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About Torbenj

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  1. ^v^ is recruiting!

    You would be guessing wrong ^v^ is its own guild seperate to \A/. Just funny how all the people who sed to PK from ^v^ have gone to \A/. Meh nevermind, dosn't bother me. Mayby ^v^ tag was altered to \A/, so the original owners of vikings could have their tag back
  2. Dragon pwnage

    Did one to with the help of 3 summoned Giants, Mangrass n Eagleprince:
  3. raa banned

    Whitediablo and Raa are husband n wife, so naturally they are on the same IP. They both havent been playing for a while, so they where not knowing that traiding/bagtrading on same IP are not alowed.
  4. Very strange death in KF

    Dont think so, i pm'd him and he checked his log. He could not find my deathmessage. Ofcourse i was pretty focused on getting NostaLG, so cant say im 100% sure
  5. Very strange death in KF

    Thyralax was atleast half a screen away from me, when this happened, so this cant be the explanation
  6. Very strange death in KF

    I dont know if this is a bug, but a very strange thing happened to me during a contest in KF today. I was chasing NostaLG, but he died before i reached him. All of a sudden i died n respawned in hell with full health n didn't loose my rostogol. Thyralax was moderating the contest, so my first thourght was, that he was messing with me. I pm'd Thyralax, but he couldent explane what happened:
  7. Dansker?

    Vi er nogen stykker. Nogen af os spiller faktisk en del
  8. NMT game

    ~3.5k fluffys 1 nmt
  9. Shop Prices?

    Played a game,where we had something simular to rostogols, but thiese had a lifetime of 3 drops. Think it would be a good ideer for EL. Mayby if you pk a guy with rostogol, you get a "used rostogol", witch will disappear, when u get pk'd
  10. Mining job in the weekend

    sr for dobbelpost couldn't see my previous post...
  11. Mining job in the weekend

    ok if u can wait till next weekend, havent got time during the weekdays due to rl work
  12. Mining job in the weekend

    Done the 20 hydrogenium ores. Pm me in game charname Torbenj
  13. Mining job in the weekend

    Im a little out of monye atm, so im villing to do some mining for you:) I can mine anything including the new ores. prices: Iron 2.5 gc a pc min 1k max 5k Sulpher, Silver, Coal, Crystals 2 gc a pc min 1k max 10k Rubys, Emeralds, Sapphires, Diamonts : 3gc a pc min 1k max 3k Wolframite: You provide the swords : 50gc a pc min 20 max ? I provide the swords: 800gc a pc min 20 max 50 Hydrogenium ore: You provide the swords 100gc a pc min 20 max 100 I provide the swords 1000gc a pc min 20 max 50 I only got time to do things like this in the weekend, thus i only take 2 orders at first. Orderstatus: Beorn: 20 hydrogenium ores - done 2 slots free
  14. What is your political compass score?

    economic left/right: -6.00 Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.87
  15. RC2, please help us test

    Wiew stats window is pulled so mutch to the right, that i only see first letters. I tryed to mouse it back to visibility, but can only move it vertical. Ok was just told this is an old bug allready discussed so forget about it