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Everything posted by LabRat
Hiya I have a new server and have cleared with Entropy to be the main mirror for the players online page. Players online full page (updated once every 30 seconds): http://elmirror.labby.co.uk/online_players.htm please note that currently this page is only suitable for javascript enabled browsers as it just sends a small javascript file and a list of bots and players online and lets your computer reconstruct the page. Players online text page (updated once every 30 seconds): http://elmirror.labby.co.uk/online_players.txt Bots online text page (updated once every 10 minutes): http://elmirror.labby.co.uk/online_bots.txt PK Server Players online full page (updated once every 10 minutes): http://elmirror.labby.co.uk/online_pk.htm PK Server Players online text page (updated once every 10 minutes): http://elmirror.labby.co.uk/online_players_pk.txt PK Server Bots online text page (updated once every 10 minutes): http://elmirror.labby.co.uk/online_bots_pk.txt The text files are ' ' (0x20, space) separated ready to be split. Please update your sources and bookmarks The pages can be grabbed every 30 seconds. Any donations towards the upkeep of the server are welcome (I even look kindly on gc!)
Q Can I be a mule? A Yes. Q How do I become a mule? A You need to use a "Mule Glyph". Q Can I become a mule and then stand by an NPC so the NPC looks like it is having a ride on me? A No. Press F5 ingame and read rule 17. You are blocking a resource. Q Where do I get a "Mule Glyph"? A You can manufacture them, or buy them from other players on the market channel. Q I bought a "Mule Glyph" and used it, but I turned back human after 30 seconds. A A mule glyph only lasts 30 seconds. Q How can I stay a mule for longer? A You need to have "Creature Food" in your inventory. Q Where do I get "Creature Food"? A You can manufacture them, or buy them from other players on the market channel. Q How does "Creature Food" work? A For each "Creature Food" you have in your inventory you stay as a mule for a further 30 seconds. Q What can a mule do? A A mule gives you a temporary increase in your EMU. Q How much of an EMU increase does being a mule give you? A To start with, +10% of your normal EMU at level 0, each level you gain increases that by a further 10%, up to 130% extra EMU at level 12. Q What can't a mule do? A Most things - trade with other players, harvest, get XP from fighting, cast spells etc. Q How do I gain a level? A You must be a mule for 800 "Creature Foods" per level. Q 800 "Creature Foods"?! Isn't that expensive? A It depends on your point of view. Personally I would happily pay to be able to increase my carry capacity. Q I was carrying a full load as a mule when I ran out of "Creature Food" and I can't move. Help! A You need to deposit or drop some items until your carry is at or below your normal EMU level. Q Can I shapeshift into any other animal? A Not at this moment in time, in future there are several different creatures planned. Q Can we have Donkey Rides? A ... Q My Mule keeps eating stuff from the floor A Yup, just keeping the grass/carpet/sand/snow/lava down. Q Can 2 mules (or a mule and the unicorn) make baby mules/municorns? A No. Sicko. Q How can I tell my mule's level? A Use the "eye" icon on yourself, "You see yourname. You are level # shapeshfting for the current creature!" # shows your current level. Q How can I change back from a mule to a normal player? A The slow way: wait until you have no potions left. The fast way: Use the Use (Finger) icon on yourself. Q Can you change maps? A Yes. Q Can you use storage? A Yes. Q Can you use NPCs? A Yes. Q Do I need to be a mule for 800 food constantly or can I do it a little at a time? A You can do it either way. Q Where can I get the "Creature Food" book? A Frukas sells the Creature Food book for 20k gc, it has 20k pages. Q Where can I get the "Mule Glyph" book? A Nahark sells the Mule Glyph book for 20k gc, it has 20k pages. Q What are the ingredients and requirements for "Mule Glyph"? A Note this recipe makes 40 "Mule Glyphs" at a time. Items needed: 1 Enriched Life Essence 1 Mixture of Power 40 Mule Skins Knowledge needed: Mule Glyph Required Nexuses: Animal: 5 Recommended Skills: Summoning: 48 Experience given: Summoning exp: 4200 Food subtracted: 30 Q What are the ingredients and requirements for "Creature food"? A Items needed: 1 Empty Vial 1 Refined Vegetal Mixture 15 Raw Meats Items required to have: Mortar & Pestle Knowledge needed: Creature food Required Nexuses: Vegetal: 5 Recommended Skills: Potion: 64 Experience given: Potion exp: 450 Food subtracted: 35 Q Can mules sit down? A No. Q I shapeshifted into a mule while I was sat down and now I can't move. Help! A Options window, Controls tab, disable Sit Lock. This is a known bug. Q Where can I buy Mule Skins? A Henrik in Tirnwood sells Mule Skins for 18gc each. Q I was a mule but reverted to trade with someone. I get the message "Can't trade, you or the other guy has a higher carrying capacity than normal." Help! A You are overloaded and cannot trade. Deposit or drop some items until you are at your normal EMU. Q Can I drop items into bags and retrieve them? A Yes. Q I see different coloured mules walking around. Can you explain why? A There are a number of mule colours, each colour means you have attained a certain mule level. Q Can I teleport? A If you use a ring or the portals room then yes. However you cannot use spells. Q On Day of fasting can I still consume mule food? A Yes. Q I have unanswered questions. Can I PM you? A Yes, but I probably won't answer you directly, I will more likely update this FAQ so everyone benefits. Stage 1 - levels 0-3 Stage 2 - levels 4-7 Stage 3 - levels 8+
As the title says, due to a problem (I am not exactly sure what, I think everything was in my ~ by the look of it) I am having to reconstruct all the websites and bots etc. I found out about the issue 8 hours ago and since then I have been on a recovery mission. The databases for the bots are fine, it is only the bot code and frontend that has been lost, which are recoverable. Unfortunately I am away this weekend (prior commitment I cannot get out of) so I will have to leave it mid-recovery and get back to it either late Sunday night or Monday morning. I apologise to anyone that this has caused issues with.
http://www.getdeb.net is a site that compiles software into debian linux compatible .deb packages and maintains them through new releases. For Eternal Lands this would mean that the client would have a build for various versions of linux with a constantly updated release client. No more cryptic scripts, just a simple click on a link or "apt-get install Eternal-Lands" once getdeb is set up. I requested getdeb do this quite a while back, in the last few minutes action has been taken to get the ball rolling. See you all soon I hope Regards Greg/Labby
I have a lot more than 4 million gold coins on my bots, there is almost 5 million (4.9 million and change) on Agneum alone, not counting my other bots. I am working away (by away I mean away and staying away, not commuting) 4 days a week, and trying to fit a life into the remaining 3 days. You try it sometime. Thank you for being patient, I know it has been trying for you all. The money and items on every bot is safe, if you need to feel free to log onto your bot and verify it. Find a new host if you can't wait for me, I will sort out refunds upon my return. I am not going anywhere, I am just not here at the moment.
One of the side effects of being the official players online mirror provider is that I have a constant record of players online. I put this to good use and began tracking player names and the time they have spent ingame. The page is at http://elimages.labby.co.uk/lastseen.php and can be used directly or by placing ?name=playername at the end eg http://elimages.labby.co.uk/lastseen.php?name=labrat which will go straight to that page. The page is very basic at the moment as there is no real need to prettify up what is basically a quick reference page. Enjoy the page and please don't complain brag to me when you realise just how much time you have lost enjoyed playing this great game! The records have not been going for long so some retired players will not be listed (unless they come to visit). I hope someone finds it useful. I also hope nobody cites it as a reason for divorce.
Sorry for the lack of replies on my part. I have been following the thread (it emails me on new posts) and reading the PMs sent to me. I cannot get the bot code I have working with the database I have - they are too far out of sync to reverse the database into workable and stable code. I will arrange to pay those that I owe gc to all their owed gc back and a percentage extra by way of apology.
The databases are fine, all trade logs are intact.
thanks It is a lot of work but luckily it is only going to take a short time.
Update: I have moved everything I can off the server onto my home computer and am now (slowly) reconstructing everything. I wish I knew what happened but the simple fact is that I went to bed and it was fine, woke up and it wasn't. The last thing I did was auto upgrade wordpress and went to bed, got up to a fine impression of a wiped partition. Going away this weekend didn't help any, believe me it was the last thing I wanted to do. I spent all monday and most of this morning downloading everything I could off my server - I have approximately 80gb of gzipped stuff to sort through, I need to configure all my sites from scratch in apache, set up a DNS server, set up mysql, set up webmin, recreate the databases, install mono (.net for linux), recover and successfully compile the bot source, then finally I can activate the bots. This is but a small part of the massive list I have to do to get my server operational again, sorry I haven't found the time to keep you better informed. Be glad you're not here right now, I am being evil to anyone around me as I am under just a slight amount of pressure. If you don't hear from me for a while I apologise in advance, it is because I am busy doing stuff I consider more important than writing TPS reports at the moment.
Has the forum stopped sending email on forum PM? I have had several forum PMs recently but have not received an email notification of any of them. Yes I am regularly on the forum - daily at least once, often 3 or more times a day.
That's got it Thanks bluap
I have deleted every single PM in my messages, maybe that will be enough to kick it. I have checked my email bin, spam etc but still see no emails :/
Did you check your PM email options are OK? I've sent you a test PM BTW. That was the first thing I checked, and I just checked it again. It is set.
From http://thevistaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=11523 Long story short, you are running Vista 64 bit.
Or, Mr. Gates, one of your fleet of cleaners turned your monitor upside down.
A couple of the books in books/inmsh_*.xml are incorrectly named as inmsh_*..xml (double .) Feel free to move the post if it's in the wrong place
44 guilds, and about 200 individual players.
Is it possible to find out when exactly Tired_Iron's renewal payment is due?Thank you. I have been hosting Tired_Iron on my server 111950 Gold Coins 2054 0 0 LabRat 2008-05-24 23:19:01 donate for almost 12 months, so unless Toban has paid this year's $20 recently the fee is due now. Taken from the bot management page "Fee of $100 paid, next due 19 June 2009"You misunderstood me Toban, I am referring to the actual bot fee, not the hosting fee. The bot was definitely live on the date I stated, and possibly earlier.
I have added a couple of features to the item window: Get All: Same as Get All on bag window but the bag does not need to be opened. Store All: Store every item in your normal (not equipped) inventory window with one click. Storage window does not need to be opened [edit]if you have opened it previously[/edit] Known issues: Get All depending on your connection speed the button may require 2 clicks. Store all used when you are not at storage will return the "You cannot access the storage from here!" message (once per occupied slot).
Is it possible to find out when exactly Tired_Iron's renewal payment is due?Thank you. I have been hosting Tired_Iron on my server 111950 Gold Coins 2054 0 0 LabRat 2008-05-24 23:19:01 donate for almost 12 months, so unless Toban has paid this year's $20 recently the fee is due now.
Hiya sis picks @ 30 per can you feed them to Agneum as and when she needs some, ask someone in #gm for the 6k from her MIssing you all
Sorry for the delay, I've been sans internet in a god forsaken hole called Newcastle* for a week. I will get myself switched on and mod the code so it does as you request. *well actually I was in a place called Blackhall Rocks in Durham but it's still too close to the in-laws for my liking. It was fun to be there when the local football teams got thrashed however.
most of the ppl who don't like it, have never even tried to understand it's ways :>And it could therefore be used for nefarious purposes if the host is not familiar with the code and just runs it. What about PHP? PHP is close enough to C to not make much of a difference and has the added benefit of being network ready pretty much out of the box. I did try Perl for a while but I found it very conducive to WTF based headaches.
Methinks you need to speak to Learner again g0d, he is already working on it.