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Everything posted by Dushan

  1. Very sad news, regarding Learner

    Wow Even though I stopped playing EL long time ago I still come to forums once every year or so and this really comes as a shock. I remember Learner from when I started the game almost 20 years ago in 2004. He was always such a helpful and smart guy. This brings a lot of memories Even after all this time, when I think about this game, Learner is one of the names that pop up in my mind. Rest in Peace Learner!
  2. Remove PP buying

    Yea, but only if I had like max good astro and take attack blessing (that's +22 att lvls altogether) and use bronze sword ... We had a ff once, both with bronze swords, he was doing more than twice restores than me, it was close fight, but due to him having over 200 mana, I had to diss
  3. Remove PP buying

    He can't do much damage since the p/c are capped. I had to use degraded tit short because of his 48 vit and have really good astro
  4. Remove PP buying

    Here, I bolded this part for you in case you missed it Keyword being minimal, where as in pp buying that's not the case
  5. Remove PP buying

    Not playing EL anymore but I had to comment on this thread I totally agree with everything what conavar said here: +1 on removing PP buying P.S. - hc, you need better arguments on this topic, the ones i read aren't convincing enough
  6. Channel 6 "Evil" discussion

    I don't know what's going on and what kind of discussion was on ch 6, but I still voted for teletubbies
  7. Sell Unused Items

    I'll take the wormwood
  8. NMT Perk vs. NMT Cape

    nmt perk is for n00bs
  9. Gatherer Medallion

    You do realize that the person that did the most to the creature gets the bag? If someone comes when creature has low hp and attacks it, he won't get anything
  10. Bunting Arrows

    Last time when anthony and me killed MB, we got 117k gc and red dragon helm of life and mana, I think that's attractive enough But sometimes you can get even less than 1k gc, which sucks, maybe the minimum drop should be increased Anyway - I like the idea of Bunting Arrows, but 5 seconds are a bit too long I think
  11. EL 'trailer' movie needed (with contest)

    Nah I helped him with the dragon
  12. Storage!

    I'll take the beaver furs
  13. I was also perkless until I sold char 2 years ago (was 144 oa back then), and I pk'd and was at total war with PKG good ol' times
  14. 100k toads for sale

    Post here or pm me in game
  15. 100k toads for sale

    Price for toads is 170k now Also selling 70k wormwood for 115k gc
  16. Auctioning: Orc Slayer of Mana Nullification

    I think the auction ended at 21:52 GMT +1 ... meaning wa's offer was last
  17. Yes because no att exp to go with the def exp. Myself I get the same amount of att exp as def exp training, if I PvP that cuts out a lot of exp per hour at the benifit of a little higher def exp. Well, you obviously don't know how to pvp
  18. less exp per hour? rofl Edit - pvping atm with augs, got 600k oa exp and made 13 restores, yes thats so expensive
  19. Auctioning: Orc Slayer of Mana Nullification

    By setting the starting price, you would sell osomn for any price above 200k gc, correct? My bid - 250k
  20. Mini Harv Events

    I don't even bother going to hulda any more
  21. Mini Harv Events

    Sqwurl wants to get both good exp and good gc while doing yeti
  22. chill kad, he's just trying to tell you that he is against getting good gc while getting good exp at the same time, if he doesn't agree with you no need to tell him to stay out of the topic
  23. rofl, you can't compare things like that, potion is much slower to lvl than a/d, 80s pot will get you to top 50 for potion, and top 50 for a/d is 130 a/d
  24. Whats your Favourite song at the Moment?

    Hmm I like 'em ^^