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Everything posted by Pyewacket

  1. Or, to lower costs without altering ingredients, simply make THESE potions have recyclable vials...vials are given back to the drinker after consumtion of an acc/eva potion will mean a lower pricetag since you get a bunch of vials to resell back to the potioner at some point. More than one way to view improving than simply "scrap it".
  2. GIWS invasions

    We've had the GIWS invasions for some considerable time now. Since not only do they not last long when fighters go and take the damn things out, but even if they didnt do that then the time limit usually wipes the GIWS invasion out within a small amount of time that can be considered only merely mildly interrupting routines for anyone not wanting to fight in it...I am personally of the opinion we should ask radu to increase the numbers of creatures spawned overall in them. Even if its only double the amount currently invading during a GIWS I still think our fighters wont have too tough a time of it, but what do you guys think? DO we need more monsters in the GIWS invasions? (Am not talking different TYPES here, just a basic increase of numbers in those that do get spawned) Reasons for suggesting this: #1 We've seen some major advancement in rankings and A/D of fighters since this first got introduced into the game so now we have better teams tackling invasions anyway, which make small stuff like this very easy to handle. Therefore the risk from GIWS seems negligible these days and less people think paying the GIWS maintenance is needed since the mobs dont last too long to be a major setback. #2 Seen some people barely get kitted up to fight when the announcement that It's All Over pops up and they have to remove their stuff again without even leaving storage (probably due to #1 above) so having 15 cyclops spawning just isnt enough... #3 Anything that potentially risks more rosto cant be that unwelcomed to certain parties. #4 Invasions on auto was always a good idea that we all seemed to support, but now they're slowly seeming to be a mere inconvenience to normal routine instead of something that SHOULD put the wind up players on the same map. Discuss?
  3. GIWS invasions

    Because I believe theres room for discussion on this, hence general chat. Opinions in general are needed so the powers that be can see if there's enough to sway things one way or another ..or even (as is sometimes the case on this section when tangents are posted) a new approach to GIWS entirely is needed. I can hardly get away with posting GIWS invasions in suggestions since it's already ingame, this is just to see if people think its ok as it is or not.
  4. New special day, will you use it?

    I would have used it if i hadnt reset already and now got teh emu of a newborn mouse. one day though, eventually...
  5. Cammo cape/Night Visor

    Having searched suggestions related to camo capes, this one is about the only one worth adding something else on as a possible twist to using the camo capes. During todays "find piper" contest, it became apparent that mini maps make it faaaar too easy to spot a hidden player hosting a contest, so me and piper chatted and he came up with the idea that perhaps the camo cape should hide a player on the mini map? This would be useful not only in contests like the one tonight, but also a useful tactic to the PK crowd too. The only alternative, as far as contests are concerned, would be if the person hiding did so as a "mule"...not exactly ideal unless they have enough creature food handy for the duration of the contest, but even then they could not trade items over to people who find them and win!
  6. no headgear...

    I have also noticed Crowns of life are not showing up lately when worn by myself or other player, Brendal has noticed this as well. We both use windows vista. I had it working before just fine, up until about 3 updates ago now (approximately), then suddenly stopped seeing them on people (although it took a while to notice due to the fact i wasnt looking for them being missing, if you catch my drift). I will also try a full uninstall/reinstall sometime and get back to you if it works.
  7. You are talking as people can read and follow simple rules. The reality is that they can't. When I made the depletable resources poll, I had a line with bold text, asking people not to reply within 30 minutes, but 4 people did so (which I banned). If they can't follow a simple rule like that, how do you expect they can leave their opinions at the door? you mean like:- for instance? *edit: in case anyone is wondering what the point of this post was..compare the suggestions section rules to 95% of the actual posts that get put up on there...hell there's even one that totally ignores rule 2 above atm on the first page..and that's why this was posted. We can't be trusted, sadly.
  8. Is taking death bags considered "dispute'ish"?

    Why have some people voted (and posted the vote as) NO but theyre actually meaning YES in their explanatory posts? I believe the votes might need scrapping since it appears theres a conflict there, where the voters have picked the wrong option to represent their actual options upon finding a DB. It appears they try their best to return them but are saying its not the right thing to do as a community...? um..oh well I vote YES fully. ACE guild has long had a DB returns policy, we try to give back what we find if humanly possible. Even to red tags, providing its outside PK maps. After a 12 minute wait on the bag tho, our members are allowed to keep the contents since that is assumed the maximum length of time required to return to the scene by a player AND also the time it takes for the bag to pfft naturally (so the person who lost it woulda lost it for good anyway). As Ateh said though, this used to be a standard view of the community as I knew it a whiles back..things has changed a lot over the years it seems, and more people have graced the game with a different view to how they choose to play. I just hope it aint one of those ones that ever finds my DB sometime. (not saying EL never had bag takers back then, it was just frowned on more so seemed to be less public - or an outlaw post was made that kinda kept the frequency in check, so it seemed at the time)
  9. My only concern here is that players are dictating EL development at ALL...as a game thats a good thing..as a business I believe its an incredibly dangerous thing to allow. And that's where we're hitting snags, because, as nice as it is for Radu to take on opinions regarding how players feel about game implementation, he's also allowing us inadvertantly to block his business development as he would wish it to be done. There MUST come a point where the needs of EL as a business exceeds the opinions of long term players. Old customers should never be allowed to block business expansion and development. We dont have that right. We only have the right to express our opinions, not insist that theyre acted on.
  10. How about instead of 20 very intelligent people, top 5 active people in each skill? For example. a level 100 crafter will know better if change X will hurt crafters more than a level 73 crafter or someone intelligent but doesn't do crafting. This way you protect all skills. I'd have to disagree with having skill-based criteria for choosing who would hold sway on a vote system in this manner, simply because it falls into personal and not arbitrary decision making. You would not be getting unbiased opinions simply because something that "might" be good for the game as a whole may just be detrimental to a single skill to some greater or lesser degree and therefore get voted down. It's the same as taking personal opinions on voting as it is currently...but instead of "omfg this will ruin the game (for me)" it will then become "omfg this will ruin the game (for my skillset)". Other than that I'd be happy to hear precisely which names korrode has in mind and how we all go about agreeing if theyre the RIGHT names....
  11. Depletable Resources Poll

    I think we should forget teh poll and go to that other plan....500k gc to get this implemented and see who pays up for it. If not enough pay the price then it dont get added, saves all teh ball ache. Mind you, I concede it's probably an idea not to have prior collection funds from the previous implementation funds added to this one simply because there was some disagreements..start this one at zero and let old funds carry to the next one instead.
  12. Depletable resources and multiplaying

    I think that the question of multiplaying can't be taken out of the context of the question of depletable resources. If resources are depleted from a common pool and multiplaying is legal, you are competing for access to resources to be able to level your skill of choice. High level tailors, for example, would be using up lots of coal and red roses to level making dyes, making those resources scarce for beginning players trying to make a couple of fire essence or iron bars. Could they not do what people do now, and buy from market? with extra and "legal" alts all harvesting away merrily around EL, even with depletable resources, there'd be just as much chance to buy what you need, no? I havent seen anything from Radu to suggest there's going to be such a drastic drop in available resources that it would cease all market trading, if we ever DID get this idea implemented, despite peoples fears that this would be the case. We aren't liable to see things get THAT bad, it just isnt logical for Radu to allow it to do so, from a game balance perspective.
  13. Depletable Resources Poll

    Keynesian Economics???? ROFLMAO. That's the funniest thing I ever heard recently. No, I would NEVER, EVER take advice from someone who believes in that crap. I'd rather go the South Park way and divinate using animals that to follow that pseudo economic crap. Obviously you don't know what Keynesian economics is. For the uninitiated, it is a moderate macroeconomic theory that favors neither supply side or consumer side economic and fiscal policy. It is balanced and favors equilibrium, as opposed to creating either traditional capitalist or marxist imbalances. It is ideal for an economy like EL. It is not something to ROFLMAO about. That kind of reply is like saying "i686 code????? ROFLMAO." Maybe the animals at ip...nevermind. I'm uninitiated..fancy words there that to me mean keep the whole thing stagnant? Balanced equilibrium would surely negate the need for change on any level, since it is inherently against the equilibrium itself to introduce such change...hardly ideal for EL if thats the case...nothing new would be added for fear that the risks of doing so would upset the status quo. No wait...thats already happening isnt it? Ironic. shame we couldnt get a go ahead for multi-account-forums playing, i'd vote 10k yes's just for teh love of chaos.
  14. Depletable resources and multiplaying

    Enly mentioned the point about multiplaying and selling to NPC there..tbh am thinking there will be less selling stuff off simply because of people worrying their mains will hit a shortage at some point, so its likely that there will be less of a pile of GC sinks from NPC sales (EG: flower selling etc)...quite simply if someone has spare harvestables after all this comes into effect they're much more likely to get far better prices on market than from NPC sales. Has the "possible" effects on less gc leaving the game via NPC sinks been considered on this idea?
  15. Depletable resources and multiplaying

    Because this is an entirely new way of doing things and we have yet no idea exactly how much effect on a persons harvesting overall will occur...is there a danger it will render the Mule Glyphs useless? or at least less used than presently, simply because most times "might" require a teleportation spell to get to and from a resource that a player has discovered is *ripe*? (This is assuming the best spots to go to will soon become those further from storages, if a player wants to ensure a full loadout). I just wanted to ask to ensure we're not throwing away another ingame peice of development here (mule glyphs).
  16. Buying and selling some stuff

    30k bid for firesword book
  17. As far as I am aware, the one and only reason we cannot currently repair dragon items of any type atm is simply because there's too many of those and/or scales in the game at present, and Radu wanted to keep them from being repairable simply to ensure theres a reduction in them in storages. Once the amount of scales/armours drops low enough, I have little doubt Radu will consider allowing them to be repairable...though I'd expect he will take measures to ensure we cant flood the market with scales again. (probably already done enough by making sure dragons dont feature in invasions too often anymore, but dont be surprised if he also makes it harder to get them from normal dragon spawns also).
  18. Whilst this seems a good idea, it might be that there is no way to deactivate it for "some" harvesting and not all, so dont be surprised if its NOT possible. I know it's currently impossible to turn off mini events completely for one specific harvestable item (such as hydro), so I wouldnt be surprised if doing this would also prove unfeasible as well.
  19. A newb PM list

    I agree with you here Asgnny, but wonder if having a visible and clickable list of player/mentor names which auto add /player-mentor<name> to a new players screen would compliment channel 1? I wouldnt want to detract from ch1 usage, just think that having the option to see and click to ask a question would make it easier on new people. Then its just a case of ensuring Mentors encourage the player(s) to then start using Channel One for questions and help. Its just a case of helping them over that first hurdle and getting them to interact with the best possible ease of use for a player, after that they can be brainwashed like teh rest of us \o/
  20. A newb PM list

    I like the basic idea of having viewable "mentors online" available ingame..something akin to a buddylist approach that could be located under the inventory quickslots with names of players on the Mentor scheme popping on or off as they come online/offline so theres always a name there a new player can pm (by clicking the name). Different colour schemes on the name can show if that mentor-player is available or afk. Is this possible?
  21. Sadly quests are very restricted in MMO's as I have previously mentioned in this thread. Only so many variations on game mechanices can be used as gimmicks before they start to look "samey". Personally, I'd love to see a quest spark off an auto invasion, or perhaps teleport the player to a solo instance, but again, we will have to see what the quest programmer can do with the tools given. The storyline side and what the quests are meant to acheive already has a backlog of work for the future. Just keep your eyes peeled for when it happens.
  22. Cornucopia Perk

    Cornucopia Perk: Removes all chance to find a rostogol stone during harvesting but double chances for all other "good" events. Now...this can either be a positive perk, in which "all other good events" do not include the new mini harvest events and can cost X pp and gc, or, my preference, a negative perk in which case the benefit should be around 5 pp bonus, given that this is going to double even the mini harvest events. Most likely to be used by those who GENUINELY support the mini harvest events and find they arent bothered by frequent stops since theyre fixated to the monitor 24/7 anyway. It can also be expanded to include removal stones on either side depending on costs/benefits of PP invested/gained. EDIT: To ensure no further misunderstandings and claims this is an attempt for more free PP, this perk could and SHOULD be balanced by having a "cannot be used in conjunction with X perk" where X perk can be made into the most popular neg-perk of choice by non-harvesting players. Sorted.
  23. Cornucopia Perk

    A good and worthwhile arguement Asgnny, with which I completely agree, however nothing in this suggestion would lead to "hassle free harvesting" as no mention is made of removing the mini harvest events. In fact, there is the suggestion to DOUBLE them. And not only doubling the mini events, but also the normal GOOD ones, which in effect slows the harvesters even more.
  24. EL trailer script

    For impact value on each scene showing the skills, I think a panning out shot would be the most effective, as if zooming out from close-up. All the way up to the "or anything in between" where you reverse it and pan in for a close-up instead to show off the player and their high end gear in a full 360 spin. Having an official custom EL-logo cloak on at that point would add to the drool value too. Not sure however that the hydro cave thing regarding collecting rare resources is more impact value or attention grabbing than a flash set of 1 second images showing stills of a player in various out of the way locations, such as the Imbroglio Mazes, Tarsengaard Magic school rooms that have the most detail like the Laboratory area, and a variety of other carefully chosen locations, with the "or perhaps gather some rare resources" being replaced with "or perhaps explore the many unique locations that make our....Eternal Lands!" Oh...and there should certainly have at least one epic shot of a God on the prowl in there somewhere. Well thats my thoughts anyway. Edit: btw, I can see it in my head, but sadly have not a clue how to use video capture or editing warez so couldnt even begin to do this stuff, sadly.
  25. Mini Harvest events medallion

    I knew a solution must exist that covered the points/problems or would be thought up at some point, one which would promote shop sales as well as make as many people happy as possible, I just figured it was a matter of time before someone thought it up. So I tried encouraging it a little by setting the challenge. If however it doesnt make people happy or wouldnt improve shop sales, then I guess theres still no winner