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About SimAnt

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  1. Red Dragon at 100-120 invance

    The 100-120 instance kills a dragon with 5 (or less) man teams. This creature is 5 a/d more than a giant. It does not have mirror skin. It is pinnable on the wall, if it is not near, it can be lured. Many people in this instance range have already completed vanquisher quest, killing all 3 dragons. Staff of Protection works wonders, etc.
  2. Cannot Connect

    I Reconnected about after 10 minutes, lasted about 1 minute, there were other people on, Now disconnected again. Edit I was in invance, and the #ii said 0 monsters left.
  3. 80-100 instance

    When I went to the Instance NPC, I tried using the almost pr0 instance with the invance channels as my active channel while having no players around me. Welcome to channel 6080. Too few players, you only have 4 players and 5 are required You are on channel #6080, and there are currently 7 players on this channel. Your active channel is #6080. You left channel 6080. Welcome to channel 80100. Too few players, you only have 3 players and 5 are required You are on channel #80100, and there are currently 9 players on this channel. Your active channel is #80100. You left channel 80100. Welcome to channel 100120. Too few players, you only have 2 players and 5 are required You are on channel #100120, and there are currently 10 players on this channel. Your active channel is #100120.
  4. 80-100 Invance Team

    I would like to rally some troops for a 80-100 Invance on either August 13th or 14th for perhaps a GMT timezone (8 PM GMT + 1). If you are willing and able please post here, if you are limited by either day please post which is better for you so we can choose the best time to accommodate. PS: If you don't have a forum account to post, PM Me in game. Requests from in game 1. frutlup Next Attempt: August 14th, 8 PM GMT + 1
  5. Selling 1 Artificial Nexus Removal Stone Start price: 690k BIN: 750k Increase offers with 5k gc. Auction ends 2 weeks from this post. Well Sold, already ^.^ Go figure after i post.
  6. Spelling And Grammar Errors

    Around [338,258] Kusamura jungle, when you enter the cave it says "You entered the cave." when you leave it says "You exited the mine" Notice the word Cave, and mine, also there is a period missing after the word 'mine' or a extra one after 'cave'.
  7. Simant ACE

    I didn't go fake afk, my teacher called and I had to talk to her. And I did give the items back to xanter.
  8. All OuT WAR!

    I will join if needed/wanted to even up stuff... Im good at dieing
  9. Map bugs, version 1.1.2

    Irinveron [710,400] House, does not work. And the Igloo's on that map don't work yet.. Firepit [553,222] does not work yet. Dra Gri [597,125] Cave Dra Gri [642,147] caves Insides map of Dra Gri libary is labeled As outside map when i click compass. And um there is a missing message when i enter a secret on Dra Gri "glares around..." Edit: and apperently ravenod wasnt taught how to enter a bathroom...(bad tile maping at his house's outside toilet) And Idaloran flower shop needs some major hieght map work.. Bethel insides fruit and veggies are harvestable.
  10. Map bugs, version 1.1.2

    Sure "you" did.. cont2map18_caves.elm Trassian caves - Saret's Cave. [216, 213] Both of the Ladders go up, neither go down! And in the room after the frozen sewar's door is broken..
  11. Test server open, need testers

    Me thinks test server needs #test 1 #test 2 #test 3 #test 4 #test 5 again.. <_< Do I need to download any extra files added for testing?
  12. Test server open, need testers

    Ok, logged onto test server, i was at same spot from my last log off on main, then i log off on test, and log on main, and im in same spot, so... it is your first log that allows you to transfer stats? Hmm, what determines if I am an enlightened one...
  13. Server down?

    roleback :angry2: at least its up...
  14. Server down?

    *Prays for server* Ok, What happened? Wha... *needs game* -shivars-
  15. Server down?
