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Everything posted by SmurF

  1. Selling "few" items

    I'll buy all of the coal at 2.5 each. PM me in-game.
  2. Magic removal stone

  3. Magic removal stone

  4. KF Clash #4

  5. Selling some stuff

    39 Harv med 15.1k CF 10k Raw Meat 3.5k Wolf 600 Polar bear 50k Swamp Candle 5 EFEs 2 EWE Phys removal 320 Antidote 14.5k Sapphs 1 Conj cloak
  6. Invance Helping and Gear Poll

    If you can't afford an iron set and a CoL/RDHoLaM it might not be the best idea for you to be going anyway. Also I believe the minimum armor for the 100-120 and 120+ should at least be steel or titanium.
  7. Selling some stuff

    PM me in-game 3.5 each for the sapphs
  8. Selling some stuff

    7 each
  9. NFL Pool - 5th Year!

    Might as well defend my title.
  10. God Please save PK - Summoning Only

    Couldn't have said it any better myself. Pretty much any well leveled summoner sense the days of Blodoks should hardly be considered a summoner as they typically just sit in the gypsum mine and manufacture summoning stones.
  11. Eternal Lands PK Event

    I suppose.
  12. The Richest Contest of 2012

    Might as well.
  13. Sto sale

    Energy essence - 11each