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Everything posted by Patriot

  1. pw lost

    You'll have to make a new account and PM radu. Believe he requires $5 for password resets And yes, he will require some sort of proof that it is your char. On the other hand, unless you had a really nice sto, or char holds some sentimental value to you, looking at the stats you might be better of making a new one anyways :[
  2. Making a Truly Widespread C2 Invasion

    Yes, this would be awesome
  3. Hall of the Dead

    Funniest day in my EL history is attacking a MILF that had been invaded on the hydro route. Stivy had gotten it to one of the non-pk forts, and I attacked it. When it got to about 10k health points he started running low on ings, so he brough his alt uzb to remote heal him. at about 2k health he either ran out of stuff or forgot how to heal on stivy char and died, and I ended up finishing the kill and getting the drop. Was really hilarious, should have streamed :<
  4. Crowd Etiquette

    interesting point, I've had similar frustrations as well but it's not that hard to work around it. Still some consideration could be taken
  5. Perhaps its fun for the people killing the pvp'ers. They need entertainment too, you know
  6. I'm sure most are referring to a certain person in YARR that targets people at DPA. There's an easy solution to not being killed by that person. Very simple really. But alas, it alludes the shallow minds. And btw..check out the stats of the char that sits at DPA..not even near 150s..
  7. Bring back the fun

    The invasions this week hosted by Wizzy have been a blast, was unable to attend the melinis one due to RL priorities, but the C2 portals one was lots of fun. Nice to have 4500 mobs that arent all super strong, but have small stuff mixed in Yesterday had a few locations with hidden mobs in them. Not a huge number, but enough to have some fun hunting and even a little pk action Thanks for taking the time Wizzy! much appreciated
  8. Bring back the fun

    Invasions every night? Regular portals invasions? Mods calling players names? wtf man
  9. Bring back the fun

    Untrue radu, I recently offered to help in this area only to be turned down. Many people offer ideas, suggestions, plus their own time to change things for the better, often to only to have what they say fall to deaf ears :/ Talon
  10. Bring back the fun

    Very well thought out and said Finja. Think many players would agree along these same lines. EL has basically just gotten mundane and boring. Would be very nice to see some of her ideas put into action. New styles of invasions sound awesome I've personally volunteered to help make fun for people only to be turned down, which was frustrating, but I'm sure there's plenty of players with the capability and desire to bring about more fun that could be given some sort of position as mentioned. Lets make EL fun again
  11. Why the Invance Change?

    Fair point really, theres plenty of players in this range. I have an alt in that range as well, and while not super ambitious to lvl it I go when asked or if needed. Only real advantage I could see to combining them would just make it easier to have a team for both parts of the world combining the 100120 and 120145 might make a bit more sense, but Ive never done the 100120 so hard to say for sure
  12. idk I can stay logged in (and afk) for days without gruing.
  13. Thats my Bag

    ok so you realize if you attack someone, they will and can attack back. So your harvester with 100 a/d or whatever, attacks the "ebul" bag jumper who is equipt to fight and you die, and they get the bag anyway. Which, while it would be hilarious, defeats the purpose of defending your bag.. There are plenty of ways to protect a bag you have down. If you're muling you can use true sight. Dont harvest in popular areas, umm dont drop a huge bag etc. Also, while I claim no part in YARR's "harrassment" towards K&M nor condone it, they have offered you a peaceful solution to their bag jumping and killing of your guildies. Just something to consider. But bags are bags, you step off someone else might step on. End of story
  14. Why the Invance Change?

    How about just roll invances back to how they were, that way we can actually have a chance of running 2-day so the ebul americans who have to work can get 1-2 a week. and bring back the defense XP in those as well as well as instances. Pretty lame not getting def xp from fighting monsters because 2-3 people were abusing it. Just restrict those players from invance and let the rest of us have some fun.
  15. Multi-cap, Multi-map invasions

    Would be nice to see more moderated invasions. And I tire of the question on channel 6 asking for invaders and then re-asked 40 mins later and then ending up with an invasion of an entirely different cap or no invasion at all, when there was a large team. Part of this has been solved by creating chars in each cap range, but that isnt an effective option for most players. and I entirely agree with Evan, if you make the invasions enjoyable for EVERYONE, instead of the people who have completely negged out or bought tons of pp, will result in more people dropping a rosto here and there instead of me orick and rabbitman dropping them all Part of which I think has been proven by using Irsis as opposed to Bethel in more recent invasions. Which have been fun
  16. Pr0 instance race

    We gotz this
  17. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    please indicate who will be receiving the orders - talon or patriot? Talon
  18. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Talon 40k turqoise (200kgc)
  19. Rabbitman's Weekly Improvement Ideas for EL

    I personally would love to see added monsters. All the current boss mobs are easy and require very little effort. Adding monsters that actually require teamwork and include lower lvl players would make things much more fun. This is a game, after all. It shouldn't be stressful or boring. Having a fun boss to look forward to after clearing a bethel or skf (or wherever) invasion would be awesome.
  20. equip an item (any item i.e. cape/sword whatever) and you wont have this issue again unless you're actually over loaded/sto slots full etc Still it is a bug, but that's a "fix"
  21. Rabbitman's Weekly Improvement Ideas for EL

    Would be fun to have a use for these fancy swords other than just looking cool. Good idea
  22. Peaceful harver in KF

    Id go, just Sunday morning really really bad time for me sorry
  23. Nexus removal from NPC

    Still do wtf for the chance of a "free" or cheaper at least removal..
  24. Nexus removal from NPC

    amazing idea really! not to mention even after getting all 48's there's many nice perks already to choose from, as well as getting rid of any pesky negs And its not like 50 hydro bars for the nexus are simple/cheap to come by..so we arent gonna have 200 capped chars over night btw current market price for nexus removals is 1.5 mil~ which is insane
  25. New break quest

    Its true, I only own 2.. And its fairly difficult to get brodded these days