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Everything posted by Sir_Odie

  1. Changes to client

    For me -1/+1 works great under WinXP, too :=)) This is independent from the position of the items window (for me)... ty for the patch, bluap Edit: Seems there is a small bug in the code to load the new options: I can't load negative values, after re-login the '-1' becomes a '0'. The el.ini contains the correct value '-1'
  2. Changes to client

    Hi, for me it's the same what Roja said: The text is in the upper right corner of the buttons... My client runs in a window at 1274x997 (according to error_log.txt)
  3. Ranging Lock

    An option similar to 'sit lock' would be great...
  4. Make the lottery work better

    really good idea