonium, uranium, and einsteinium. He had the ring in a pool of liquid nitrogen for storage, and took it out. He went wadling off and grabed the bars of radioactive elements. He had one to many items in his arms, and tripped. The ring and radioactive elements flew into a beam of energy flying from one conduit to another, and there was a burst of light. Atomos covered his eyes, and when the green flash subsided, he went to a small glowing object. "Eurika!" He had created the "glow in the dark perk" medallion, or nebula medallion, or nuclear medallion, etc. A green medallion, un-craftable, only about 1000gc, and it gives you perk.
  21. Market Prices are going down and down

    This is good for the consumers (buyers), and bad for the sellers.
  22. Isla Prima Newb suggestions

    The next generation has a better start than the last, and in the end, the youngin's will conquer the elders! We will have to hide in our guild maps, protected by our guard BOTs.
  23. Isla Prima Newb suggestions

    Other problem with moving Wraith: The Wraith Quest. And, to solve your n00b going back to the island problems, you can design a NPC that only allows you to go to IP if you have a overall under a certain level. Then, you can move the death spawn to somewhere more reasonable, like a graveyard. And for n00b helpers and MODs, they can poof there or have a special pass (not actuall item like white asiastic like flower) that allows the NPC to let them go there, and terminate the IP banner in Portals Room.
  24. Can you...

    If you have a character who you work on his levels, and decide you want him to be a BOT. Will the char's stats be reduced back to normal if you turn him BOT? Can you make him BOT?
  25. Looking for clan

    Note: Even non-PK guild members will attack a person if they annoy them or are just plain stupid. Example: Poison Enuis, one of Riva, a non-PK guild. Reaction: "Even though Riva's a non-PK guild, if you poison me I WILL kill you" Example: Run around at Lucky Punch Areana or KF. Reaction: Someone like Shivar or ChickenGeorge will P-own you.