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About robur

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  1. Depletable Resources Poll

    Please stop crying before you even know how it would work... Where did you get the idea that a flower resource will have a cap of 300 harvests Entropy stated that there are SEVERAL ways how to adjust it. Btw. i voted YES. my opinion stands firm.
  2. Depletable Resources Poll

    NO NO NO NO NO NO THIS IS A COMPLETE AND TOTAL LUNACY I am a mixer with alchemy 60 and harvesting 58. I mix supplys for fighers PKers etc every day. Buy bones to mix. I proccess 10k+ worth of stuff weekly. Where am I gonna get it all if it becomes depletable? IF it becomes depletable with amount of ings needed here I just run back to Voyage Century and never come here again. At last in VC resources are depletable, yes. They restore fully every 30 minutes. BUT Here you need very little to make stuff. Market is not like ours. Market based on other things like drawings, tereasures and the like and it is not going aiwol from depletable resources. And most importantly stuff do not break like here. If resources get depletable here first prices for every flower and piece of ore rocket. The price of finished goods rocket even higher. Example creature food. It needs insane amount of all sorts of things. Crops, berriers, shrooms, flowers, weeds and so on. 15 or so different types of harvestables 200 each to make 60 foods to feed a mule. It costs 60gc eacg or so. If it gets limited it will fly so high it won't be worth making or buying. FE used by thousands every day. Sulphur runs out-what do we do? Nothing. We go fighting instead HE Mana runs out. Woops can't make new because quortz ran out and all blue lupine bushes are empty. On top of that people might start breaking rules. Like sitting around resources so you have to teleport to range over them. I had it alreay personal expirience. But it is fine now imagine what happens with resources being depletetable. It is fine enought with mini events. But not with depletables. On this game this will not work. On VC it works because ig i don't wanr to harvest all day for cash I can earn money other ways. Here only 2 other ways. Fighting and buying from Learner with is not really earning but an exchange of RL money into vurtual game money. Of course first you have to earn real life money to buy gold coins in game and not many especially kids can do that. Fighting then. But killinmg gargs won't get you any where. And not many can kill arctic chim. So I voted NO.