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About Creedka

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  • Birthday March 21

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  1. AUCTION Steel Greaves of Ubber Defense

    Starting price of 950k met by Ben EDIT: and sold to Ben. Enjoy!
  2. Posting for Avalanche - a friend who doesn't have a forum account yet. As the topic says, Avalanche wants to auction his Steel Greaves of Ubber Defense (stats: http://el-wiki.net/Steel_Greaves_of_Ubber_Defense ) Starting price: 950K Minimal increments: 10K Auction ends: next Wednesday (June, 4 @10pm UTC+2) Please bid either by contacting him (Avalanche) or leaving a message here. Thanks.
  3. Global Quest FAQ

    I am trying to make a special potion. I need 10000 Gypsum of which I have 10000, 1200 Amber and I have 868, 50 Mixture of Power of which I already have 50, and finally, 25 Orange of which I already have 0.
  4. Sortable Storage

    This idea sounds lovely... So many places to withdraw items from when you mix atm!
  5. I usually call it statistics or RNG.
  6. Artificial Removal Auction

    Anonymous bidder A: bidding 1.100.000 Auction finished, stone sold for 1.100.000. Enjoy!
  7. Artificial Removal Auction

    Starting price: 999k (highest bot price atm) Increments: 10k BiN: 1,300,000 Auction ends on Monday, March, 17th@ 8pm GMT. I reserve the right to not sell to people I dislike. EDIT: oh yes, forgot to say bids in game or in here. Please don't use a bot to bid.
  8. 400.000 (No Typo) - Fire Essence - Auction

    As I understand it, you bid per batch of 100k, but the price is risen by 0.05gc per each FE in that batch. So the person who wants to outbid the starting price, has to offer 505k. pretty complicated stuff we've got here!
  9. very old players

    Who are you?!
  10. Polska - Poland

    Czy podczas logowania sie wyskakuje Ci duzy czerwony komunikat zaczynajacy sie od "This IP has been banned", lub cos innego w ten desen? Jesli tak, to stalo sie to co Spidi mowi - Twoje neostradowe IP zostalo zbanowane. Bardz czesto sie to zdarza z dwoch powodow: Nasi Krajanie czesto lamia zasady gry i dostaja IP bana. 2. zakresy IP w Polsce sa jakie jakie sa (duze, a w dodatku zmienne), wiec chcac-nie chcac wiekszosc z nas prawych graczy musi wczesniej czy pozniej postarac sie o dodanie swojej postaci do tzw. whitelist. Bedziesz mogl sie wtedy logowac nawet ze zbanowanego IP. No chyba ze to Ty narozrabiales, a wtedy to juz inna bajka i wyjdzie w nastepnym kroku. Jak sie dostac na whitelist? Trzeba napisac wiadomosc prywatna na forum do Aislinn proszac o dodanie do takowej. Latwe, proste i przyjemne. Jesli o czyms zapomnialam, to tu powinno byc: http://forum.el-pl.org/viewtopic.php?p=16754#p16754 Jesli faktycznie to Ty cos narozrabiales, to Aislinn na pewno o tym powiadomi. Mam nadzieje, ze to "tylko" taki problem i ze wkrotce odwiedzisz Wieczne Krainy^^ PS. Zalecam cierpliwosc w oczekiwaniu na odpowiedz od administratora. Jesli nie odpowie w przeciagu 24h to nadal czekaj. Gdyby przez kilka dni nie bylo odzewu, pisz tutaj. Powodzenia.
  11. Polska - Poland

    Nie obrazaj Dacii... a juz na pewno Dacii Sandero a tak na powaznie, zla gre wlaczyles jesli miales takie plany. A jeszcze dodam ostatnio czytana recenzje, z ktora sie w 100% zgadzam: http://massively.joystiq.com/2010/06/05/rise-and-shiny-recap-eternal-lands/
  12. SyTy, Luring

    Just letting you know that the guy left PL because he did not agree with our anti-brod rules and is now roaming round EL trying to find naive (low-leveled) people to "train" with him. Do not trust him. He's got absolutely no honour.
  13. Post Your Own Waffles

    There. A healthy option^^
  14. Post Your Own Waffles

    lololol! go Nancy, EAT THEM ALL! EDIT: should say *there
  15. Polska - Poland

    yada yada, temat powrocil z niekonczacych sie czelusci forum^^